j5 expects that the first line of a j5 assembly CSV file is formatted in a particular way, so that it can tell what type of an assembly file it is dealing with. The first line of an assembly CSV file should begin with either "SLIC/Gibson/CPEC" (for a SLIC/Gibson/CPEC/SLiCE assembly file), "Golden Gate" (for a Golden Gate assembly file), "Combinatorial SLIC/Gibson/CPEC" (for a combinatorial SLIC/Gibson/CPEC/SLiCE assembly file), "Combinatorial Golden Gate" (for a combinatorial Golden-gate assembly file) or "Condensed" (for a condensed assembly file). The first line of assembly file file_name (header_line) does not match this format. Check to make sure that assembly file file_name is a proper j5 assembly CSV file.
j5 is unable to open the assembly files to condense list file file_name. Check to make sure that file_name matches the name of an assembly files to condense list file in the current working directory (if calling j5 from the command line), or that you specified an assembly files to condense list file to upload (if using the stand alone simplified web-page interface for j5). The error message may provide additional information.
j5 is unable to open the assembly file file_name that is listed in the assembly files to condense list file. Check to make sure that file_name matches the name of an assembly file in the current working directory (if calling j5 from the command line), or that this assembly file is included in the zipped assembly files file (if using the stand alone simplified web-page interface for j5). The error message may provide additional information.