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File metadata and controls

168 lines (122 loc) · 5.66 KB

Nova Translatable Field

This package is based on emilianotisato/nova-tinymce.

Adds the ability to show and edit translated fields created with dimsav/laravel-translatable package.

It will show up in the detail view like this:

And in the edit view like this:

Installation and usage

You can require this package using composer:

composer require barnacode/nova-translatable

You can add the field follows:

use Barnacode\Nova\Translatable\Translatable;


Make sure, that you have your Eloquent model setup correct:

  • First, you need to add the Barnacode\Translatable\Translatable-trait.
  • Next, you should create a public property $translatedAttributes which holds an array with all the names of attributes you wish to make translatable.
  • Finally, you should make sure that all translatable attributes are set to the text-datatype in your database. If your database supports json-columns, use that.

Here's an example of a prepared model:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Barnacode\Translatable\Translatable;

class NewsItem extends Model
    use Translatable;
    public $translatedAttributes = ['name'];

Defining Locales

Locales can be defined via config file config/translatable.php by adding a locales array:

// config/translatable.php
return [
    'locales' => [
        'en' => 'English',
        'de' => 'German',
        'fr' => 'French',

Alternatively you can "override" the config locales with the locales(...) method:

    'en' => 'English',
    'de' => 'German',

Single Line Option

By default the input field on the edit view is a textarea. If you want to change it to a single line input field you can add the singleLine() option:


Trix Editor

You can use the trix editor for your translated fields by using the trix() option:


TinyMce Editor

You can use the tinymce-vue editor for your translated fields by using the trix() option:


In order to work with this editor you need to create a free account to get the editor API_KEY. Once you have don this, create this key inside your config/nova.php file

    'tinymce_api_key' => env('TINYMCE_API_KEY'),

By default, the editor comes with default options and the image without the filemanager. You can use custome options like this:

                'plugins' => [
                    'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak'
                'toolbar' => 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic'

Using the upload images feature

Now if you need to upload images from the text editor, we need to install UniSharp Laravel Filemanager, and pass the use_lfm key to your options array:

                'plugins' => [
                    'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak',
                    'searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen',
                    'insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality',
                    'emoticons template paste textcolor colorpicker textpattern'
                'toolbar' => 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image media',
                'use_lfm' => true

In case you change the laravel-filemanager URL in the package config file, you need to pass that info to this nova field with the lfm_url key in the options array.

// ...
    'use_lfm' => true,
    'lfm_url' => 'laravel-filemanager'
// ...

Extra configuration and plugin customization

You can virtually pass any configuration option for the javascript SDK to the array in the options() method.

For example, you like to have increased the height of the text area:

                'height' => '980'

You can see the full list of parameters in the docs:

Index View

By default the locale used when displaying the field on the index view is determined by app()->getLocale(). To override this you can use the indexLocale($locale) option:
