This repository is used to benchmark Spark performance on Kubernetes.
We highly recommend you to use our provided images like seedjeffwan/spark:v2.4.5-examples
or seedjeffwan/spark:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-examples
because it has some critital performance improvements which are not in the 2.4.5 distribution yet. Features like tmpfs
and hostPath
volume for spark scratch space are not avalable in v2.4.5.
If you want to use our image, you can skip building image section and jump to Install Spark-Operator directly.
use Scala 2.12, it includes hadoop-aws-3.1.0.jar
and aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.11.271.jar
for S3A FileSystem.
In the benchmark, we use s3 to host TPC-DS dataset and also export query output to S3. Please make sure you attach
policy in your EKS node group role.
This project uses sbt to compile scale codes, please install sbt here
There're two ways to get Spark codes, either from prebuilt Apache Spark for fixed Apache Hadoop version or build your own Spark.
- Export your dockerhub username
export DOCKERHUB_USERNAME=<your_dockerhub_username>
- Build Spark Base Image from prebuilt Apache Spark
Go to Spark Downloads page and download latest version, in this case, we download spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
and unzip the file. This binary uses scala 2.11 and we will use 2.11 for all other applications.
Run following command to build your Spark image.
cd spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.7
./bin/ -r $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME -t v2.4.5 build
You will get images like $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark:v2.4.5
, $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark-py:v2.4.5
and $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark-r:v2.4.5
- Add
Based on the the Hadoop version pre-built into Spark, you need to use right version of hadoop-aws
and aws-java-sdk-bundle
. Using 2.7.6 as an example,
cd ${project_location}/docker/hadoop-aws-2.7.6/
docker build -t $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark:v2.4.5-s3 --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark:v2.4.5 .
This will give you your_username/spark:v2.4.5-s3
with AWS S3 SDK libraries.
If you would like to build your own spark, you can use profile -Phadoop-3.1
or -Phadoop-2.7
. Just remember to choose right hadoop-aws
and aws-java-sdk-bundle
Once you build your own Spark, create a distribution and all rest steps is exact same as above steps.
Check appendix A for more details to build Apache Spark from source.
Latest version in maven central repo is 0.3.2 which is too old, we need to build a new libary from source. This library spark-sql-perf_2.11-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
has been added as a dependency in benchmark/libs
if you want to skip it.
git clone
cd spark-sql-perf
sbt +package
cp target/scala-2.11/spark-sql-perf_2.11-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <your-code-path>/eks-spark-benchmark/benchmark/libs
$ sbt assembly
IMAGE_TAG=v0.1-$(date +'%Y%m%d')
docker build -t $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark-benchmark:$IMAGE_TAG .
If you like to build based on a different spark base image.
docker build -t $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark-benchmark:$IMAGE_TAG --build-arg SPARK_BASE_IMAGE=$DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark:v2.4.5-s3 .
You can push image to dockerhub and then use image $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/spark-benchmark:$IMAGE_TAG
to replace image seedjeffwan/spark:v2.4.5-examples
in the examples.
Note: If you build Spark source using Scala 2.12, please copy
and update scale version in benchmark projectbuild.sbt
. Make sure you use scala-2.12 in all the application to match your Spark Scala version.
We highly recommend you use spark-operator to manage spark applications. Please check installation guidance to install spark-operator.
To setup helm,
# Create tiller Service Account
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --filename -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: tiller
namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: tiller
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: tiller
namespace: kube-system
# Init Helm with tiller
helm init --service-account tiller
Here's an example to use seedjeffwan/spark-operator:v2.4.5
as your spark operator image.
helm install incubator/sparkoperator --namespace spark-operator --set enableWebhook=true --set sparkJobNamespace=default --set operatorImageName=seedjeffwan/spark-operator --set operatorVersion=v2.4.5
Create Spark service account
kubectl create serviceaccount spark
kubectl create clusterrolebinding spark-role --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=default:spark --namespace=default
You can use service account spark
in your driver pod.
kubectl apply -f examples/tpcds-data-generation.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/tpcds-benchmark.yaml
Note: We use 1G dataset in the yaml examples, if you'd like to change to 100G or 1T, don't forget to change data num partitions as well. Executors resources can be changed correspondingly.
To create a Spark distribution like those distributed by the Spark Downloads page, and that is laid out so as to be runnable, use ./dev/
in the project root directory. It can be configured with Maven profile settings and so on like the direct Maven build. Example:
./dev/ --name custom-spark --pip --r --tgz -Psparkr -Phadoop-3.1 -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -Pmesos -Pyarn -Pkubernetes
This will build Spark distribution along with Python pip and R packages. For more information on usage, run ./dev/ --help