diff --git a/source/Stargate-Consul-Examples-Tests/StargateConsulExampleTest.class.st b/source/Stargate-Consul-Examples-Tests/StargateConsulExampleTest.class.st index d02a3fc..ef6910f 100644 --- a/source/Stargate-Consul-Examples-Tests/StargateConsulExampleTest.class.st +++ b/source/Stargate-Consul-Examples-Tests/StargateConsulExampleTest.class.st @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ StargateConsulExampleTest >> testPrintHelpOn [ help := String streamContents: [ :stream | StargateConsulExample printHelpOn: stream ]. - self assert: help equals: ( 'NAMEstargate-consul-example [<1s>] - I provide a RESTful API over HTTPSYNOPSYSstargate-consul-example --stargate.public-url=% --stargate.port=% --stargate.operations-secret=% [--stargate.concurrent-connections-threshold=%] --stargate.consul-agent-location=% [--stargate.scheme=%]PARAMETERS--stargate.public-url=%Public URL where the API is deployed. Used to create hypermedia links.--stargate.port=%Listening port.--stargate.operations-secret=%Secret key for checking JWT signatures.--stargate.concurrent-connections-threshold=%Set the maximum number of concurrent connections that I will accept. When this threshold is reached, a 503 Service Unavailable response will be sent and the connection will be closed. Defaults to 32.--stargate.consul-agent-location=%Location of the Consul Agent. Leave empty to disable the plugin.--stargate.scheme=%Transport scheme. It''s used to configure Consul HTTP checks. Defaults to http.ENVIRONMENTSTARGATE__PUBLIC_URLPublic URL where the API is deployed. Used to create hypermedia links.STARGATE__PORTListening port.STARGATE__OPERATIONS_SECRETSecret key for checking JWT signatures.STARGATE__CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS_THRESHOLDSet the maximum number of concurrent connections that I will accept. When this threshold is reached, a 503 Service Unavailable response will be sent and the connection will be closed. Defaults to 32.STARGATE__CONSUL_AGENT_LOCATIONLocation of the Consul Agent. Leave empty to disable the plugin.STARGATE__SCHEMETransport scheme. It''s used to configure Consul HTTP checks. Defaults to http.' expandMacrosWith: StargateConsulExample version ) + self assert: help equals: ( 'NAMEstargate-consul-example [<1s>] - I provide a RESTful API over HTTPSYNOPSYSstargate-consul-example --stargate.public-url=% --stargate.port=% --stargate.operations-secret=% [--stargate.log-http-requests=%] [--stargate.concurrent-connections-threshold=%] --stargate.consul-agent-location=% [--stargate.scheme=%]PARAMETERS--stargate.public-url=%Public URL where the API is deployed. Used to create hypermedia links.--stargate.port=%Listening port.--stargate.operations-secret=%Secret key for checking JWT signatures.--stargate.log-http-requests=%Boolean that indicates whether to log all the incoming HTTP requests. Defaults to false.--stargate.concurrent-connections-threshold=%Set the maximum number of concurrent connections that I will accept. When this threshold is reached, a 503 Service Unavailable response will be sent and the connection will be closed. Defaults to 32.--stargate.consul-agent-location=%Location of the Consul Agent. Leave empty to disable the plugin.--stargate.scheme=%Transport scheme. It''s used to configure Consul HTTP checks. Defaults to http.ENVIRONMENTSTARGATE__PUBLIC_URLPublic URL where the API is deployed. Used to create hypermedia links.STARGATE__PORTListening port.STARGATE__OPERATIONS_SECRETSecret key for checking JWT signatures.STARGATE__LOG_HTTP_REQUESTSBoolean that indicates whether to log all the incoming HTTP requests. Defaults to false.STARGATE__CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS_THRESHOLDSet the maximum number of concurrent connections that I will accept. When this threshold is reached, a 503 Service Unavailable response will be sent and the connection will be closed. Defaults to 32.STARGATE__CONSUL_AGENT_LOCATIONLocation of the Consul Agent. Leave empty to disable the plugin.STARGATE__SCHEMETransport scheme. It''s used to configure Consul HTTP checks. Defaults to http.' expandMacrosWith: StargateConsulExample version ) ] { #category : 'tests' }