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This repository contains the graduation speech for the Information Systems class of 2023.2 at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
I was elected valedictorian by my fellow graduates and, together with my friend and fellow graduate, Edmilson Domingues, prepared the speech below. On the evening of March 21, 2024, my fellow graduates and I received our bachelor's degrees in Information Systems from this institution.
"Good evening to all academic authorities, honorees, fellow graduates of Computer Science, Class of Professor Rafael Luiz Cancian present here, fellow graduates of Information Systems, Class of Professor Leandro José Komosinski (in memoriam), parents, relatives, friends, and everyone present.
I am here representing the graduating class of Information Systems, and it is with great satisfaction that I address all of you to celebrate this very special moment for all of us. The achieved result is the fruit of much personal determination, but also support from various sources. We cannot forget that we all went through a period of pandemic and that, in some way, we were affected by it. I make a special tribute to Professor Leandro José Komosinski, who suddenly left us.
Today, as we gather to celebrate this achievement that marks the end of a journey and the beginning of new horizons, it is impossible not to reflect on the incredible challenge of computing and technology that brought us here. Many technologies are already part of our daily lives: microelectronics, which enabled personal computers and cell phones, high mathematical processing cards, AI and its branches of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Data Science with Data Analysis, Data Analytics, and Data Mining. Big Data, Blockchain, and more recently, the almost unimaginable some time ago, DALL-E and ChatGPT. Ahead we have quantum computing.
In this global context, UFSC presents itself as a university of excellence, with its mission to “produce, systematize, and socialize philosophical, scientific, artistic, and technological knowledge, expanding and deepening human formation for professional practice, critical reflection, national and international solidarity, from the perspective of building a just and democratic society and defending the quality of life.” And we graduates are its most recent living result, filled with all these technologies, knowledge, and wisdom resulting from the hard work and intellectual exploration of scientists in a fabric of scientific knowledge that has unfolded for dozens and dozens of years.
Society invests in this quality education and expects us to be the new holders of this knowledge and with it we can give an adequate return to its most diverse aspirations. For this, it is necessary that, as graduates, we have critical thinking, driven by innovative ideas and focused on solving their problems. We have a commitment to society because, as the renowned scientist Carl Sagan said, “we live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology, and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That’s a clear prescription for disaster.” We are, and need to be, aware that there are those who place their trust in us to deal with complex and crucial issues that affect the daily lives of millions of people in intricate networks that permeate the planet in a large cosmopolitan digital village. Many do not have the technical means or the necessary knowledge to conduct deep analyses of the systems and solutions we develop. That is why our responsibility goes beyond mere lines of code or complex algorithms. Moreover, we have a duty to share our knowledge and experience with those outside our field of expertise, enabling them to make informed and responsible decisions about technological issues that directly affect them.
The Information Systems course has brought us many opportunities for growth and training, either through the quality teaching offered, the possibility of developing some work in a research laboratory, the condition to discuss new situations with the professors, to deepen our knowledge, to make mistakes and be guided, to understand the importance of scientific and technological research or even to enable a TCC with a theme of our interest. Today many question why to go to university - here are some good reasons. Our classmates brought us moments of mutual friendship and support, the practice of teamwork, the experience of professional life through real examples brought to illustrate many classes. Parents, relatives, and friends provided the personal support that was often needed.
We can be proud of having gone through this path of studies and be sure that we had the opportunity to attend a renowned academy. We leave here ready to face the most diverse professional challenges, for we have the know-how for that.
Therefore, may this moment of celebration also be a moment of reflection on the role each of us will play in this new chapter that begins. Do we have an innovator among us? We don't know. But anyway, may everyone present here honor the legacy of those who guided and inspired us along this journey, and may we contribute and give back to the society that places its trust in us. After all, our academic education is not just about mastering tools and techniques, but also about developing values and principles that will guide our professional performance and our contribution to humanity. We have the responsibility not only to create innovative solutions but also to ensure that these solutions are ethical, inclusive, and socially responsible. Let us be the locomotive of transformation — just as, before us, others were pieces that transformed life in society.
As we say goodbye to this institution that taught us so much and prepared us for the challenges we will face, we carry with us not only a diploma but also a legacy of responsibility and commitment to the common good. After all, we are sons and daughters of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
In conclusion, I thank all those involved in this achievement - UFSC as the promoting institution, professors and staff, course colleagues, parents, relatives, friends. A special thanks to the Director of the Technological Center, Professor Edson Roberto Di Pieri, the Vice-Director of the Technological Center, Professor Sérgio Peters, the Coordinator of the Information Systems Course, Professor Álvaro Junio Pereira Franco, and all the volunteers who made this ceremony possible on this date.
I wish all the graduates of the Information Systems Class of 2023-2 and Computer Science Class a life of full achievement.
Congratulations to all!"
This speech was approved by the graduates of the class and delivered on the evening of March 21, 2024, at UFSC's "Centro de Cultura e Eventos" building, Trindade Campus.