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This document describes the detailed usage of damo. This doesn't cover all details of damo but only major features. This document may not complete and up to date sometimes. Please don't hesitate at asking questions and improvement of this document via GitHub issues or mails.



You should first ensure your system is running on a kernel built with at least CONFIG_DAMON, CONFIG_DAMON_VADDR, CONFIG_DAMON_PADDR, and CONFIG_DAMON_SYSFS. Depending on the kernel version, you may need to enable CONFIG_DAMON_DBGFS instead of CONFIG_DAMON_SYSFS.

Sysfs or Debugfs

Because damo is using the sysfs or debugfs interface of DAMON, you should ensure at least one of those is mounted. Note that DAMON debugfs interface is deprecated. Please use sysfs. If you depend on DAMON debugfs interface and cannot use sysfs interface, report your usecase to the community.


damo uses perf[1] for recording DAMON's access monitoring results. Please ensure your system is having it if you will need to do record DAMON's monitoring results. If you will not do the recording, you don't need to install perf on your system, though.


Basic Concepts of DAMON

damo is a user space tool for DAMON. Hence, for advanced and optimized use of damo rather than simple "Getting Started" tutorial, you should first understand the concepts of DAMON. There are a number of links to resources including DAMON introduction talks and publications at the project site. The official design document is recommended among those, since we will try to keep it up to date always, and appropriate for DAMON users.


You can install damo via the official Python packages system, PyPi:

$ sudo pip3 install damo

Or, you can use your distribution's package manager if available. Refer to below repology data to show the packaging status of damo for each distribution.

Packaging status

If none of above options work for you, you can simply download the source code and use damo file at the root of the source tree. Optionally, you could add the path to the source code directory to your $PATH.


damo provides a subcommands-based interface. You can show the list of the available commands and brief description of those via damo --help. The major commands can be categorized as below:

  • For controlling DAMON (monitoring and monitoring-based system optimization)
    • start, tune, and stop are included
  • For snapshot and visualization of DAMON's monitoring results and running status
    • show, and status are included
  • For recording the access monitoring results and utilizing the records
    • record, report and replay are included
  • For more convenient use of damo
    • version and fmt_json are included

Every subcommand also provides --help option, which shows the basic usage of it. Below sections introduce more details about the major subcommands.

Note that some of the subcommands that not described in this document would be in experimental stage, or not assumed to be used in major use cases. Those could be deprecated and removed without any notice and grace periods.

DAMON Control (Access Monitoring and Monitoring-based System Optimization)

The main purposes of damo is operating DAMON, as the name says (DAMO: Data Access Monitor Operator). In other words, damo is for helping control of DAMON and retrieval/interpretation of the results.

damo start

damo start starts DAMON as users request. Specifically, users can specify how and to what address spaces DAMON should do monitor accesses, and what access monitoring-based system optimization to do. The request can be made via several command line options of the command. You can get the full list of the options via damo start --help.

The command exits immediately after starting DAMON as requested. It exits with exit value 0 if it successfully started DAMON. Otherwise, the exit value will be non-zero.

Simple Target Argument

The command receives one positional argument called deducible target. It could be used for specifying monitoring target, or full DAMON parameters. The command will try to deduce the type of the argument value and use it.

With the argument, users can specify the monitoring target with 1) the command for execution of the monitoring target process, 2) pid of running target process, or 3) the special keyword, paddr, if you want to monitor the system's physical memory address space.

Below example shows a command target usage:

# damo start "sleep 5"

The command will execute sleep 5 by itself and start monitoring the data access patterns of the process.

Note that the command requires root permission, and hence executes the monitoring target command as a root. This means that the user could execute arbitrary commands with root permission. Hence, sysadmins should allow only trusted users to use damo.

Below example shows a pid target usage:

# sleep 5 &
# damo start $(pidof sleep)

Finally, below example shows the use of the special keyword, paddr:

# damo start paddr

In this case, the monitoring target regions defaults to the largest 'System RAM' region specified in /proc/iomem file. Note that the initial monitoring target region is maintained rather than dynamically updated like the virtual memory address spaces monitoring case.

Users can specify full DAMON parameters at once. Refer to "Full DAMON Parameters Update" section below for the detail of the concept, and "damo fmt_json" section below for the format of the input.

Partial DAMON Parameters Update

The command line options basically support specification of partial DAMON parameters such as monitoring intervals and DAMOS action. With a good understanding of DAMON's core concepts, understanding what each of such options mean with their brief description on the help message wouldn't be that difficult.

Note that these command line options support only single kdamond, single DAMON context, and single monitoring target case at the moment. Users can make requests without such limitation using full DAMON parameters input. Refer to 'Full DAMON Parameters Update' section below for the detail.

Partial DAMOS Parameters Update

Command line options having prefix of --damos_ are for DAMON-based operation schemes. Those options are allowed to be specified multiple times for requesting multiple schemes. For example, below shows how you can start DAMON with two DAMOS schemes, one for proactive LRU-prioritization of hot pages and the other one for proactive LRU-deprioritization of cold pages.

# damo start \
    --damos_action lru_prio --damos_access_rate 50% max --damos_age 5s max \
    --damos_action lru_deprio --damos_access_rate 0% 0% --damos_age 5s max

This command will ask DAMON to find memory regions that showing >=50% access rate for >=5 seconds and prioritize the pages of the regions on the Linux kernel's LRU lists, while finding memory regions that not accessed for >=5 seconds and deprioritizes the pages of the regions from the LRU lists.

Full DAMON Parameters Update

As mentioned above, the partial DAMON parameters update command line options support only single kdamond and single DAMON context. That should be enough for many use cases, but for system-wide dynamic DAMON usages, that could be restrictive. Also, specifying each parameter that different from their default values could be not convenient. Users may want to specify full parameters at once in such cases. For such users, the command supports --kdamonds option. It receives a specification of kdamonds that would contains all DAMON parameters in json or yaml format. Either a string of the format, or a path to a file containing the string can be passed to the option. Then, damo starts DAMON with the specification.

For the full DAMON parameters input format, please refer to damo fmt_json documentation below, or simply try the command. The --kdamonds option keyword can also simply omitted because the full DAMON parameters input can used as is for the deducible target (refer to "Simple Target Argument" section above).

Note that multiple DAMON contexts per kdamond is not supported as of 2023-09-12, though.

Full DAMOS Parameters Update

The Partial DAMOS parameters update options support multiple schemes as abovely mentioned. However, it could be still too manual in some cases and users may want to provide all inputs at once. For such cases, --schemes option receives a json-format specification of DAMOS schemes. The format is same to schemes part of the --kdamonds input.

You could get some example json format input for --schemes option from any .json files in damon-tests repo.

damo tune

damo tune updates the DAMON parameters while DAMON is running. It provides the set of command line options that same to that of damo start. Note that users should provide the full request specification to this command. If only a partial parameters are specified via the command line options of this command, unspecified parameters of running DAMON will be updated to their default values.

The command exits immediately after updating DAMON parameters as requested. It exits with exit value 0 if the update succeeded. Otherwise, the exit value will be non-zero.

damo stop

damo stop stops the running DAMON.

The command exits immediately after stopping DAMON. It exits with exit value 0 if it successfully terminated DAMON. Otherwise, the exit value will be non-zero.

Snapshot and Visualization of DAMON Monitoring Results and Running Status

damo show

damo show takes a snapshot of running DAMON's monitoring results and show it.

For example:

# damo start
# damo show
0   addr [4.000 GiB   , 16.245 GiB ) (12.245 GiB ) access 0 %   age 7 m 32.100 s
1   addr [16.245 GiB  , 28.529 GiB ) (12.284 GiB ) access 0 %   age 12 m 40.500 s
2   addr [28.529 GiB  , 40.800 GiB ) (12.271 GiB ) access 0 %   age 15 m 10.100 s
3   addr [40.800 GiB  , 52.866 GiB ) (12.066 GiB ) access 0 %   age 15 m 58.600 s
4   addr [52.866 GiB  , 65.121 GiB ) (12.255 GiB ) access 0 %   age 16 m 15.900 s
5   addr [65.121 GiB  , 77.312 GiB ) (12.191 GiB ) access 0 %   age 16 m 22.400 s
6   addr [77.312 GiB  , 89.537 GiB ) (12.225 GiB ) access 0 %   age 16 m 24.200 s
7   addr [89.537 GiB  , 101.824 GiB) (12.287 GiB ) access 0 %   age 16 m 25 s
8   addr [101.824 GiB , 126.938 GiB) (25.114 GiB ) access 0 %   age 16 m 25.300 s
total size: 122.938 GiB

DAMON Monitoring Results Structure

The biggest unit of the monitoring result is called 'record'. Each record contains monitoring results snapshot that retrieved for each kdamond/context/target combination. Hence, the number of records that damo show will show depends on how many kdamond/context/target combination exists.

Each record contains multiple snapshots of the monitoring results that retrieved for each aggregation interval. For damo show, therefore, each record will contain only one single snapshot.

Each snapshot contains regions information. Each region information contains the monitoring results for the region including the start and end addresses of the memory region, nr_accesses, and age. The number of regions per snapshot would depend on the min_nr_regions and max_nr_regions DAMON parameters, and actual data access pattern of the monitoring target address space.

damo's way of showing DAMON Monitoring Results

damo show shows the information in an enclosed hierarchical way like below:

<record 0 head>
    <snapshot 0 head>
        <region 0 information>
    <snapshot 0 tail>
 <record 0 tail>

That is, information of record and snapshot can be shown twice, once at the beginning (before showing it's internal data), and once at the end. Meanwhile, the information of regions can be shown only once since it is the lowest level that not encloses anything. By default, record and snapshot head/tail are skipped if there is only one record and one snapshot. That's why above damo show example output shows only regions information.

Customization of The Output

Users can customize what information to be shown in which way for the each position using --format_{record,snapshot,region}[_{head,tail}] option. Each of the option receives a string for the template. The template can have any words and special format keywords for each position. For example, <start address>, <end address>, <access rate>, or <age> keywords are available for --foramt_region option's value. The template can also have arbitrary strings. The newline character (\n) is also supported. Each of the keywords for each position and their brief description can be shown via --ls_{record,snapshot,region}_format_keywords option. Actually, damo show also internally uses the customization feature with its default templates.

For example:

# damo start
# damo show --format_region "region that starts from <start address> and ends at <end address> was having <access rate> access rate for <age>."
region that starts from 4.000 GiB    and ends at 16.251 GiB  was having 0 %   access rate for 40.700 s.
region that starts from 16.251 GiB   and ends at 126.938 GiB was having 0 %   access rate for 47.300 s.
total size: 122.938 GiB

Region Visualization via Boxes

For region information customization, a special keyword called <box> is provided. It represents each region's access pattern with its shape and color. By default it represents each region's relative age, access rate (nr_accesses), and size with its length, color, and height, respectively. That is, damo show --format_region "<box>" shows visualization of the access pattern, by showing location of each region in Y-axis, the hotness with color of each box, and how long the hotness has continued in X-axis. Showing only the first column of the output would be somewhat similar to an access heatmap of the target address space.

For convenient use of it with a default format, damo show provides --region_box option. Output of the command with the option would help users better to understand.

Users can further customize the box using damo show options that having --region_box_ prefix. For example, users can set what access information to be represented by the length, color, and height, and whether the values should be represented in logscale or linearscale.

Sorting and Filtering Regions Based on Access Pattern

By default, damo show shows all regions that sorted by their start address. Different users would have different interest to regions having specific access pattern. Someone would be interested in hot and small regions, while some others are interested in cold and big regions.

For such cases, users can make it to sort regions with specific access pattern values as keys including access_rate, age, and size via --sort_regions_by option. --sort_regions_dsc option can be used to do desscending order sorting.

Further, users can make damo show to show only regions of specific access pattern and address ranges using options including --sz_region, --access_rate, --age, and --address. Note that the filtering could reduce DAMON's overhead, and therefore recommended to be used if you don't need full results and your system is sensitive to any resource waste.

Sorting Regions Based on Hotness

Note: This is an experimental feature at the moment. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

Users can sort the regions based on hotness of the regions by providing 'temperature' as the sort key (--sort_regions_by).

The hotness is calculated as weighted sum of the access pattern values (size, access_rate, and age). If access_rate is zero, the hotness becomes the weighted sum multiplies -1. By default, the weights for the three values are 0, 100, and 100, respectively. Users can set custom weights using --temperature_weights option.

For example:

$ sudo damo show --style simple-boxes --sort_regions_by temperature
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000| size 36.488 MiB  access rate 0 %   age 42.300 s
 |000000000000000000000000000000000000000| size 4.000 KiB   access rate 0 %   age 42 s
 |000000000000000000000000000000000000000| size 18.367 MiB  access rate 0 %   age 32.800 s
  |00000000000000000000000000000000000000| size 11.234 MiB  access rate 0 %   age 21.300 s
   |0000000000000000000000000000000000000| size 18.219 MiB  access rate 0 %   age 14.300 s
    |000000000000000000000000000000000000| size 17.859 MiB  access rate 0 %   age 7.400 s
                                       |3| size 8.000 KiB   access rate 35 %  age 0 ns
          |555555555555555555555555555555| size 8.000 KiB   access rate 65 %  age 500 ms
       |999999999999999999999999999999999| size 9.535 MiB   access rate 100 % age 2.300 s

damo status

damo status shows the status of DAMON. It shows every kdamond with the parameters that applied to it, running status (on or off), and DAMOS schemes status including their statistics and detailed applied regions information.

Note that users can use --json to represent the status in a json format. And the json format output can again be used for --kdamonds or the positional option of some DAMON control commands including damo start and damo tune.

The command exits immediately after showing the current status. It exits with exit value 0 if it successfully retrieved and shown the status of DAMON. Otherwise, the exit value will be non-zero.

For recording the access monitoring results and visualizing those

damo show shows only a snapshot. Since it contains the age of each region, it can be useful enough for online profiling or debugging. For detailed offline profiling or debugging, though, recording every changing monitoring results and analyzing the record could be more helpful. In this case, the record would same to that for damo show, but simply contains multiple snapshots.

damo record (Recording Data Access Pattern)

damo record records the data access pattern of target workloads in a file (./ by default). The path to the file can be set with --out option. The command requires root permission. The output file will be owned by root and have 600 permission by default, so only root can read it. Users can change the permission via --output_permission option.

Other than the two options, damo record receives command line options that same to those for damo start and damo tune. If DAMON is already running, users can simply record the monitoring results of the running DAMON by providing no DAMON parameter options. For example, below will start DAMON for physical address space monitoring, record the monitoring results, and save the records in file.

# damo start
# damo record

Or, users can ask damo record to start DAMON by themselves, together with the monitoring target command, like below:

# damo record "sleep 5"

or, for already running process, like below:

# damo record $(pidof my_workload)

Recording Profile Information

Note: This feature is an experimental one. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

damo record commands records record profiling information of the system together with the access pattern. Internally, it runs perf record while damo record is running, and store the perf output as a file of name same to the access pattern record file (specified by --out option of damo record) except having .profile suffix. Hence, is the default name of the profile information.

Because the profile information record file is simply perf record output, users can further analyze the profile information using perf or any perf record output compatible tools.

Recording Memory Footprints

Note: This is an experimental feature at the moment. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

damo record command records memory usage information of the record target processes and the system together with the access pattern. Internally, it parses /proc/meminfo and /proc/<pid>/statm files for the monitoring target processes, and save the results as a json file of the name same to the access pattern record file (specified by --out option of damo record) except having .mem_footprint suffix. Hence, is the default name of the profile information.

Users could use the files for vaious purpose. For an example, users could find when how much memory is allocated by the process and really accessed, by comparing the recorded residential set size and DAMON-based working set size. damo report footprints and damo report wss could be used for the purpose.

Recording Memory Mappings

Note: This is an experimental feature at the moment. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

damo record command records virtual memory mapping information of the record target processes. Internally, it parses /proc/<pid>/maps files of the monitoring target processes, and save the results as a json file of the name same to the access pattern record file (specified by --out option of damo record) except having .vmas suffix. Hence, is the default name of the memory mapping information.

Recording CPU Usages

Note: This is an experimental feature at the moment. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

damo record command records CPU usages of monitoring target processes and kdamonds by default. The record data is saved as a json file of the name same to the access pattern record file (specified by --out option of damo record) except having .proc_stats suffix. Hence, is the default name of the CPU usage information.

damo report (Visualizing Recorded Data Access Pattern)

damo report reads a data access pattern record file (if not explicitly specified using -i option, reads ./ file by default) and generates human-readable reports. Users can specify what type of report they want using a sub-subcommand to damo report. raw, heats, and wss report types are supported.


raw sub-subcommand directly transforms the binary record into a human-readable text. For example:

$ damo report raw
base_time_absolute: 8 m 59.809 s

monitoring_start:                0 ns
monitoring_end:            104.599 ms
monitoring_duration:       104.599 ms
target_id: 18446623438842320000
nr_regions: 3
563ebaa00000-563ebc99e000(  31.617 MiB):        1
7f938d7e1000-7f938ddfc000(   6.105 MiB):        0
7fff66b0a000-7fff66bb2000( 672.000 KiB):        0

monitoring_start:          104.599 ms
monitoring_end:            208.590 ms
monitoring_duration:       103.991 ms
target_id: 18446623438842320000
nr_regions: 4
563ebaa00000-563ebc99e000(  31.617 MiB):        1
7f938d7e1000-7f938d9b5000(   1.828 MiB):        0
7f938d9b5000-7f938ddfc000(   4.277 MiB):        0
7fff66b0a000-7fff66bb2000( 672.000 KiB):        5

The first line shows the recording started timestamp (base_time_absolute). Records of data access patterns follow. Each record is separated by a blank line. Each record first specifies when the record started (monitoring_start) and ended (monitoring_end) relative to the start time, the duration for the recording (monitoring_duration). Recorded data access patterns of each target follow. Each data access pattern for each task shows the target's id (target_id) and a number of monitored address regions in this access pattern (nr_regions) first. After that, each line shows the start/end address, size, and the number of observed accesses of each region.


The raw output is very detailed but hard to manually read. heats sub-subcommand plots the data in 3-dimensional form, which represents the time in x-axis, address of regions in y-axis, and the access frequency in z-axis. Users can optionally set the resolution of the map (--resol) and start/end point of each axis (--time_range and --address_range). For example:

# damo report heats --resol 3 3
0               0               0.0
0               7609002         0.0
0               15218004        0.0
66112620851     0               0.0
66112620851     7609002         0.0
66112620851     15218004        0.0
132225241702    0               0.0
132225241702    7609002         0.0
132225241702    15218004        0.0

This command shows a recorded access pattern in a heatmap of 3x3 resolution. Therefore it shows 9 data points in total. Each line shows each of the data points. The three numbers in each line represent time in nanoseconds, address in bytes and the observed access frequency.

Users can convert this text output into a heatmap image (represents z-axis values with colors) or other 3D representations using various tools such as gnuplot. For more convenience, heats sub-subcommand provides the gnuplot based heatmap image creation. For this, --heatmap option can be used. Also, note that because it uses gnuplot internally, it will fail if gnuplot is not installed on your system. For example:

$ ./damo report heats --heatmap heatmap.png

Creates the heatmap image in heatmap.png file. It supports pdf, png, jpeg, and svg.

If the target address space is a virtual memory address space and the user plots the entire address space, the huge unmapped regions will make the picture looks only black. Therefore the user should do proper zoom in / zoom out using the resolution and axis boundary-setting arguments. To make this effort minimal, --guide option can be used as below:

$ ./damo report heats --guide
time: 539914032967-596606618651 (56.693 s)
region   0: 00000094827419009024-00000094827452162048 (31.617 MiB)
region   1: 00000140271510761472-00000140271717171200 (196.848 MiB)
region   2: 00000140734916239360-00000140734916927488 (672.000 KiB)

The output shows unions of monitored regions (start and end addresses in byte) and the union of monitored time duration (start and end time in nanoseconds) of each target task. Therefore, it would be wise to plot the data points in each union. If no axis boundary option is given, it will automatically find the biggest union in --guide output and set the boundary in it.


The wss type extracts the distribution and chronological working set size changes from the record.

By default, the working set is defined as memory regions shown any access within each snapshot. Hence, for example, if a record is having N snapshots, the record is having N working set size values, and wss report type shows the distribution of the N values in size order, or chronological order.

For example:

$ ./damo report wss
# <percentile> <wss>
# target_id     18446623438842320000
# avr:  107.767 MiB
  0             0 B |                                                           |
 25      95.387 MiB |****************************                               |
 50      95.391 MiB |****************************                               |
 75      95.414 MiB |****************************                               |
100     196.871 MiB |***********************************************************|

Without any option, it shows the distribution of the working set sizes as above. It shows 0th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th percentile and the average of the measured working set sizes in the access pattern records. In this case, the working set size was 95.387 MiB for 25th to 75th percentile but 196.871 MiB in max and 107.767 MiB on average.

By setting the sort key of the percentile using --sortby, you can show how the working set size has chronologically changed. For example:

$ ./damo report wss --sortby time
# <percentile> <wss>
# target_id     18446623438842320000
# avr:  107.767 MiB
  0             0 B |                                                           |
 25      95.418 MiB |*****************************                              |
 50     190.766 MiB |***********************************************************|
 75      95.391 MiB |*****************************                              |
100      95.395 MiB |*****************************                              |

The average is still 107.767 MiB, of course. And, because the access was spiked in very short duration and this command plots only 4 data points, we cannot show when the access spikes made. Users can specify the resolution of the distribution (--range). By giving more fine resolution, the short duration spikes could be more easily found.

Similar to that of heats --heatmap, it also supports gnuplot based simple visualization of the distribution via --plot option.


Note: This is an experimental feature at the moment. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

The footprints type extracts the distribution of the recorded in chronological or size order. By comparing the output against that of wss report type, users can know how much memory is being allocated for the workload and what amount of the allocated memory is really being accessed. The output format is similar to that of wss.

Because there are various memory footprint metrics, the command asks users to specify what memory footprint metric they want to visualize. Currently, below metrics are supported.

  • vsz: The amount of virtual memory that allocated to the workloads; a.k.a "virtual set size".
  • rss: The amount of physical memory that allocated to the workloads; a.k.a "residential set size".
  • sys_used: The amount of system's memory that allocated for any usage (MemTotal - MemFree).

For example:

$ ./damo report footprints vsz
# <percentile> <footprint>
# avr:  199.883 MiB
  0     199.883 MiB |***********************************************************|
 25     199.883 MiB |***********************************************************|
 50     199.883 MiB |***********************************************************|
 75     199.883 MiB |***********************************************************|
100     199.883 MiB |***********************************************************|
$ ./damo report footprints rss
# <percentile> <footprint>
# avr:  196.168 MiB
  0     196.168 MiB |***********************************************************|
 25     196.168 MiB |***********************************************************|
 50     196.168 MiB |***********************************************************|
 75     196.168 MiB |***********************************************************|
100     196.168 MiB |***********************************************************|


Note: This feature is an experimental one. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

The profile type shows profiling report for specific access pattern.

It requires two files, namely an access pattern record file and a profiling information record file that recorded together with the access pattern record file. Those can be generated by damo record (Refer to 'Recording Profile Information' section for details). Users can further describe access pattern of their interest that they want to know what happens when the access pattern occurs. Then, damo report profile command read the access pattern, find times when the specific access pattern happened, collect profiling information for the time ranges, and generate the report with the filtered information.

For example, below shows what was consuming CPU while 50% or more rate of access was made towards 50 MiB size address range starting from 139,798,348,038,144, and the total size of the memory regions that got the access in the address range was 40 or more MiB.

$ sudo ./damo report profile --access_rate 50% 100% \
        --address 139798348038144 $((139798348038144 + 50 * 1024 * 1024)) \
        --sz_snapshot 40MiB max
Samples: 69K of event 'cpu-clock:pppH', Event count (approx.): 17449500000
Overhead  Command          Shared Object         Symbol
  70.32%  swapper          [kernel.vmlinux]      [k] pv_native_safe_halt
  28.83%  masim            masim                 [.] do_seq_wo
   0.03%  masim            [kernel.vmlinux]      [k] _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore
   0.03%  ps               [kernel.vmlinux]      [k] do_syscall_64
   0.03%  swapper          [kernel.vmlinux]      [k] __do_softirq


Note: This feature is an experimental one. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

The times type shows time intervals in an access pattern record that showing specific access pattern. This can be useful when user runs damo together with other tools such as profilers.

For example, below shows when there was no access to 50 MiB size address range starting from 139,798,348,038,144.

$ sudo ./damo report times --access_rate 0% 0% \
        --address 139798348038144 $((139798348038144 + 50 * 1024 * 1024))


Note: This is an experimental feature at the moment. Many changes would be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

The holistic type shows holistic view of the recorded access pattern, memory footprints, and CPU consuming functions. As of v2.4.1, it shows access heatmap and distributions of working set size and memory footprints. It will further updated to provide more detailed information in a concise manner, and add the hot functions information.

For example:

$ sudo damo record "./masim ./configs/stairs.cfg"
$ sudo damo report holistic
# Heatmap
# target 0, address range 94737092173824-94737384947712
# x-axis: space (94737092173824-94737384947664: 279.211 MiB)
# y-axis: time (12681562920000-12741660534000: 1 m 0.098 s)
# resolution: 80x5 (3.490 MiB and 12.020 s for each character)
# target 0, address range 140223579160576-140223690682368
# x-axis: space (140223579160576-140223690682336: 106.355 MiB)
# y-axis: time (12681562920000-12741660534000: 1 m 0.098 s)
# resolution: 80x5 (1.329 MiB and 12.020 s for each character)
# target 0, address range 140725996015616-140725996150784
# x-axis: space (140725996015616-140725996150736: 131.953 KiB)
# y-axis: time (12681562920000-12741660534000: 1 m 0.098 s)
# resolution: 80x5 (1.649 KiB and 12.020 s for each character)

# Memory Footprints Distribution
percentile               0              25              50              75             100
       wss             0 B       9.547 MiB       9.566 MiB       9.828 MiB     106.363 MiB
       rss     100.879 MiB     100.879 MiB     100.879 MiB     100.879 MiB     100.879 MiB
       vsz     104.535 MiB     104.535 MiB     104.535 MiB     104.535 MiB     104.535 MiB
  sys_used       2.159 GiB       2.234 GiB       2.241 GiB       2.245 GiB       2.253 GiB

# Hotspot functions
# Samples: 680K of event 'cpu-clock:pppH'
# Event count (approx.): 170020000000
# Overhead  Command          Shared Object                          Symbol                               
# ........  ...............  .....................................  ...........................................
    63.01%  swapper          [kernel.vmlinux]                       [k] pv_native_safe_halt
    34.96%  masim            masim                                  [.] do_seq_wo
     0.08%  python3          python3.11                             [.] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
     0.07%  ps               [kernel.vmlinux]                       [k] do_syscall_64
     0.05%  ps               [kernel.vmlinux]                       [k] memset_orig
     0.04%  ps                                   [.] open64
     0.04%  perf             perf                                   [.] __symbols__insert
     0.03%  ps                                   [.] read
     0.03%  ps                                   [.] __close
     0.03%  ps               [kernel.vmlinux]                       [k] __memcg_slab_post_alloc_hook

damo replay (Replay Recorded Data Access Pattern)

Note: This feature is an experimental one. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

damo replay receives a damo record-generated data access pattern record file that specified via command line argument (./ by default). Then, the command reproduces the recorded accesses in the file by making articial memory accesses. This could be useful for some types of system analysis or experiments with real-world memory access pattern.

Note that current implementation of damo replay runs on Python with single thread. Hence it might not performant enough to saturate full memory bandwidth of the system. If the record is made by workloads and/or systems that utilize memory bandwidth more than 'damo replay' and/or replaying systems could, and as the difference of the performance is big, the replayed accesses would be less similar to the original one. To show the real memory access performance of damo replay on specific system, users could use --test_perf option.

Miscellaneous Helper Commands

Abovely explained commands are all core functions of damo. For more convenient use of damo and debugging of DAMON or damo itself, damo supports more commands. This section explains some of those that could be useful for some cases.

damo args

Some commands including damo start and damo show have long lists of command line options. Those makes flexible usage of damo, but makes the help message too verbose. For easy handling of such arguments, damo args receives such command line options and outputs compiled parameters. The output is in a format like json, which users can read and modify using dedicatd editors. The output can also be passed to relevant commands instead of the command line options.

damo args damon

As mentioned for damo start above, DAMON control commands including start, tune, and additionally record allows passing DAMON parameters or DAMOS specification all at once via json or yaml formats. That's for making specifying and managing complex requests easier, but writing the whole json or yaml manually could be annoying, while the partial DAMON/DAMOS parameters setup command line options are easy for simple use case. To help formatting the json or yaml input easier, damo args damon receives the partial DMAON/DAMOS parameters setup options and print out resulting json format Kdamond parameters. For example,

# damo args json --damos_action stat

prints json format DAMON parameters specification that will be result in a DAMON configuration that same to one that can be made with damo start --damos_action stat. In other words, damo start $(damo args damon --damos_action stat) will be same to damo start --damos_action stat.

damo dianose

Note: This is an experimental feature at the moment. Some changes could be made, or the support can be dropped in future.

damo diagnose prints the status of DAMON and any behaviors that suspicious to be bugs of DAMON. Hence, the command can be useful for investigation of DAMON bugs. When you report any issue for DAMON that not easy to be reproduced, providing the 'damo diagnose' output together with the issue report can be helpful.

damo version

damo version shows the version of the installed damo. The version number is constructed with three numbers. damo is doing chronological release (about once per week), so the version number means nothing but the relative time of the release. Later one would have more features and bug fixes.

damo fmt_json

Note: This command will be deprecated by 2024-11. Use damo args damon --format json instead. Please report your usecase to GitHub issues,, and/or if you depend on this command.

As mentioned for damo start above, DAMON control commands including start, tune, and additionally record allows passing DAMON parameters or DAMOS specification all at once via json or yaml formats. That's for making specifying and managing complex requests easier, but writing the whole json or yaml manually could be annoying, while the partial DAMON/DAMOS parameters setup command line options are easy for simple use case. To help formatting the json or yaml input easier, damo fmt_json receives the partial DMAON/DAMOS parameters setup options and print out resulting json format Kdamond parameters. For example,

# damo fmt_json --damos_action stat

prints json format DAMON parameters specification that will be result in a DAMON configuration that same to one that can be made with damo start --damos_action stat. In other words, damo start $(damo fmt_json --damos_action stat) will be same to damo start --damos_action stat.

For yaml format input, users can simply convert the json input to a valid yaml format, using common tools.

Note that starting DAMON with the partial DAMON parameter command line option and then getting the DAMON parameters in the json format using damo status could also be one way for easily starting write of the json format specification.