class: center, middle, gray-background
Text: CC-BY 4.0
Get a good .emph[practical overview]
Not focus too much on why it flies but rather .emph[how we can change flying characteristics] -> this is important for safety
- Technical and academic detail
- Recovery techniques in incidents (SIV courses)
- Flying since 2017
- PP4 (400 flights, 100 hours, 3 SIVs) at the time of writing this
- There are most probably mistakes - please point them out to me
class: center, middle, inverse
.cite[(c) John S. Denker, "See How It Flies"]
- laminar flow: smooth, even, unhindered, non-mixing flow
- wing changes speed of air above and below wing
- velocity and pressure distribution depends on angle of attack ]
.cite[(c) John S. Denker, "See How It Flies"]
- downward momentum in air column behind the wing -> upward momentum on the wing ]
.cite[Becker, Sarah & Bruce, Paul. (2017). Experimental Study of Paraglider Aerodynamics.]
.cite[(c) John S. Denker, "See How It Flies"] ]
Bernoulli's principle
- higher airspeed <-> lower pressure (suction; s)
- lower airspeed <-> higher pressure (p)
pressure difference: above and below
airfoil does not have to be curved on top and flat on the bottom
air passing above and below does not pass in equal time ]
class: center, middle, inverse
- wing is open in front: cell intakes
- arc (wing is not flat but curved)
- stability design
- negative angle of attack makes wing collapse
- there is pressure inside the wing and it varies
- wing is flexible/collapsible: we can change the size of wing during flight (voluntarily or involuntarily)
- different mechanisms to change angle of attack
- tail-less
- no rudder
- steering
- "fuselage" is 8 m below the wing: human is the pendulum
- connection between human and wing is not fixed (slack/tension): inverted flight not possible, nose-dive requires spiraling
- reducing wing loading can make wing collapse
- thrust comes from gravity
- altitude is the fuel
- in straight and level flight, airflow typically comes at an angle from below, not from front
class: center, middle, inverse
.cite[From "Nailing the basics of active flying" by Greg Hamerton in the Cross Country Magazine (February/March 2023, p. 36)] ]
- Brakes (left, right, or both): induce drag -> yaw or pitch
- Speed bar: changes angle of attack
- Weight shift: creates a roll but then also some pitch and yaw
- Back risers
- We can pull at some lines and deform the wing (example: "big ears")
- Most pilots only use a small fraction of the entire brake range
- It's not only about brake position, but also about the timing ]
- pulling one brake: asymmetric drag -> yaw (but also roll)
- pulling both brakes slowly: slows the glider down
- pulling both brakes quickly (and then releasing): pitch back
- it's not only about shifting weight but also about displacing the carabiners up and down
- creates a roll but then also some pitch and yaw; loads one side of the wing more and displaces center of lift from center of mass and creates a roll (which restores center of lift above center of mass)
- roll -> AOA is not symmetric anymore on both sides -> yaw
- look where you want to go, then weight shift, then squeeze the brake
- safer (you look before turning), more efficient and coordinated (weight shift first), safer (less risk to spin)
- Chord line: imaginary line connecting the front of leading edge and trailing edge
- On a paraglider, angle between chord line and horizon is generally not the angle of attack
- AOA: Angle between air flow and chord line
.cite[Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 5, Aerodynamics of Flight, FAA-H-8083-25B]
- Data is for a specific airfoil (not a paraglider but it is still relevant)
- Increasing angle of attack (AOA) -> increasing lift (L) and increasing drag (D)
- At a certain AOA, this airfoil stalls
- There is an AOA with optimal glide (optimal L/D ratio)
- A paraglider is typically trimmed to fly close to optimal glide when hands-up
- On a paraglider we also want to avoid a too low AOA (more about it later)
Speed: lift increases quadratically with speed
AOA: lift increases linearly with AOA
Wing area: lift increases linearly with the area
Shape (airfoil)
Aspect (indirectly)
class: center, middle, inverse
speed bar
rear-riser control
collapsing wing (voluntarily or involuntarily)
aging of lines (A and B lines often lengthen with time, C and brake lines often shorten with time)
.cite[Images from]
- left: trim speed
- center: 50% speed bar (first step, legs extended)
- right: 100% speed bar (second step, legs extended, pullies almost touch)
.cite[R. Falquier, T. Lolies, U. Ringertz, Longitudinal Flight Mechanics of Paraglider Systems] ]
No brake: hands fully up, trailing edge not deflected
Full brake: hands fully down
Beginners will typically not need the full brake range ]
- too high AOA: wing stalls
- too low AOA: wing deflates
.cite[Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors (APPI) Pilot Manual, Version 1.2]
- Wing-tip vortices (induced drag): they are a side effect of lift and produced by pressure difference (below and above the wing)
.cite[Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 5, Aerodynamics of Flight, FAA-H-8083-25B]
- There is an airspeed with optimal glide (minimum drag)
- A paraglider is typically trimmed to fly close to minimal drag when hands-up (and no speed bar applied)
glide ratio = distance / altitude loss
typically ~ 10
launching from 1000 m in still air, no lift or sink, how far can you glide?
glide ratio changes with speed (brake application or speed bar)
we always glide "down", even when thermalling (surrounding air then rises faster than we sink)
sail planes can reach glide ratio of 50-60
- polar curve: relation between horizontal speed and vertical speed
- horizontal speed (brake application or speed bar) and vertical speed are not independent
- slower than min speed: stall
- reducing A lines beyond max speed: frontal collapse
- trim speed ("hands up"): close to best glide, around 10 m/s (36 km/h)
- beginners on modern gliders: do not try to optimize sink with brake application
- min sink is not the same as optimal glide (max distance)
- note how we can read off the glide ratio when looking at the -1.0 m/s vertical speed line
- polar curve depends on how still the air is, altitude, harness, weight, position
- great video: Andre Bandarra: Polar Curves - Basics
.cite[inspired by the article "Staying in touch" by Bastienne Wentzel in the Cross Country Magazine (October 2022, p. 34)]
- pushing speed bar increases speed (increases lift) but also reduces AOA (reduces lift)
- modern gliders and higher performance gliders compensate the two better
- high performance gliders are faster and less sinky at higher speed
- there has been a lot of progress in the last 10 years
polar moves to the left
push speed bar for best glide
we like a little bit of head wind to start
shows why we don't want to fly in 10 m/s wind ]
polar moves to the right
hands up for best glide
shows why we don't want to land in tailwind ]
polar moves up
hands up for best glide ]
polar moves down
push speed bar for best glide ]
polar moves tangentially along the best glide
glide is unchanged but speeds goes up (also the stall speed)
adding a lot of weight might change shape which would change glide and flight characteristics ]
.quote[[ ] Your fly slower]
.quote[[ ] Your fly faster]
.quote[[ ] Glide becomes shorter (you land too short)]
.quote[[ ] Stall speed goes up]
.quote[[ ] In weak lift you climb less well]
.quote[[ ] The certification of your glider is still the same]
.cite[Solution: 2, 4, 5]
- Upward forces balance downward forces
- Vertical component of lift is smaller
- Higher sink rate
- More Gs (you feel heavier)
- More wing loading
- The pendulum weight (pilot) swings faster around the turn
- Avoid steep turns close to ground
- Avoid turns on final approach before landing (sometimes a tree landing is better than a steep turn to force the glider onto the nice grass field)
- Less speed -> less lift -> less flare authority
- More speed -> more lift -> more flare authority
- Landing at sea level -> more air density -> more flare authority
- Landing at high altitude -> less air density -> less flare authority
- .emph[You want speed on approach] to have more control and possibly a softer landing
- When landing at high altitude, you need to be very precise with your flare timing
.cite[DLR, CC-BY 3.0] ]
- Airflow does not follow upper side of wing anymore
- Wing stops producing lift
- Always at same AOA
- Not always at the same speed: it is possible to stall a wing at any speed
- Not always at the same hand position
- On a paraglider a stall often deforms the wing
- Often wing tips "peel" first
- It can take surprisingly much brake to stall a wing from normal flight
- It takes surprisingly little brake to (re-)stall a wing which is not in normal flight ]
- Video: J. Sanderson, "Stalls: SIV Paragliding Safety Training"
- Wing rocks back
- Brakes become soft
- Peels back from wingtips
- Highly sensitive and unstable
- Risks: twist, spiral, canopy contact
- Video: J. Sanderson, "Spins: Paragliding Safety"
- One brake becomes soft
- One side of the wing stalls
- Half wing flies forward, half wing backward
- Can be accidentally induced by very heavy brake with no or wrong weight shift
- Risks: twist, spiral
.cite[From Paraglider Control: Stall, Spin, Collapse!] ]
- Wing looks open but you experience huge sink (7 m/s)
- Very yaw-unstable
- Waffle-grid pattern: Lower surface sucked up against upper surface
- Line attachments look like being pulled out
- Wing becomes parachute
- Air flows from below ]
- Stall/spin can be a useful tool to reset/ fix problems (learn during SIV)
- Acro: stall/spin are basic "every-day" elements
- Observe how wing falls back
- However, it is not the same point and not the same pressure/feeling as in flight (on the ground the wing is not loaded)
.quote[Quiz: what is the advantage of wing falling back after landing instead of falling forward?]
.cite[From "Nailing the basics of active flying" by Greg Hamerton in the Cross Country Magazine (February/March 2023, p. 36)] ]
- if wing is pitched/rolled/yawed away from equilibrium, it has the tendency to return to equilibrium (above your head)
- pilot is the weight on a long pendulum -> tendency to restore
- wing design supports stability (especially beginner wings)
- reduced stability if you reduce wing span (e.g. during "big ears" or "big big ears" maneuver)
- roll/pitch/yaw movements are typically coupled (it is however possible to do them separately: dolphining, spiral/looping, heli) ]
Sweep back: yaw stability
Center of drag is behind center of lift: yaw stability
Arc: stretches the front open
Aspect ratio
Line setup
Increased drag when pitching: pitch stability
Front collapse when over-pitching: avoid canopy contact
- Internal pressure
- Line attachments
- Line tension
- Positive AOA
- Wing has cell openings
- Pressure decreases progressively from front to back and from center to wingtips
- Brake input can briefly increase/restore internal pressure (like squeezing the end of toothpaste tube; "pumping out the deflation")
.cite[(c) 2018 JackieLou DL]
.cite[(c) 2020 Sebastian Schmied, CC-BY-SA-4.0] ]
- aspect ratio = span*span / area
- you will never have to compute it, you can look it up for any wing (example 1, example 2)
- some example values for orientation:
- school wings: 4.5 - 5
- beginner: 5 - 5.5
- intermediate: 5.5 - 6
- advanced/sport: 6.5
- competition: 7.5
- lower aspect: rounder, less performance, more stability/rigidity
- higher aspect: thinner, less induced drag, more performance (speed, better glide, better climb); less stability: more piloting needed to prevent deflations and cravats; more dynamic deflations ]
- more speed
- more performance
- deflations more dynamic
- less stability
- more piloting needed in lively air and to fix problems
- On find and read the test report for your glider and find out why it was rated A or B or C or ...
Weight range refers to "all up" weight (take-off weight)
- Flying outside the weight range? You might be outside of certification.
- Glider has been test flown on the lower and higher end of the weight range.
- Homework: Measure your "all up" weight (you and all the gear and clothes and everything) and compare with the weight range of your glider.
Easier to climb in weak lift
Less wing loading
Deflations more likely
Deflations less dynamic ]
Worse climb in weak lift
Higher wing loading and tension
Deflations less likely
Deflations more dynamic ]
Defined as weight / wing area
Typically around 3.5 kg / m^2 (homework: figure out the wing loading for you on your wing)
Acro wings: high wing loading (6 kg / m^2, or even more)
- More tension
- Higher speed
- Higher stall speed
- Same glide (unless wing distorts)
- More dynamic in turns
- More dynamic after deflations
.quote[More weight or less wing]
More weight (gear, body, different harness, extra ballast)
Smaller wing
Collapsed wing (can behave like a smaller wing)
Broken lines
More Gs during maneuvers (tight turn, spiral, acro maneuvers)
.quote[This is about the aerodynamics, not about SIV or recovery techniques!]
- Broken line: less maneuvering possibilities, wing structure can change
- Knot in lines: drag, wing turns towards the knot
- Line-over: maneuvering very limited, might not even fly
- Twisted start: less maneuvering possibilities, brakes are "opposite"
- Twisted brake lines: less maneuvering possibilities
- Aging lines: AOA changes, brake range changes, difficult to launch, closer to stall/spin
- Too much porosity: bad glide, deep stall
- Cravat (cloth caught in-between lines): huge drag, wing turns towards the cravat, rotation
- Deflation (symmetric, asymmetric): depends but often leads to rotation towards the deflation
Line attachments and line lengths determine the shape/camber/trim.
Trim speed: speed when "hands up" (close to minimal drag)
When a wing is out of trim:
- "hands up" AOA changes
- A and B lines often lengthen, C and brake lines often shorten over time
- Wing can deform/stretch/shrink over time
To trim a wing: bringing it back to trim by adjusting lines (often done by expert). Check the trim when buying a second hand wing.
Check your wing at least every 2 years. It may not be enough to check line lengths alone (wing can deform/stretch/shrink).