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LIMA Technical Documentation

Gaël de Chalendar edited this page Dec 6, 2015 · 26 revisions

LIMA configuration files

LIMA configuration files are searched in the folder pointed to by the LIMA_CONF environment variable. If it not defined, they are searched in the /usr/share/lima/conf folder (under GNU/Linux). This can be overridden on the command line using the --config-dir parameter.

The main configuration files are lima-common.xml and lima-analysis.xml. This can be overridden on the command line using the --common-config-file and the --lp-config-file parameters respectively. lima-common.xml defines some general information common to all languages and the names of the files defining language specific data (by default lima-common-<lang>.xml for the lang language). lima-analysis.xml defines the names of the files describing language specific pipelines and process units (by default lima-lp-<lang>.xml for the lang language). It also defines a mapping between global and language specific pipeline names.

The file that you will mainly have to look at to change the behavior of LIMA on a given <lang> language is lima-lp-<lang>.xml.

The last configuration file, that can be very helpful to help debugging LIMA is the file. It allows to activate several levels of debugging information.

All LIMA XML configuration files have the following structure:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<module name="moduleName">
    <group name="groupName">
        <param key="paramName" value="param value"/>
      <list name="listName">
        <item value="1st item value"/>
        <item value="2nd item value"/>
        <item value="..."/>
      <map name="mapName">
        <entry key="FirstKey" value="1st key value"/>
        <entry key="SecondKey" value="2nd key value"/>
        <entry key="..." value="..."/>




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