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Step definitions


A step definition’s expression can either be a regular expression or a cucumber expression. The examples in this section use cucumber expressions. If you prefer to use regular expressions, each capture group from the match will be passed as arguments to the step definition’s function.

Given("I have {int} cukes in my belly", (cukes: number) => {});


Steps can be accompanied by doc strings or data tables, both which will be passed to the step definition as the last argument, as shown below.

Feature: a feature
  Scenario: a scenario
    Given a table step
      | Cucumber     | Cucumis sativus |
      | Burr Gherkin | Cucumis anguria |
import { Given, DataTable } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

Given(/^a table step$/, (table: DataTable) => {
  const expected = [
    ["Cucumber", "Cucumis sativus"],
    ["Burr Gherkin", "Cucumis anguria"]
  assert.deepEqual(table.raw(), expected);

See here for DataTable's interface.

Custom parameter types

Custom parameter types can be registered using defineParameterType(). They share the same scope as tests and you can invoke defineParameterType() anywhere you define steps, though the order of definition is unimportant. The table below explains the various arguments you can pass when defining a parameter type.

Argument Description
name The name the parameter type will be recognised by in output parameters.
regexp A regexp that will match the parameter. May include capture groups.
transformer A function or method that transforms the match from the regexp. Must have arity 1 if the regexp doesn't have any capture groups. Otherwise the arity must match the number of capture groups in regexp.

Pending steps

You can return "pending" from a step defintion or a chain to mark a step as pending. This will halt the execution and Cypress will report the test as "skipped". This is generally used for marking steps as "unimplemented" and allows you to commit unfinished work without breaking the test suite.

import { When } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

When("a step", () => {
  return "pending";
import { When } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

When("a step", () => {
  cy.then(() => {
    return "pending";

Skipped steps

You can return "skipped" from a step defintion or a chain to mark a step as pending. This will halt the execution and Cypress will report the test as "skipped". This however is generally used for conditionally short circuiting a test.

import { When } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

When("a step", () => {
  return "skipped";
import { When } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

When("a step", () => {
  cy.then(() => {
    return "skipped";

Nested steps

You can invoke other steps from a step using Step(), as shown below.

import { When, Step } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

When("I fill in the entire form", function () {
  Step(this, 'I fill in "john.doe" for "Username"');
  Step(this, 'I fill in "password" for "Password"');

Step() optionally accepts a DataTable or string argument.

import {
} from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

When("I fill in the entire form", function () {
    "I fill in the value",
    new DataTable([
      ["Field", "Value"],
      ["Username", "john.doe"],
      ["Password", "password"]


There are three types of hooks, run hooks, scenario hooks and step hooks, each explained below.

Run hooks

BeforeAll() and AfterAll() are identical to Cypress' before() and after().

import { BeforeAll } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

BeforeAll(function () {
  // This hook will be executed once at the beginnig of a feature.

Scenario hooks

Before() and After() is similar to Cypress' beforeEach() and afterEach(), but they can be selected to conditionally run based on the tags of each scenario, as shown below. Furthermore, failure in these hooks does not result in remaining tests being skipped. This is contrary to Cypress' beforeEach and afterEach.

Contrary to how cucumber-js works, these After() hooks does not run if your scenario fails1.

import { Before } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

Before(function () {
  // This hook will be executed before all scenarios.

Before({ tags: "@foo" }, function () {
  // This hook will be executed before scenarios tagged with @foo.

Before({ tags: "@foo and @bar" }, function () {
  // This hook will be executed before scenarios tagged with @foo and @bar.

Before({ tags: "@foo or @bar" }, function () {
  // This hook will be executed before scenarios tagged with @foo or @bar.

Before(function ({ pickle, gherkinDocument, testCaseStartedId }) {
  // Scenario hooks are invoked with an object containing a bunch of relevant data.

Pending / skipped scenario hooks

Scenario hooks can be made pending or skipped similarly to steps, as explained above, by returning "pending" or "skipped", respectively. Both will halt the execution and Cypress will report the test as "skipped".

Step hooks

BeforeStep() and AfterStep() are hooks invoked before and after each step, respectively. These too can be selected to conditionally run based on the tags of each scenario, as shown below.

Contrary to how cucumber-js works, these AfterStep() hooks does not run if your step fails1.

import { BeforeStep } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

BeforeStep(function (options) {
  // This hook will be executed before all steps.

BeforeStep({ tags: "@foo" }, function () {
  // This hook will be executed before steps in scenarios tagged with @foo.

BeforeStep({ tags: "@foo and @bar" }, function () {
  // This hook will be executed before steps in scenarios tagged with @foo and @bar.

BeforeStep({ tags: "@foo or @bar" }, function () {
  // This hook will be executed before steps in scenarios tagged with @foo or @bar.

BeforeStep(function ({ pickle, pickleStep, gherkinDocument, testCaseStartedId, testStepId }) {
  // Step hooks are invoked with an object containing a bunch of relevant data.

Hook ordering

You can specify an explicit order for hooks if you need to. The default order is 10000. Before-type hooks are executed in ascending order, while After-type hooks are executed in descending order.

import { Before, BeforeStep, After, AfterStep } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

BeforeAll({ order: 10 }, function () {});
Before({ order: 10 }, function () {});
BeforeStep({ order: 10 }, function () {});

Named hooks

Both scenario hooks and step hooks can optionally be named. Names are displayed in the command log, as well as in messages reports.

import { Before, BeforeStep, After, AfterStep } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";

Before({ name: "foo" }, function () {});
BeforeStep({ name: "bar" }, function () {});
After({ name: "baz" }, function () {});
AfterStep({ name: "qux" }, function () {});


  1. This discrepancy between the preprocessor and cucumber-js is currently considered to be unsolvable, as explained here. 2