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Sample Applications for the AWS IoT Device SDK for Java v2

MQTT5 Samples

MQTT5 is the recommended MQTT Client. It has many benefits over MQTT311 outlined in the MQTT5 User Guide

MQTT311 Samples

Other Samples


Note that all samples will show their options by passing in --help. For example:

mvn compile exec:java -pl samples/BasicPubSub -Dexec.mainClass=pubsub.PubSub -Dexec.args='--help'

Additionally, you can enable logging in all samples. To enable logging in the samples, you will need to set the following system properties when running the samples:

-Daws.crt.log.filename=<path and filename>
  • aws.crt.debugnative: Whether to debug native (C/C++) code. Can be either true or false.
  • aws.crt.log.destination: Where the logs are outputted to. Can be File, Stdout or Stderr. Defaults to Stderr.
  • aws.crt.log.level: The level of logging shown. Can be Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal, or None. Defaults to Warn.
  • aws.crt.log.filename: The path to save the log file. Only needed if aws.crt.log.destination is set to File.

For example, to run PubSub with logging you could use the following:

mvn compile exec:java -pl samples/Mqtt5/PubSub -Daws.crt.debugnative=true -Daws.crt.log.level=Debug -Daws.crt.log.destionation=Stdout -Dexec.mainClass=pubsub.PubSub -Dexec.args='--endpoint <endpoint> --cert <path to cert> --key <path to key> --ca_file <path to ca file>'

Running Samples with latest SDK release

If you want to run a sample using the latest release of the SDK, instead of compiled from source, you need to use the latest-release profile. For example:

mvn -P latest-release compile exec:java -pl samples/Mqtt5/PubSub -Dexec.mainClass=mqtt5.pubsub.PubSub -Dexec.args='--endpoint <endpoint> --cert <path to certificate> --key <path to private key> --ca_file <path to root CA>'

This will run the sample using the latest released version of the SDK rather than the version compiled from source. If you are wanting to try the samples without first compiling the SDK, then make sure to add -P latest-release and to have Maven download the Java V2 SDK. This works for all samples in the Java V2 SDK.