A htmlHelper for jquery datatable . This helper provides server side ability with wrapping jquery datatable. Create a datatable without knowing jquery datatable usage.
- Add AspCoreDataTable package to your project.
PM> Install-Package AspCoreDataTable.Core
- Server side
Server side dependencies getting with AspCoreDataTable nuget package.
- Client side
Add a link on datatables css and javascript files on your page
alertify,bootbox,sweetalert,toastr (These support by htmlHelper with confirm service)
After adding the AspCoreDataTable dll in your project, you can follow these steps for creating your own datatable.
- Add a using on the library in the _ViewImports.cshtml file
@using AspCoreDataTable.Core.DataTable;
@using AspCoreDataTable.Core.Button.Concrete;
@using AspCoreDataTable.Core.General.Enums;
@using AspCoreDataTable.Core.ConfirmBuilder;
@using AspCoreDataTable.Core.DataTable.Toolbar;
@using AspCoreDataTable.Core.DataTable.Abstract;
@using AspCoreDataTable.Core.Button.Abstract;
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
- Add required javascript files (datatable.js, alert.js, entity.js, general.js)
You can get these javascript files in AspCoreDataTable.Test project assets folder.
- Basic Initialization
The easy way to use it for creating tables is to call the htmlHelper with your table id.
- Add table load action your server side codes
When dealing with thousands of data rows it can be helpfull to use the serverside configuration. You can use paging configuration for getting data.
public JsonResult LoadTable(JQueryDataTablesModel jQueryDataTablesModel)
return Json(jQueryDataTablesModel.ToJqueryDataTablesResponse(personList));
// ignored
return null;
- Extension method for retrieving data
public static JQueryDataTablesResponse ToJqueryDataTablesResponse<TEntity>(this JQueryDataTablesModel model, IEnumerable<TEntity> collection)
where TEntity : class
List<TEntity> result = null;
var storageObject = model.columnInfos.DeSerialize<TEntity>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.sSearch))
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> expression = storageObject.GetSearchExpression(model.sSearch.Trim());
result = collection.AsQueryable().Where(expression).Skip(model.iDisplayStart).Take(model.iDisplayLength).ToList();
result = collection.Skip(model.iDisplayStart).Take(model.iDisplayLength).ToList();
using (var parser = new DatatableParser<TEntity>(result, storageObject))
return parser.Parse(model, collection.Count(), result.Count);
- Add table columns with using expression of entity properties
Columns are defined regarding to properties of entity. Columns can be different types, BoundColumn, CheckColumn, ActionColumn
.Columns(column =>
//add checkbox as tablecolumn or table column header. Checkbox value select with expression.
column.CheckColumn(p => p.id).CheckAllEnabled();
//add bound column with title. Column which selected with IsPrimaryKey method, is hidden automatically.
column.BoundColumn(p => p.id).Title("ID").IsPrimaryKey(true);
//Add searchable method for string property of entity. This search method can use by serverside action.
column.BoundColumn(p => p.name).Title("Name").Searchable(Operation.StartsWith);
//add column with nested property of entity.
column.BoundColumn(p => p.PersonAdress.city).Title("City").Searchable(Operation.StartsWith);
You can create action columns with one action button or more. You can add ActionButton, ModalButton, ConfirmButton, DownloadButton
column.ActionColumn().Title("Actions").Actions(action =>
//You can hidden button regarding to propert value.
.Hidden(t => t.PersonAdress.city, "istanbul")
.CssClass("btn btn-sm green btn-outline filter-submit margin-bottom green-haze")
.IClass("fa fa-edit")
.ActionInfo(new ActionInfo { actionUrl = "/Home/AddOrEdit", methodType = EnumHttpMethod.GET })
.Hidden(t => t.name, "Linda")
.CssClass("btn btn-sm red btn-outline filter-submit margin-bottom red-haze")
.IClass("fa fa-trash-o")
.ActionInfo(new ActionInfo { actionUrl = "/Home/Delete", methodType = EnumHttpMethod.POST })
.ConfirmOption(new ConfirmOption("ConfirmMessage", "ConfirmTitle", ConfirmType.Sweet, ""));
- Add table toolbar action
You can create toolbar button left side or right side of your table and enable or disable search, print, export options.
.ToolBarActions(action =>
.Text("Add New Person")
.CssClass("btn btn-sm red btn-outline filter-submit margin-bottom red-haze")
.IClass("fa fa-plus")
.ActionInfo(new ActionInfo { actionUrl = "/Home/AddOrEdit/-1", methodType = EnumHttpMethod.GET })
}, new TableExportSetting("Tools", "btn red btn-outline", false, true, true, true, EnumFormSide.RightSide))
- Add table rows css condition
You can create condition for rows with using expression of property and css value.
Create css in your custom css file.
.red {
background-color: #f2dede;
.yellow {
background-color: #FFFACD;
.blue {
background-color: #87CEEB;
Use these css in your row condition.
.RowCssConditions(condition =>
condition.AddRowCss(p => p.status, 1, "red");
condition.AddRowCss(p => p.status, 0, "yellow");
condition.AddRowCss(p => p.status, -1, "blue");
- Wrapping table with portlet
.Portlet("Person Table", System.Drawing.Color.Red, "fa fa-cogs")
- Add
for table
.CssClass("table table-striped table-hover table-bordered dataTable no-footer")
- Add
option for table
- Add
option for table
You can see all usage in AspCoreDataTable.Test.csproj project.