This page describes planned work for Gazebo. The set of planned features and development efforts should provide insight into the overall direction of Gazebo. If you would like to see other features on the roadmap, then please get in touch with us at
- Improve documentation website (
- Use a static site generator for the documentation website so that anyone can preview changes made in a PR. (gazebosim#85)
- Make doxygen tutorials from each library accessible on the main tutorials page on (gazebosim#55)
- Add new tutorials
- Copy/adapt tutorials from
- Improve existing content
- Establish QA checklist for PRs in
- Migrate from Qt5 to Qt6 (gazebosim/gz-gui#586)
- Define platform dependencies and prepare for the new Ubuntu LTS 24.04 and the interaction with ROS 2 Jazzy.
- Support nested models in Bullet-featherstone gz-physics engine plugin
- Improve documentation website ( (Continued from Q4/2023)
- Migrate from Qt5 to Qt6 (gazebosim/gz-gui#586) (Continued from Q4/2023)
- Define platform dependencies and prepare for the new Ubuntu LTS 24.04 and the interaction with ROS 2 Jazzy. (Continued from Q4/2023)
- Support nested models in Bullet-featherstone gz-physics engine plugin (Continued from Q4/2023)
- Align ROS and Gazebo messages where possible
- Make performance improvements to the
- Make performance improvements to the
- Improve performance of Rendering Sensors (e.g., Lidar, Depth Cameras)
- Set state of simulation in SDFormat (e.g. initial joint position and velocity)
- Migrate from Qt5 to Qt6 (gazebosim/gz-gui#586) (Continued from Q1/2024)
- Complete Bullet-featherstone implementation
- Improve performance of Rendering Sensors (e.g., Lidar, Depth Cameras) (Continued from Q1/2024)
- Create a third party plugin repository
- Create a third party plugin repository (Continued from Q2/2024)
- Implement Mimic joints for DART
- Prepare for release (feature freeze/code freeze)
- Prepare and Run tutorial party
A number of features are planned for specific releases of Gazebo. The features listed here derive from the Quarterly Roadmap, listed above, and other ongoing projects. See the Release Features page for a list of features already available in each release of Gazebo.
A named release of Gazebo, such as Acropolis or Blueprint, is tied to a set of library major versions. Our development and release pattern allows us to distribute patch and minor updates into a stable Gazebo version. For example, if a new feature does not break API/ABI then we will target the feature to the oldest compatible non-EOL release and propagate the feature forward.
- Run server and client in the same process.
- Command line: use binaries instead of shared libraries
- GUI model editor
- Save more changed components to SDF.
- Improved Windows support.
- Parameters in Gazebo Transport.
- Satisfying ASAN for Gazebo Math.
- SDF APIs to prevent console logging.
- Download Fuel models on the background
- Bazel build files.
See the Quarterly Roadmap above.
Please see the Releases for the timeline of and information about future distributions.
Looking for something to work on, or just want to help out? Here are a few resources to get you going.
- How to contribute guide.
- Feature comparision list. This page lists the feature gaps between Gazebo classic and Gazebo Sim.
- Take a look at the various libraries, and the issue tracker associated with each.