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Document navigation panel using special symbols.



To install navigation-panel search for navigation-panel in the Install pane of the Pulsar settings or run ppm install navigation-panel. Alternatively, you can run ppm install bacadra/pulsar-navigation-panel to install a package directly from the Github repository.

Sections panel

This package provides a panel for navigating through custom symbols in text editors. The tree items are manually created by inserting special markers into the text editor. Multiple scopes are supported (see below) with their own marker system. You can open or hide the panel using the navigation-panel:open and navigation-panel:hide commands or optionally use navigation-panel:toggle. The package supports multiple cursors.

Real section level

The package introduces the concept of multi-level headers. The user enters a tag with a level, which indicates the maximum level of the text associated with that tag. The actual level of the header will be determined when building the header tree using the rule that a header can have a level at most one greater than its predecessor. For example, if you enter a level 1 heading, then a level 2 heading, and then a level 5 heading, the actual level of the last heading will be 3. The marker designations are for real headers. The real section level is used everywhere instead of the user level.

Highlight section

For each header, the package can create a marker to highlight the corresponding line of text in the editor. The marker style can be customized.


Headers can be marked with categories. The categories can be filtered in the bottom bar of the panel, the context menu of the panel, or using commands. The categories are predefined: info, success, warning, error. The meaning of the categories depends on the creativity of the user, so you can use them as you like.

The category settings can be changed globally in the package settings or locally using commands or in the panel:

  • navigation-panel:all-categories: activate all categories
  • navigation-panel:none-categories: deactivate all categories
  • navigation-panel:categories-toggle: toggle all categories
  • navigation-panel:info-toggle: toggle info category headers
  • navigation-panel:success-toggle: toggle success category headers
  • navigation-panel:warning-toggle: toggle warning category headers
  • navigation-panel:error-toggle: toggle error category headers
  • navigation-panel:standard-toggle: toggle category-less headers

Collapse modes

The elements of the header tree can be collapsed, which can improve workflow or document clarity. The global settings can be changed in the package settings, and local settings can be adjusted using the context menu of the panel or through commands:

  • navigation-panel:collapse-mode: collapse all headers now and if rebuilding
  • navigation-panel:expand-mode: uncollapse all headers now and if rebuilding
  • navigation-panel:auto-collapse: expand only active headers

Section folding

There are functions that provide folding actions (fold, unfold, or toggle) for sections. A special feature is the ability to collapse all sections to view them as a table of contents. You may be interested in the following commands:

  • navigation-panel:fold-toggle: toggle fold of current section
  • navigation-panel:fold-section: fold current section
  • navigation-panel:fold-section-at-n: fold last section at level n
  • navigation-panel:fold-as-table: fold all section but in nested form
  • navigation-panel:fold-all-infos: fold as table, but only headers with category info
  • navigation-panel:fold-all-successes: fold as table, but only headers with category success
  • navigation-panel:fold-all-warnings: fold as table, but only headers with category warning
  • navigation-panel:fold-all-errors: fold as table, but only headers with category error
  • navigation-panel:unfold: unfold current section
  • navigation-panel:unfold-all: unfold all sections

regex testing

In order to search for markers in a text editor, all lines of the editor are tested using global regular expressions. If the global expression returns a positive search result, the matched lines are further processed. Global expressions can be found below, with different expressions for each scope.

You can test and analyze the regex patterns below on regex101. Just select the flavor as ECMAScript (JavaScript) and paste the statement.

Customize the appearance

The panel can be customized to meet the user's needs in many ways. Several options are outlined below. The colors can be adjusted according to user preferences and the UI/syntax theme in the styles.less (File/Stylesheet..) file.

  • e.g. all markers has highlighted background, but level 1, 2 and 3 has their own color:

    .navigation-marker {
      background: rgba(233, 228, 141, 0.3);
    .navigation-marker-1 {
      background: rgba(197, 218, 131, 0.3);
    .navigation-marker-2 {
      background: rgba(250, 192, 209, 0.3);
    .navigation-marker-3 {
      background: rgba(200, 197, 243, 0.3);
  • e.g. add top border to markers with level 1:

    .navigation-marker-1 {
      border-top: 0.016px solid @text-color-info;
  • e.g. change font to monospace (or any other...):

    .navigation-panel {
      font-family: monospace;
  • e.g. change style of visible headers:

    .navigation-panel .visible {
      background: fade(green, 5%);

Supported scopes


Global regular expression is ^(=={0,5}|#\#{0,5})[ \t]+(.+?)(?:[ \t]+\1)?$.


Global regular expression is ([^%\n]*)%(\$+)([\*\+\-\!\_]?)%(.*)|^[^\%\n]*\\(part*?|chapter*?|section*?|subsection*?|subsubsection*?|paragraph*?|subparagraph*?)\*?(?:\[(.*)\])?{(.*)}. The \part{...} is equal level 4, \chapter{...} is level 5 etc. The section commands can be changed in package settings.

  • e.g. %$!% Countries -> 1. Countries with error category
  • e.g. %$$% United Kingdom -> 1.1. United Kingdom
  • e.g. \part{Resources} -> Resources
  • e.g. \part[Resources]{Resources but to long to TOC} -> Resources

In case of ([^%\n]*)%(\$+)%(.*), the additional letter can be used to provide additional visual effect:

  • *: info category
  • +: success category
  • -: warning category
  • !: error category
  • _: separator category


Global regular expression is ([^%\n]*)%(\$+)([\*!-]?)%(.*)|^[ ]*\@(\w*)[ ]*{[ ]*([^\,]*). The @<type>{<text>, is level 6.

  • e.g. %$% Bibliography about countries -> 1. Bibliography about countries
  • e.g. %$$% United Kingdom -> 1.1. United Kingdom
  • e.g. @book{jk2021, ... -> jk2021

Additional letter can be used to provide additional visual effect:

  • *: info category
  • +: success category
  • -: warning category
  • !: error category
  • _: separator category


Global regular expression is ^ *(\#+) (.*). The level is defined as count of #. The number of levels is endless.

  • e.g. # Countries -> 1. Countries
  • e.g. ## United Kingdom -> 1.1. United Kingdom


Global regular expression is (?:^(#+) +(.+?) *$|^ *(.+?) *: *$). The level is defined as count of #. The number of levels is endless. A header level is equal 5.

  • e.g. # Countries -> 1. Countries
  • e.g. ## United Kingdom -> 1.1. United Kingdom
  • e.g. United Kingdom: -> United Kingdom


Global regular expression is ^([^#\n]*)#(?:%%)?(\$+[spv1]?|\?)([\*\+\-\!\_]?)#(.*) where count of $ mean the level on list.

Additional letter can be used to provide additional parse effect:

  • s: get only text from first string which occur at line
  • p: python def or class; show only type and name of object
  • v: variable; show only name of variable
  • 1: use only first word (split by whitespace), without optional after-colon

One additional letter can be used to assign a category:

  • *: info category
  • +: success category
  • -: warning category
  • !: error category

Any additional letters can be used to provide additional visual effect:

  • _: separator line above the item
  • <: increase font size

As special case you can use #?# or #?<category># which mean auto level base on pattern <any>(<lvl as int>, "<text>"<any>). It is useful e.g. in PyLaTex or similar.

  • e.g. #$# Countries -> 1. Countries
  • e.g. #$$# United Kingdom -> 1.1. United Kingdom
  • e.g. a = 5 #$$v# -> 1.1. a
  • e.g. class MyCounty(Country): #$$p# -> 1.1. MyCounty
  • e.g. document.section(1, 'Countries') #?!# -> 1. Countries
  • e.g. document.section(2, 'United Kingdom') #?+# -> 1.1. United Kingdom with success category
  • e.g. document.section(2, 'United Kingdom') #?!# -> 1.1. United Kingdom with error category


Global regular expression is ^([^\/\/\n]*)\/\/(\$+[sv1]?|\?)([\*\+\-\!\_]?)\/\/(.*) where count of $ mean the level on list.

Additional letter can be used to provide additional parse effect:

  • s: get only text from first string which occur at line
  • v: variable; show only name of variable
  • 1: use only first word (split by whitespace)

Additional letter can be used to provide additional visual effect:

  • *: info category
  • +: success category
  • -: warning category
  • !: error category
  • _: separator category

As special case you can use //?// or //?<category>// which mean auto level base on pattern <any>(<lvl as int>, "<text>"<any>).

  • e.g. //$// Countries -> 1. Countries
  • e.g. //$$// United Kingdom -> 1.1. United Kingdom
  • e.g. a = 5 //$$v// -> 1.1. a
  • e.g. document.section(1, 'Countries') //?!// -> 1. Countries
  • e.g. document.section(2, 'United Kingdom') //?+// -> 1.1. United Kingdom with success category
  • e.g. document.section(2, 'United Kingdom') //?!// -> 1.1. United Kingdom with error category


Global regular expression is ^(.+)\n([!-/:-@[-[-~])\2+$.


Global regular expression is ^ *(#define [^\n=]+$|#enddef)|^!([+-\\#\\$])!(?:chapter|kapitel) (.*)|(^(?! *\$)[^!\n]*)!(\$+)!(.*)|^ *([+-])?prog +([^\n]*)(?:\n *head +(.+))?|^ *!.! +(.*)|^\$ graphics +(\d+) +\| +picture +(\d+) +\| +layer +(\d+) +: *(.*). The chapter is equal level 4, prog is equal level 5 and label is equal level 6.

  • e.g. !$! Design slab -> 1. Design slab
  • e.g. !$$! Req. reinforcement -> 1.1. Req. reinforcement
  • e.g. !+!Chapter Design -> Design
  • e.g. +prog aqua -> aqua
  • e.g. +prog aqua \n head sections -> aqua: head sections


Global regular expression is ^;{2}[*+\-!]? (.+)$

  • e.g. ;;* TODO

Additional letter can be used to provide additional visual effect:

  • *: info category
  • +: success category
  • -: warning category
  • !: error category


The package support the outline tree of pdf-viewer. You can search through document by all-in outline tree instead of PDFjs outline. A section number can be hidden.


Got ideas to make this package better, found a bug, or want to help add new features? Just drop your thoughts on GitHub — any feedback’s welcome!