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MikeBlyth edited this page May 30, 2012 · 25 revisions

The FieldSearch action is an advanced search. It provides a UI to allow specification of a value and operator for each searchable field. Text fields can be searched using operators such as “Begins With”, “Ends With”, “Contains”, “=”, “>=”, etc.

action_group global local

Set this property so link is included in a group of links.

columns local

The set of searchable columns. This list defaults to the textual database fields.

config.field_search.columns = :user_type, :widget_id, :name, :owner, :status

default_params local

Set the default params for some fields.


Active scaffold supports html, js, json, yaml, and xml formats by default. If you need to add another mime type for field search, you can do it here. The format is then added to the default formats.


config.field_search.formats << :pdf
# or
config.field_search.formats = [:pdf]

full_text_search global local until v2.2

A flag for whether the search should do full-text searching in the database (LIKE ?) or assume that search tokens will match the beginning (LIKE ?%). Default is :true.

Since v2.3 is replaced with text_search

human_conditions global local

Enable it to display a message with humanized search conditions instead of default filtered message.

link global local

The action link used to tie the Search box to the List table. See API: Action Link for the options on this setting.

optional_columns local

Put some rarely-used columns in a hidden group.

text_search global local v2.3+

A flag for how the search should do full-text searching in the database:

  • :full (LIKE %?%)
  • :start (LIKE ?%)
  • :end (LIKE %?)
  • false (LIKE ?)

Default is :full.

When a drop down (select) is used, the “false” option will use LIKE with no wild cards, which is fast!

config.field_search.text_search = false

API: Column related methods

search_ui local

To customize the search form columns, use search_ui (similar to form_ui). Note that we can’t use a :checkbox search_ui because it’s not possible to determine whether or not to search for that field (:checkbox will silently render a :boolean search_ui, which is displayed as a select)


Field Search Example (with dropdown for user type)

class UsersController < ActionController::Base
  active_scaffold :users do |config|
     config.actions = [:nested, :list, :show, :field_search]
     config.columns[:user_type].search_ui = :select

module UsersHelper
	# display the "user_type" field as a dropdown with options
	def user_type_search_column(record, input_name)
		select :record, :user_type, options_for_select(User.user_types), {:include_blank => as_(:_select_)}, input_name
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