make it easier to create new React Native components files. It provides a basic file structure for your components with StyleSheet or StyledComponent.
Works on Windows, Linux and MacOS
Obs: On Linux, sudo command is required
DO NOT use this project in a production project due to it still being under development
You can install via npm:
npm i -g @bachmateus/rn-files-creator
Create React Native files.
- Create component/screen/route files using JavaScript.
- Create component/screen/route files using TypeScript.
- Create a config file to store your preferences.
use the following project structure to create the component.
+-- src
+-- components
+-- ComponentName
+-- index.js
+-- styles.js
+-- screens
+-- ScreenName
+-- index.js
+-- styles.js
+-- routes
+-- index.js
+-- route-name.routes.js
+-- rn-files-creator.json
The basic use of rn-file-creator is :
rn -command [ComponentName] [otherComponentName]
Type the following command to create a component
rn -c [ComponentName]
You can use more than one arg per time to create more than one component
rn -c [ComponentName1] -c [ComponentName2] -c [ComponentName3] -c [ComponentName4]
Type the following command to create a screen
rn -s [ScreenName]
You can use more than one arg per time to create more than one screen
rn -s [ScreenName1] -s [ScreenName2] -s [ScreenName3] -s [ScreenName4]
Type the following command to create a route
rn -r [RouteName]
You can specify a navigator type (stack, bottomTab or drawer) passing -t param.
rn -r [RouteName] -t [NavigatorType]
Obs: If you don't specify the navigator type it will be asked to you.
Each created route is included on main route (index file). This file is generated automaticaly.
You can follow the guide to create a component if you do not want to type the entire command.
After typing enter just follow the guide.
Comand | Description |
-c, --component | Create one or more components |
-h, --help | Show possible commands |
-r, --route | Create one route |
-s, --screen | Create one or more screens |
I want to thank DOMINIK KUNDEL. I watched his video to learn how to create a CLI.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2h28p4s-Xs https://www.twilio.com/blog/how-to-build-a-cli-with-node-js?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=node-cli-howto