+ const PowerSchoolEvent = require("./PowerSchoolEvent");
+const PowerSchoolTerm = require("./PowerSchoolTerm");
+const PowerSchoolPeriod = require("./PowerSchoolPeriod");
+const PowerSchoolReportingTerm = require("./PowerSchoolReportingTerm");
+const PowerSchoolCourse = require("./PowerSchoolCourse");
+const PowerSchoolStudent = require("./PowerSchoolStudent");
+const PowerSchoolStudentInfo = require("./PowerSchoolStudentInfo");
+const PowerSchoolSchool = require("./PowerSchoolSchool");
+const PowerSchoolTeacher = require("./PowerSchoolTeacher");
+const PowerSchoolAssignment = require("./PowerSchoolAssignment");
+const PowerSchoolAssignmentScore = require("./PowerSchoolAssignmentScore");
+const PowerSchoolAssignmentCategory = require("./PowerSchoolAssignmentCategory");
+const PowerSchoolAttendanceRecord = require("./PowerSchoolAttendanceRecord");
+const PowerSchoolAttendanceCode = require("./PowerSchoolAttendanceCode");
+const PowerSchoolFinalGrade = require("./PowerSchoolFinalGrade");
+ * A PowerSchool API user, which holds information about the user and methods to interact with them.
+ * @hideconstructor
+class PowerSchoolUser {
+ constructor(session, api) {
+ this.session = session;
+ if(this.session.serverCurrentTime) {
+ // For some reason it provides it in a different format than it provides (wants ISO 8601)
+ this.session.serverCurrentTime = new Date(this.session.serverCurrentTime).toISOString();
+ }
+ this.api = api;
+ this._initUserVariables();
+ }
+ _initUserVariables() {
+ this.userID = this.session.userId;
+ this.userType = this.session.userType;
+ // We need to fetch these separately
+ this.studentData = [];
+ this.rawResult = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get information about this account's student(s).
+ * @return {Promise.<PowerSchoolStudentInfo[], Error>} A promise that resolves with the account's students information, and rejects with an Error if one occurred.
+ */
+ getStudentsInfo() {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var data = {
+ userSessionVO: {
+ userId: this.userID,
+ serviceTicket: this.session.serviceTicket,
+ serverInfo: {
+ apiVersion: this.session.serverInfo.apiVersion
+ },
+ serverCurrentTime: this.session.serverCurrentTime,
+ userType: this.userType
+ },
+ studentIDs: this.session.studentIDs,
+ qil: {
+ includes: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ this.api.client.getStudentData(data, this.api.requestOptions, (err, result) => {
+ if (!result || !result.return || !result.return.studentDataVOs) return reject(err);
+ this.rawResult = result;
+ this.studentData = this._parseStudentInfoResult(result);
+ resolve(this.studentData);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ _parseStudentInfoResult(result) {
+ var parsed = [];
+ var studentsData = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(result.return.studentDataVOs);
+ studentsData.forEach((data) => {
+ var studentData = new PowerSchoolStudentInfo();
+ // Deserialize any data we might need for special types
+ var schools = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.schools).map((data) => PowerSchoolSchool.fromData(data, this.api)); // for some reason sometimes is an array, sometimes is one school.
+ var teachers = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.teachers).map((data) => PowerSchoolTeacher.fromData(data));
+ var terms = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.terms).map((data) => PowerSchoolTerm.fromData(data, this.api));
+ var reportingTerms = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.reportingTerms).map((data) => PowerSchoolReportingTerm.fromData(data, this.api));
+ var assignments = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.assignments).map((data) => PowerSchoolAssignment.fromData(data, this.api));
+ var assignmentScores = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.assignmentScores).map((data) => PowerSchoolAssignmentScore.fromData(data, this.api));
+ var attendanceCodes = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.attendanceCodes).map((data) => PowerSchoolAttendanceCode.fromData(data, this.api));
+ var periods = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.periods).map((data) => PowerSchoolPeriod.fromData(data, this.api));
+ var courses = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.sections).map((data) => PowerSchoolCourse.fromData(data, this.api));
+ var finalGrades = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.finalGrades).map((data) => PowerSchoolFinalGrade.fromData(data, this.api));
+ // Add assignments to their categories
+ var assignmentCategories = {};
+ this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.assignmentCategories).forEach((data) => assignmentCategories[data.id] = PowerSchoolAssignmentCategory.fromData(data, this.api));
+ assignments.filter((a) => assignmentCategories[a.categoryID]).forEach((a) => assignmentCategories[a.categoryID].assignments.push(a));
+ // Store information needed for other data mappings
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(teachers, "teachers");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(schools, "schools", "schoolNumber");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(periods, "periods");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(courses, "courses");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(finalGrades, "finalGrades", "courseID");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(terms, "terms");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(reportingTerms, "reportingTerms");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(Object.values(assignmentCategories), "assignmentCategories");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(assignments, "assignments");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(assignmentScores, "assignmentScores", "assignmentID");
+ this.api.storeCacheInfo(attendanceCodes, "attendanceCodes");
+ // Store the rest of the data for use in the student model
+ studentData.schools = schools;
+ studentData.teachers = teachers;
+ studentData.periods = periods;
+ studentData.courses = courses;
+ studentData.terms = terms;
+ studentData.reportingTerms = reportingTerms;
+ studentData.notInSessionDays = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.notInSessionDays).map((data) => PowerSchoolEvent.fromData(data, this.api));
+ studentData.student = PowerSchoolStudent.fromData(data.student, this.api);
+ studentData.yearID = data.yearId;
+ studentData.assignmentCategories = Object.values(assignmentCategories);
+ studentData.attendanceRecords = this.safelyParseUnpredictableArray(data.attendance).map((data) => PowerSchoolAttendanceRecord.fromData(data, this.api));
+ studentData.attendanceCodes = attendanceCodes;
+ studentData.finalGrades = finalGrades;
+ parsed.push(studentData);
+ });
+ return parsed;
+ }
+ safelyParseUnpredictableArray(arr) {
+ if (!arr) return [];
+ if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
+ return [arr];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the information about the first student on the account.
+ *
+ * @deprecated Use `getStudentInfo()` to better support multi-user accounts.
+ * @return {Promise.<PowerSchoolStudentInfo, Error>} A promise that resolves with the user's student info, and rejects with an Error if one occurred.
+ */
+ async getStudentInfo() {
+ return (await this.getStudentsInfo())[0];
+ }
+module.exports = PowerSchoolUser;