diff --git a/BlueStack-SDK.podspec b/BlueStack-SDK.podspec index b1600a8..401d1ca 100644 --- a/BlueStack-SDK.podspec +++ b/BlueStack-SDK.podspec @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |spec| spec.name = "BlueStack-SDK" - spec.version = "4.3.0-preview.3" + spec.version = "4.3.0-preview.4" + spec.static_framework = true spec.summary = "BlueStack by Azerion provides functionalities for monetizing your mobile application" spec.description = <<-DESC BlueStack by Azerion provides functionalities for monetizing your mobile application: from premium sales with reach media, video and innovative formats, it facilitates inserting native mobile ads as well all standard display formats. BlueStack SDK is a library that allow you to handle the following Ads servers with the easy way : @@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ spec.source = { :git => "https://github.com/azerion/BlueStackSDK.git", spec.subspec 'CriteoPublisherSdk' do |criteo| criteo.vendored_frameworks = 'BluestackCriteoAdapter.xcframework' - criteo.dependency 'CriteoPublisherSdk', '4.5.0' + criteo.dependency 'CriteoPublisherSdk', '5.0.3' criteo.dependency 'BlueStack-SDK/Core' end diff --git a/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/Info.plist b/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/Info.plist index 44abe1b..c77c776 100644 --- a/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/Info.plist +++ b/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/Info.plist @@ -6,33 +6,30 @@ LibraryIdentifier - ios-arm64_armv7_armv7s + ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator LibraryPath CriteoPublisherSdk.framework SupportedArchitectures arm64 - armv7 - armv7s + x86_64 SupportedPlatform ios + SupportedPlatformVariant + simulator LibraryIdentifier - ios-arm64_i386_x86_64-simulator + ios-arm64 LibraryPath CriteoPublisherSdk.framework SupportedArchitectures arm64 - i386 - x86_64 SupportedPlatform ios - SupportedPlatformVariant - simulator CFBundlePackageType diff --git a/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/ios-arm64/CriteoPublisherSdk.framework/CriteoMRAIDResource.bundle/Info.plist b/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/ios-arm64/CriteoPublisherSdk.framework/CriteoMRAIDResource.bundle/Info.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1584dbe Binary files /dev/null and b/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/ios-arm64/CriteoPublisherSdk.framework/CriteoMRAIDResource.bundle/Info.plist differ diff --git a/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/ios-arm64/CriteoPublisherSdk.framework/CriteoMRAIDResource.bundle/criteo-mraid.js b/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/ios-arm64/CriteoPublisherSdk.framework/CriteoMRAIDResource.bundle/criteo-mraid.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e8df8f --- /dev/null +++ b/Dependencies/CriteoPublisherSdk.xcframework/ios-arm64/CriteoPublisherSdk.framework/CriteoMRAIDResource.bundle/criteo-mraid.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +!function(){"use strict";function isFunction(any){return"function"==typeof any}!function(LogLevel){LogLevel.Debug="Debug",LogLevel.Info="Info",LogLevel.Warning="Warning",LogLevel.Error="Error"}(LogLevel=LogLevel||{}),function(MraidEvent){MraidEvent.Ready="ready",MraidEvent.Error="error",MraidEvent.StateChange="stateChange",MraidEvent.ViewableChange="viewableChange"}(MraidEvent=MraidEvent||{});var LogLevel,MraidEvent,MraidState,MraidPlacementType,EventsCoordinator=function(){function EventsCoordinator(){this.eventListeners=new Map(Object.values(MraidEvent).map(function(e){return[e,new Set]}))}return EventsCoordinator.prototype.addEventListener=function(event,listener,logger){var _a;event&&this.isCorrectEvent(event)?listener?isFunction(listener)?null!=(_a=this.eventListeners.get(event))&&_a.add(listener):logger(LogLevel.Error,"addEventListener()","Incorrect listener when addEventListener. \n Listener is not a function. Actual type = ".concat(typeof listener)):logger(LogLevel.Error,"addEventListener()","Incorrect listener when addEventListener. It is null or undefined"):logger(LogLevel.Error,"addEventListener()","Incorrect event when addEventListener.Type = ".concat(typeof event,", value = ").concat(event))},EventsCoordinator.prototype.removeEventListener=function(event,listener,logger){var listeners;event&&this.isCorrectEvent(event)?listener&&!isFunction(listener)?logger(LogLevel.Error,"removeEventListener()","Incorrect listener when removeEventListener. \n Listener is not a function. Actual type = ".concat(typeof listener)):(listeners=this.eventListeners.get(event),listener?null!=listeners&&listeners.delete(listener):null!=listeners&&listeners.clear()):logger(LogLevel.Error,"removeEventListener()","Incorrect event when removeEventListener.Type = ".concat(typeof event,", value = ").concat(event))},EventsCoordinator.prototype.fireReadyEvent=function(){var _a;null!=(_a=this.eventListeners.get(MraidEvent.Ready))&&_a.forEach(function(value){null!=value&&value()})},EventsCoordinator.prototype.fireErrorEvent=function(message,action){var _a;null!=(_a=this.eventListeners.get(MraidEvent.Error))&&_a.forEach(function(value){null!=value&&value(message,action)})},EventsCoordinator.prototype.fireStateChangeEvent=function(newState){var _a;null!=(_a=this.eventListeners.get(MraidEvent.StateChange))&&_a.forEach(function(value){null!=value&&value(newState)})},EventsCoordinator.prototype.fireViewableChangeEvent=function(isViewable){var _a;null!=(_a=this.eventListeners.get(MraidEvent.ViewableChange))&&_a.forEach(function(value){null!=value&&value(isViewable)})},EventsCoordinator.prototype.isCorrectEvent=function(event){return event&&this.eventListeners.has(event)},EventsCoordinator}(),ExpandProperties=(!function(MraidState){MraidState.Loading="loading",MraidState.Default="default",MraidState.Expanded="expanded",MraidState.Hidden="hidden"}(MraidState=MraidState||{}),!function(MraidPlacementType){MraidPlacementType.Unknown="",MraidPlacementType.Inline="inline",MraidPlacementType.Interstitial="interstitial"}(MraidPlacementType=MraidPlacementType||{}),function(width,height){this.useCustomClose=!1,this.isModal=!0,this.width=width,this.height=height});var Size=function(width,height){this.width=width,this.height=height},MRAIDImplementation=function(){function MRAIDImplementation(eventsCoordinator,sdkInteractor,logger){this.currentState=MraidState.Loading,this.placementType=MraidPlacementType.Unknown,this.isCurrentlyViewable=!1,this.currentExpandProperties=new ExpandProperties(-1,-1),this.currentMaxSize=new Size(0,0),this.pixelMultiplier=1,this.eventsCoordinator=eventsCoordinator,this.sdkInteractor=sdkInteractor,this.logger=logger,this.spreadMraidInstance()}return MRAIDImplementation.prototype.getVersion=function(){return"1.0"},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.addEventListener=function(event,listener){try{this.eventsCoordinator.addEventListener(event,listener,this.logger.log)}catch(e){this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"addEventListener()","error when addEventListener, event = ".concat(event,", listenerType = ").concat(typeof listener))}},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.removeEventListener=function(event,listener){try{this.eventsCoordinator.removeEventListener(event,listener,this.logger.log)}catch(e){this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"removeEventListener()","error when removeEventListener, event = ".concat(event,", listenerType = ").concat(typeof listener))}},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.getState=function(){return this.currentState},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.getPlacementType=function(){return this.placementType},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.isViewable=function(){return this.isCurrentlyViewable},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.expand=function(url){this.canPerformActions()?this.placementType===MraidPlacementType.Interstitial?this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"expand()","can't expand interstitial ad"):null!=url?this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"expand()","two-part expandable ads are not supported"):this.sdkInteractor.expand(this.currentExpandProperties.width,this.currentExpandProperties.height):this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"expand()","can't expand in ".concat(this.currentState," state"))},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.getExpandProperties=function(){var width=-1===this.currentExpandProperties.width?this.currentMaxSize.width*this.pixelMultiplier:this.currentExpandProperties.width,height=-1===this.currentExpandProperties.height?this.currentMaxSize.height*this.pixelMultiplier:this.currentExpandProperties.height;return new ExpandProperties(width,height)},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.setExpandProperties=function(properties){var _a;this.isCorrectProperties(properties)&&(this.currentExpandProperties.width=null!=(_a=properties.width)?_a:-1,this.currentExpandProperties.height=null!=(_a=properties.height)?_a:-1)},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.close=function(){this.sdkInteractor.close()},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.useCustomClose=function(useCustomClose){this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning,"useCustomClose()","useCustomClose() is not supported")},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.open=function(url){url?"string"==typeof url?this.sdkInteractor.open(url):url instanceof URL?this.sdkInteractor.open(url.toString()):this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"open()","Error when open(), url is not a string"):this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"open()","Error when open(), url is null, empty or undefined")},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.notifyReady=function(placementType){this.logger.log(LogLevel.Debug,"notifyReady()","placementType=".concat(placementType)),this.placementType=placementType,this.setReady()},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.notifyError=function(message,action){this.eventsCoordinator.fireErrorEvent(message,action)},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.setIsViewable=function(isViewable){this.logger.log(LogLevel.Debug,"setIsViewable()","isViewable=".concat(isViewable)),this.isCurrentlyViewable!==isViewable&&(this.isCurrentlyViewable=isViewable,this.eventsCoordinator.fireViewableChangeEvent(isViewable))},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.setMaxSize=function(width,height,pixelMultiplier){this.currentMaxSize.width=width,this.currentMaxSize.height=height,this.pixelMultiplier=pixelMultiplier},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.notifyClosed=function(){this.canPerformActions()?this.currentState===MraidState.Expanded?this.updateState(MraidState.Default):this.currentState===MraidState.Default&&this.updateState(MraidState.Hidden):this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning,"notifyClosed()","can't close in ".concat(this.currentState," state"))},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.notifyExpanded=function(){switch(this.currentState){case MraidState.Default:this.updateState(MraidState.Expanded);break;case MraidState.Expanded:this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning,"notifyExpanded()","ad is already expanded");break;case MraidState.Loading:case MraidState.Hidden:this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning,"notifyExpanded()","can't expand from ".concat(this.currentState))}},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.updateState=function(newState){this.currentState=newState,this.eventsCoordinator.fireStateChangeEvent(newState)},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.setReady=function(){this.currentState===MraidState.Loading&&(this.updateState(MraidState.Default),this.eventsCoordinator.fireReadyEvent())},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.canPerformActions=function(){return this.currentState!==MraidState.Loading&&this.currentState!==MraidState.Hidden},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.isCorrectProperties=function(properties){var width,height,useCustomClose,isModal;return function(properties){var hasAnyProperty;if(null!=properties&&"object"==typeof properties)return hasAnyProperty=!1,Object.keys(new ExpandProperties(0,0)).forEach(function(property){Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(properties,property)&&(hasAnyProperty=!0)}),0===Object.keys(properties).length||hasAnyProperty}(properties)?(width=properties.width,height=properties.height,useCustomClose=properties.useCustomClose,isModal=properties.isModal,!!this.isCorrectDimension(width)&&!!this.isCorrectDimension(height)&&(useCustomClose&&this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning,"setExpandProperties()","useCustomClose is not supported"),null==isModal||isModal||this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning,"setExpandProperties()","isModal property is readonly and always equals to true"),!0)):(this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"setExpandProperties()","properties is ".concat(properties)),!1)},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.isCorrectDimension=function(dimension){return!(dimension&&("number"!=typeof dimension?(this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"setExpandProperties()","width is not a number, width is ".concat(typeof dimension)),1):!this.isInAcceptedBounds(dimension)&&(this.logger.log(LogLevel.Error,"setExpandProperties()","width is ".concat(dimension)),1)))},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.isInAcceptedBounds=function(number){return Number.isFinite(number)&&0<=number},MRAIDImplementation.prototype.spreadMraidInstance=function(){for(var _a,_b,iframes=document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"),i=0;i) +# include +#endif + +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wduplicate-method-match" +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wauto-import" +#if defined(__OBJC__) +#include +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) +#include +#include +#include +#else +#include +#include +#include +#endif + +#if !defined(SWIFT_TYPEDEFS) +# define SWIFT_TYPEDEFS 1 +# if __has_include() +# include +# elif !defined(__cplusplus) +typedef uint_least16_t char16_t; +typedef uint_least32_t char32_t; +# endif +typedef float swift_float2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2))); +typedef float swift_float3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3))); +typedef float swift_float4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))); +typedef double swift_double2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2))); +typedef double swift_double3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3))); +typedef double swift_double4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))); +typedef int swift_int2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2))); +typedef int swift_int3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3))); +typedef int swift_int4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))); +typedef unsigned int swift_uint2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2))); +typedef unsigned int swift_uint3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3))); +typedef unsigned int swift_uint4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))); +#endif + +#if !defined(SWIFT_PASTE) +# define SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y) x##y +# define SWIFT_PASTE(x, y) SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y) +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_METATYPE) +# define SWIFT_METATYPE(X) Class +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY) +# if __has_feature(objc_class_property) +# define SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(...) __VA_ARGS__ +# else +# define SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(...) +# endif +#endif + +#if __has_attribute(objc_runtime_name) +# define SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(X) __attribute__((objc_runtime_name(X))) +#else +# define SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(X) +#endif +#if __has_attribute(swift_name) +# define SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(X) __attribute__((swift_name(X))) +#else +# define SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(X) +#endif +#if __has_attribute(objc_method_family) +# define SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY(X) __attribute__((objc_method_family(X))) +#else +# define SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY(X) +#endif +#if __has_attribute(noescape) +# define SWIFT_NOESCAPE __attribute__((noescape)) +#else +# define SWIFT_NOESCAPE +#endif +#if __has_attribute(ns_consumed) +# define SWIFT_RELEASES_ARGUMENT __attribute__((ns_consumed)) +#else +# define SWIFT_RELEASES_ARGUMENT +#endif +#if __has_attribute(warn_unused_result) +# define SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) +#else +# define SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT +#endif +#if __has_attribute(noreturn) +# define SWIFT_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn)) +#else +# define SWIFT_NORETURN +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA) +# define SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_PROTOCOL_EXTRA) +# define SWIFT_PROTOCOL_EXTRA +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA) +# define SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS) +# if __has_attribute(objc_subclassing_restricted) +# define SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA +# define SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA +# else +# define SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA +# define SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA +# endif +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS) +# if __has_attribute(objc_class_stub) +# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_class_stub)) +# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_class_stub)) SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) +# else +# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) +# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) +# endif +#endif + +#if !defined(SWIFT_PROTOCOL) +# define SWIFT_PROTOCOL(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_PROTOCOL_EXTRA +# define SWIFT_PROTOCOL_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_PROTOCOL_EXTRA +#endif + +#if !defined(SWIFT_EXTENSION) +# define SWIFT_EXTENSION(M) SWIFT_PASTE(M##_Swift_, __LINE__) +#endif + +#if !defined(OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER) +# if __has_attribute(objc_designated_initializer) +# define OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer)) +# else +# define OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER +# endif +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR) +# if defined(__has_attribute) && __has_attribute(enum_extensibility) +# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) __attribute__((enum_extensibility(_extensibility))) +# else +# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) +# endif +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM) +# define SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name; enum SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type +# if __has_feature(generalized_swift_name) +# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME); enum SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type +# else +# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility) +# endif +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE) +# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE __attribute__((unavailable)) +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG) +# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG(msg) __attribute__((unavailable(msg))) +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_AVAILABILITY) +# define SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(plat, ...) __attribute__((availability(plat, __VA_ARGS__))) +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT) +# define SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT __attribute__((weak_import)) +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_DEPRECATED) +# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_DEPRECATED_MSG) +# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_MSG(...) __attribute__((deprecated(__VA_ARGS__))) +#endif +#if __has_feature(attribute_diagnose_if_objc) +# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_OBJC(Msg) __attribute__((diagnose_if(1, Msg, "warning"))) +#else +# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_OBJC(Msg) SWIFT_DEPRECATED_MSG(Msg) +#endif +#if defined(__OBJC__) +#if !defined(IBSegueAction) +# define IBSegueAction +#endif +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_EXTERN) +# if defined(__cplusplus) +# define SWIFT_EXTERN extern "C" +# else +# define SWIFT_EXTERN extern +# endif +#endif +#if !defined(SWIFT_CALL) +# define SWIFT_CALL __attribute__((swiftcall)) +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) +#if !defined(SWIFT_NOEXCEPT) +# define SWIFT_NOEXCEPT noexcept +#endif +#else +#if !defined(SWIFT_NOEXCEPT) +# define SWIFT_NOEXCEPT +#endif +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) +#if !defined(SWIFT_CXX_INT_DEFINED) +#define SWIFT_CXX_INT_DEFINED +namespace swift { +using Int = ptrdiff_t; +using UInt = size_t; +} +#endif +#endif +#if defined(__OBJC__) +#if __has_feature(modules) +#if __has_warning("-Watimport-in-framework-header") +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Watimport-in-framework-header" +#endif +@import CoreFoundation; +@import Foundation; +@import ObjectiveC; +@import UIKit; +@import WebKit; +#endif + +#import + +#endif +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wproperty-attribute-mismatch" +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wduplicate-method-arg" +#if __has_warning("-Wpragma-clang-attribute") +# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpragma-clang-attribute" +#endif +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnullability" +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension" + +#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol) +# pragma push_macro("any") +# undef any +# pragma clang attribute push(__attribute__((external_source_symbol(language="Swift", defined_in="CriteoPublisherSdk",generated_declaration))), apply_to=any(function,enum,objc_interface,objc_category,objc_protocol)) +# pragma pop_macro("any") +#endif + +#if defined(__OBJC__) +@class NSURL; + +SWIFT_PROTOCOL("_TtP18CriteoPublisherSdk19CRExternalURLOpener_") +@protocol CRExternalURLOpener +- (void)openWithUrl:(NSURL * _Nonnull)url; +@end + +@class WKWebView; +@class NSCoder; +@class NSString; +@class NSBundle; + +SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC18CriteoPublisherSdk22CRFulllScreenContainer") +@interface CRFulllScreenContainer : UIViewController +- (nonnull instancetype)initWith:(WKWebView * _Nonnull)webView size:(CGSize)size dismissCompletion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))dismissCompletion OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder * _Nonnull)coder SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE; +- (void)closeWith:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion; +- (nonnull instancetype)initWithNibName:(NSString * _Nullable)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle * _Nullable)nibBundleOrNil SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE; +@end + + +@protocol CRMRAIDLogger; +@protocol CRMRAIDHandlerDelegate; + +SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC18CriteoPublisherSdk14CRMRAIDHandler") +@interface CRMRAIDHandler : NSObject +- (nonnull instancetype)initWith:(WKWebView * _Nonnull)webView criteoLogger:(id _Nonnull)criteoLogger urlOpener:(id _Nonnull)urlOpener delegate:(id _Nullable)delegate OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; +- (void)onAdLoadWith:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementType; +- (void)sendWithError:(NSString * _Nonnull)error action:(NSString * _Nonnull)action; +- (void)startViabilityNotifier; +- (BOOL)canLoadAd SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; +- (BOOL)isExpanded SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; +- (void)onSuccessClose; +- (NSString * _Nonnull)injectInto:(NSString * _Nonnull)html SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; +- (void)injectMRAID; +- (void)updateMraidWithBundle:(NSBundle * _Nullable)bundle; +- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE; ++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable"); +@end + +@class WKUserContentController; +@class WKScriptMessage; + +@interface CRMRAIDHandler (SWIFT_EXTENSION(CriteoPublisherSdk)) +- (void)userContentController:(WKUserContentController * _Nonnull)userContentController didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage * _Nonnull)message; +@end + + + + +SWIFT_PROTOCOL("_TtP18CriteoPublisherSdk22CRMRAIDHandlerDelegate_") +@protocol CRMRAIDHandlerDelegate +@optional +- (void)expandWithWidth:(NSInteger)width height:(NSInteger)height url:(NSURL * _Nullable)url completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion; +@required +- (void)closeWithCompletion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion; +@end + + +SWIFT_PROTOCOL("_TtP18CriteoPublisherSdk13CRMRAIDLogger_") +@protocol CRMRAIDLogger +- (void)mraidLogWithError:(NSString * _Nonnull)error; +- (void)mraidLogWithWarning:(NSString * _Nonnull)warning; +- (void)mraidLogWithDebug:(NSString * _Nonnull)debug; +- (void)mraidLogWithInfo:(NSString * _Nonnull)info; +@end + + +SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC18CriteoPublisherSdk12CRMRAIDUtils") +@interface CRMRAIDUtils : NSObject ++ (NSString * _Nullable)loadMraidFrom:(NSBundle * _Nullable)bundle SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; ++ (NSString * _Nonnull)buildWithHtml:(NSString * _Nonnull)html from:(NSBundle * _Nullable)bundle SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; ++ (NSBundle * _Nullable)mraidResourceBundle SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; ++ (NSBundle * _Nullable)mraidTestResourceBundle SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; +- (nonnull instancetype)init OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; +@end + + +@interface CRSKAdNetworkInfo (SWIFT_EXTENSION(CriteoPublisherSdk)) +SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull CriteoId;) ++ (NSString * _Nonnull)CriteoId SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; ++ (BOOL)hasCriteoId SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; ++ (NSArray * _Nonnull)skAdNetworkIds SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; +@end + + +SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC18CriteoPublisherSdk15MRAIDLogHandler") +@interface MRAIDLogHandler : NSObject +- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE; ++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable"); +@end + + +@interface UIView (SWIFT_EXTENSION(CriteoPublisherSdk)) +- (UIViewController * _Nullable)cr_parentViewController SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; +- (UIViewController * _Nullable)cr_rootViewController SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; +@end + +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) +#endif +#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol) +# pragma clang attribute pop +#endif +#pragma clang diagnostic pop +#endif + +#else +#error unsupported Swift architecture +#endif diff 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