We enjoy watching major competitions such as the Olympics, eager to see the winners and if our conuntry is participating we go crazy and start counting medals. Sports brings us together, unfortunately the data is not.
Bring us together by providing some stats on the given dataset. Use the stack of your choice; and make it happen!
- Take the datasets on the dataset folder and build your data model
- Create a base report querying the summer games showing the total number of athletes of the top 3 sports
- Create a report that shows every sport's number of unique events and unique athletes
- Create a report that shows the age of the oldest athlete by region
- Create a report that shows the unique number of events held for each sport on both winter and summer games, and order them from the most number of events to the least number of events.
- Validation:
- Pull total_bronze_medals from summer_games
- Create a subquery that shows the total number of bronze medals by country
- Both queries should have the same output
- Now that you have all your data in place, please share any other interesting insights from the data analysis you conducted (whatever you think is interesting and/or important)
- Create a branch of this project (or fork it in your github account if you prefer)
- Do you thang inside this folder (challenge-1)
- Push your change inside a Pull Request to our master