The Baltimore Sun analyzed data from Open Baltimore on salaries for city employees employed on June 30, 2019. The dataset captures salary from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.
Here are the key statistics reported in the story:
- Sgt. Ethan Newberg, a 24-year veteran of the city’s police force, earned $260,775, more than double his base salary of $107,807
- In the previous fiscal year, Newberg ranked second on the list of best-paid city employees, making $243,132
- Police Commissioner Michael Harrison and his two deputy commissioners, Danny Murphy and Michael Sullivan, were the only police employees whose base salary ranked in the top 10
- Seven of the 10 highest-paid city employees were police officers
- Harrison makes a base salary of $275,000. Former police commissioner Darryl DeSousa made an annual base salary of $210,000
- Total police department pay exceeded base salary by more than $40 million, down from 2018, when the difference was $51 million
- The median pay for an employee in the police department was $93,278
- The fire department had the second-highest total pay, with total compensation exceeding base salaries by more than $16 million
- The median pay for a fire department employee was $82,097
- The second-highest paid employee was Frank Johnson, who earned $251,922 on a salary of $250,000. The next-highest paid was William Harris Jr., a police sergeant who made $249,356 on a salary of $107,364. Harris was followed by police Lt. Thomas Mistysyn Jr., who earned $247,182 on a base salary of $122,049 and fire department employee Anthony Smith, who earned $243,747 on a base salary of $105,000. State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was the sixth-highest paid, with a salary of $238,772
- Harris was the city’s highest paid employee in fiscal year 2018
- Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young earned $127,984 on a salary of $184,832, nearly $10,000 more than what he earned as City Council President during the last fiscal year
salaries.19 <- read_csv('input/Baltimore_City_Employee_Salaries_FY2019.csv') %>% clean_names()
salaries.18 <- read_csv('input/Baltimore_City_Employee_Salaries_FY2018.csv') %>% clean_names()
Finding: Sgt. Ethan Newberg, a 24-year veteran of the city’s police force, earned $260,775, more than double his base salary of $107,807
Arrange the data by gross
— the total compensation in fiscal year 2019
— and use head()
to see the top salaries. Newberg is first.
salaries.19 %>% arrange(desc(gross)) %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Newberg,… Police Sergea… A99220 Police Depa… 06/26/1995… 107807 2.61e5
## 2 Johnson,… Executive Dir… A40001 M-R Info Te… 09/01/2017… 250000 2.52e5
## 3 Harris J… Police Sergea… A99304 Police Depa… 10/24/2000… 107364 2.49e5
## 4 Mistysyn… Police Lieute… A99225 Police Depa… 05/22/1990… 122049 2.47e5
## 5 Smith,An… Contract Srvc… A64001 Fire Depart… 09/28/1994… 105000 2.44e5
## 6 Mosby,Ma… State's Attor… A29001 States Atto… 08/01/2005… 238772 2.39e5
print(paste(salaries.19[order(-salaries.19$gross), ][1,]$name, "was the highest earner in fiscal year 2019, making",
salaries.19[order(-salaries.19$gross), ][1,]$gross, "or",
round(salaries.19[order(-salaries.19$gross), ][1,]$gross/salaries.19[order(-salaries.19$gross), ][1,]$annual_rt, 1), "times base pay."))
## [1] "Newberg,Ethan R was the highest earner in fiscal year 2019, making 260775.26 or 2.4 times base pay."
print(paste("The highest earner has worked in the city for", round(as.numeric(difftime(today(),
as.Date(mdy_hms(salaries.19[order(-salaries.19$gross), ][1,]$hire_dt)), unit="weeks")/52.25), 1), "years."))
## [1] "The highest earner has worked in the city for 24.2 years."
Finding: In the previous fiscal year, Newberg ranked second on the list of best-paid city employees, making $243,132
salaries.18 %>% arrange(desc(gross)) %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Harris J… Police Serge… A99304 Police Depar… 10/24/2000… 100228 2.50e5
## 2 Newberg,… Police Serge… A99341 Police Depar… 06/26/1995… 99860 2.43e5
## 3 Mosby,Ma… State's Atto… A29001 States Attor… 08/01/2005… 238772 2.39e5
## 4 Green,Er… Police Offic… A99335 Police Depar… 05/07/1998… 84796 2.27e5
## 5 Merrick,… Police Lieut… A99425 Police Depar… 05/10/1994… 114228 2.25e5
## 6 Johnson,… Executive Di… A40001 M-R Info Tec… 09/01/2017… 250000 2.17e5
Finding: Police Commissioner Michael Harrison and his two deputy commissioners, Danny Murphy and Michael Sullivan, were the only police employees whose base salary ranked in the top 10
Arrange the data by annual_rt
— the base salary in fiscal year 2019 —
and use head(10)
to see the top 10 salaries.
salaries.19 %>% arrange(desc(annual_rt)) %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Harrison… Police Commis… A99390 Police Dep… 02/11/2019… 275000 1.01e5
## 2 Johnson,… Executive Dir… A40001 M-R Info T… 09/01/2017… 250000 2.52e5
## 3 Mosby,Ma… State's Attor… A29001 States Att… 08/01/2005… 238772 2.39e5
## 4 Raymond,… Executive Dir… A23001 FIN-Admin … 05/08/2008… 214514 2.17e5
## 5 Ford,Nil… Executive Dir… A64006 Fire Depar… 01/15/2014… 210000 2.00e5
## 6 Braverma… Executive Dir… A06001 Housing & … 12/15/1986… 199716 2.02e5
## 7 Sullivan… Deputy Police… A99389 Police Dep… 06/17/2019… 195000 3.24e3
## 8 Murphy,D… Deputy Police… A99399 Police Dep… 04/08/2019… 195000 4.12e4
## 9 Calhoun,… Executive Dir… A54001 FPR Admin … 07/08/2013… 192725 1.93e5
## 10 Davis,An… City Solicitor A30001 Law Depart… 09/01/2017… 188000 1.90e5
Create a column, police
, that = 1 if the employee works in the police
department; 0 if not. Arrange the top 10 by gross and sum the number of
salaries.19 %>%
mutate(police = ifelse(grepl("Police", descr), 1, 0)) %>%
arrange(desc(gross)) %>%
head(10) %>%
summarise(police_in_top_10 = sum(police))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## police_in_top_10
## <dbl>
## 1 7
Finding: Harrison’s base salary is $275,000 a year. Former police commissioner Darryl DeSousa made an annual base salary of $210,000
Use the 2019 and 2018 salary database to compare Harrison and DeSousa’s pay
print(salaries.19 %>% filter(jobtitle == 'Police Commissioner'))
## # A tibble: 1 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Harrison,… Police Comm… A99390 Police Depa… 02/11/2019 … 275000 1.01e5
print(salaries.18 %>% filter(jobtitle == 'Police Commissioner'))
## # A tibble: 1 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 De Sousa,… Police Commi… A99390 Police Dep… 12/14/1988 … 210000 1.77e5
Finding: Total police department pay exceeded base salary by more than $40 million, down from 2018, when the difference was $52 million
Calculate the difference betwewen total base salary and actual pay for the police department in 2019 verus 2018
salaries.19 %>%
filter(grepl("Police Department", descr)) %>%
summarise(base = sum(annual_rt, na.rm = T),
actual = sum(gross, na.rm = T)) %>%
mutate(difference = actual - base)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## base actual difference
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 234064370 274393528. 40329158.
salaries.18 %>%
filter(grepl("Police", descr)) %>%
summarise(base = sum(annual_rt, na.rm = T),
actual = sum(gross, na.rm = T)) %>%
mutate(difference = actual - base)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## base actual difference
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 221875622 273276087. 51400465.
Filter and summarize to calculate the median police department (including overtime) pay in 2019
salaries.19 %>%
filter(grepl("Police", descr)) %>%
summarise(median = median(gross, na.rm = T))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## median
## <dbl>
## 1 93278.
Finding: The fire department had the second-highest total pay, with salaries exceeding base salaries by more than $16 million
Group by department (remove the parenthetical numbers in the department
column to get an accurate tally), and arrange by total gross
pay. Use head()
to see the top departments.
salaries.19.dept <- separate(salaries.19,
into = c('dept', 'number'),
sep = "\\(",
remove = F) %>%
select(-number) %>%
mutate(dept = trimws(dept)) %>%
group_by(dept) %>%
summarise(actual = sum(gross, na.rm = T)) %>%
arrange(desc(actual)) %>%
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## dept actual
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Police Department 274393528.
## 2 Fire Department 138760643.
## 3 DPW-Water & Waste Water 79210435.
## 4 TRANS-Highways 36685507.
## 5 HLTH-Health Department 32039843.
## 6 DPW-Solid Waste 26419567.
## 7 States Attorneys Office 23497941
## 8 Housing & Community Dev 21652618.
## 9 Enoch Pratt Free Library 20773938.
## 10 General Services 19392899.
The fire department is #2 after the police department.
Calculate total pay plus the difference between base and actual for the fire department.
salaries.19 %>%
filter(grepl("Fire", descr)) %>%
summarise(base = sum(annual_rt, na.rm = T),
actual = sum(gross, na.rm = T)) %>%
mutate(difference = actual - base)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## base actual difference
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 122136478 138760643. 16624165.
The difference is more than 16 million.
salaries.19 %>%
filter(grepl("Fire", descr)) %>%
summarise(median = median(gross, na.rm = T))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## median
## <dbl>
## 1 82098.
Finding: The second-highest paid employee was Frank Johnson, who earned $251,922 on a salary of $250,000. The next-highest paid was William Harris Jr., a police sergeant who made $249,356 on a salary of $107,364. Harris was followed by police Lt. Thomas Mistysyn Jr., who earned $247,182 on a base salary of $122,049 and fire department employee Anthony Smith, who earned $243,747 on a base salary of $105,000
Arrange the data by gross
and use head()
to see the top salaries
salaries.19 %>% arrange(desc(gross)) %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Newberg,… Police Sergea… A99220 Police Depa… 06/26/1995… 107807 2.61e5
## 2 Johnson,… Executive Dir… A40001 M-R Info Te… 09/01/2017… 250000 2.52e5
## 3 Harris J… Police Sergea… A99304 Police Depa… 10/24/2000… 107364 2.49e5
## 4 Mistysyn… Police Lieute… A99225 Police Depa… 05/22/1990… 122049 2.47e5
## 5 Smith,An… Contract Srvc… A64001 Fire Depart… 09/28/1994… 105000 2.44e5
## 6 Mosby,Ma… State's Attor… A29001 States Atto… 08/01/2005… 238772 2.39e5
Arrange the 2018 data by gross
and use head(1)
to see the top paid
salaries.18 %>% arrange(desc(gross)) %>% head(1)
## # A tibble: 1 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Harris Jr… Police Ser… A99304 Police Depar… 10/24/2000 … 100228 2.50e5
Finding: Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young earned $127,984 on a salary of $184,832, nearly $10,000 more than what he earned as City Council President during the last fiscal year
Filter the 2018 and 2019 data to find Young’s salaries in those fiscal years
print(salaries.18 %>% filter(name =='Young,Bernard C'))
## # A tibble: 1 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Young,Be… President Cit… A02001 City Counc… 10/21/1996 … 119402 1.18e5
print(salaries.19 %>% filter(name =='Young,Bernard C'))
## # A tibble: 1 x 7
## name jobtitle deptid descr hire_dt annual_rt gross
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Young,Bern… Mayor A01001 Mayors Offic… 10/21/1996 12… 184832 1.28e5
print(paste("Mayor Young earned $",
salaries.19[salaries.19$name =='Young,Bernard C', ]$gross - salaries.18[salaries.18$name =='Young,Bernard C',]$gross,
"more in fiscal year 2019 than in fiscal year 2018."))
## [1] "Mayor Young earned $ 9927 more in fiscal year 2019 than in fiscal year 2018."