- Modified vehicle sorting algorithm to use direct subtraction rather than ternary operations.
- Check the selection exists in sortFunctions before attempting to sort to avoid invalid selection.
- QA testing: disabled GoEV sort filtering buttons when selected (removed for time being).
- Disabled span wrapping of SVG on vue-card-content.
- Contractor/PQEA table style updates to add sticky thead row.
- Go Electric vehicle filter option settings to remove federal rebate information from output.
- The vehicle type key dynamically reflects the available results hiding EV Types not in the current list.
- New classes and data attributes are implemented without breaking existing styles.
- Minor style updates for improved responsive output.
- Improved FAQ pagination display to hide controls when pagination is not needed.
- Font size adjustments to better work with site settings.
- Minor adjustment to incentives template pattern.
- Added Search escape suppression for keyboard accessibility.
- Added a mutation observer to handle link wrapping of external icons injected by the Block Theme.
- Modified styles to accomodate nowrap/no-wrap classing outside of the definitions links 'last-word' span.
- Incentives layout adjuments for BetterBuildings.
- Removed external link icons from mailto and tel links. Excluded last-word span maipulation from such links.
- Revising link styles across the sites.
- Added element wrappers to keep definitions links from wrapping end-of-line icons to next line on their own.
- Removed currentColor variable where the color value is not excepted.
- Added invisible html entity as breakpoints for email address as labels when output in filtering tables for PQEAs and Contractors.
- Tweaked focus and hover style for links in filtered tables.
- Modified base WP font sizing options.
- Modified Contractor and PQEA tool to allow for hiding controls in WordPress admin settings.
- Improved pagination display to work with controls when hidden or when pagination is not needed.
- Side navigation scroll generator scrupts and styles updated to work with Better Buildings/Homes functional styling conflict.
- Updated Single Incentive page pattern.
- Added admin and visitor facing patterns.scss for admin editor pattern styling.
- Disabled sourcemap generation in Vite config.
- Refactored styles structure to merge Better Homes and Better Building SCSS into BHBB combination.
- Incentives/rebates new page "choose a pattern" option for multi-column Single incentives page starter layout. Pattern template included in 'register_custom_incentive_page_pattern' function in Hooks/BasicBlocks.php.
- Added in-page side scrolling menu generation for incentives layout pattern based on headlines used in content.
- Cleaned up unscoped or undefined body styles and resolved sticky side menu bug.
- Fixed search results marking header link href and ARIA labels bug.
- Refactored various javascript to use es6 arrow functions and expand on JSDoc comments.
- Modified default PQEA choice to "Renovating a home".
- Removed custom qs (querySelector) /qsa (querySelectorAll) / addSafeEventListenerPlugin (addEventListener) wrapper methods.
- Passes the function reference for all DOMContentLoaded event listeners rather than invoking.
- Scoped Go Electric styles to body.custom-goelectricbc.
- Refined CSS by site. Cleaned up SCSS variables and removed mixins.
- Additional style updates.
- Added definitions post glossary query loop (.glossary-results) aggregation processing to add separation headlines by letter of the alphabet.
- Updated site styles to accomodate general styling for Better Homes and Better Buildings.
- Modified search highlighting.
- Add custom post types to search context based on site domain.
- Highlight search result page matches with mark tags.
- Re-initialize the definitions links after using the Category filtering on CleanBC Actons Vue tool.
- Added isolation of Vue component initialization.
- Added Rebates query string ability to instantiate the tool based on preset values with copy link.
- Update includes all relevant features from other tools eg: hide/show lower pagination, assemble URLs, clipboard copy, etc.
- Added Rebates pagination to bottom of results table with scroll to top of results button.
- Auto-expand Filter by upgrade accordion is any options are pre-selected.
- Added HTML decoding guard to rebate title display.
- Fixed comma bug in link Upgrade filters list options by parsing quoted values.
- Added text filtering to FAQ link generation and if a single result is show, auto expands the FAQ result.
- Suppress the lower pagination on single page results for FAQs.
- Disabled Copy Link on PQEAs until lregion/location is selected.
- Added user feedback interaction to Copy Link buttons.
- Added watchEffect in Contractors, PQEAs and FAQs tools to look for query string values able to instantiate the tools based on preset values.
- Also includes the ability to hide tools based on the '&show=off' query string addition.
- Added the ability to assemble and copy a link to the clipboard with the specific filter values.
- Added scaffolding to sort an array of objects asc or desc based on a specified property.
- Style updates: added light site link icon variant and general copy-link style for buttons.
- Removed redundant functions in Contractor and PQEA SFC causing an error on CleanBC.
- Fixed a scoping issue with FireFox causing a definitions error on CleanBC when using the keyboard to open the modal.
- Added HTML decoding to FAQ titles, Contractor and PQEA names with a shared decodeHtmlEntities function.
- Fixed an ARIA label issue on Contractors company name.
- Added FAQ, Contractor and PQEA pagination to bottom of results table with scroll to top of results button.
- Created a 'shared functions' import script to add DRY functionality across Vue-based apps.
- Modified Contractor and PQEA output to randomise results when applications are refiltered or reloaded (but not paginated).
- Added BH additional styles wrapping with body.betterhomesbc.
- Added GitHub Actions linting and testing workflows.
- Added and removed composer dependencies to fscilitate github.com deployment.
- Added various node dependencies and support packages
- Moved Vite based script test to "Vite-test", added jest config to exclude Vite specific tests.
- Modified Vehicle filter app to include year mechanism and bolstered ARIA for accessibility including live readback and sort button state.
- Rebates and FAQs app bugfixing.
- Improved keyboard nav for PQEA/Contractor/Rebates/FAQ Vue apps.
- FAQs app functionality.
- Refactored styles to /styles/betterhomes/_vue-apps.scss.
- Code clean up and improved documentation.
- Rebates block partials.
- Accessibility improvements for Rebates app filters.
- PQEAs, Rebates, and Contractors Vue apps, fixed sessionStorage purge, style clean-up and reorg.
- Rebates app: updated filtering logic and display for Offers and Types.
- Rebates app: improved UX, term counts, updated filtering logic.
- Rebates: added Vue app for Rebate Search Tool.
- Contractors filter block: API endpoint and VueJS block.
- Rebates page block to show the content sections.
- PQEA filter block CSS animations for pagination & results.
- PQEA filter block accessibility feature refinement.
- PQEA filter block and output ready for inclusion on beta site. Added script module fix for Vite/Vue. (CLEANBC-189)
- Added scaffolding for PQEA filter block.
- Vite builder and composer/wp-scripts living in harmony – codebase now lints using the code standards eg:
composer production
now works as required. (CLEANBC-189)
- Updated definition link to enable session caching of content. (CLEANBC-173)
- Auto-generated dialog for definitions custom post type allows for links that include the path 'definitions' to generate an accessible dialog with the content of the CPT. Modifies the display of the link to include icon. Also added link/dialog handling to the Vue posts filter mechanism. (CLEANBC-173)
- Fixed rebate output to align with API output. (CLEANBC-153)
- Migrated patched css from customizer to plugin (CLEANBC-153)
- Added design related update to Go Electric vehicle filter output. Fixed undefined value on plugin directory variable coming from WordPress using computed property.
- Fixed php notice for uninitialized string offset in vehicles custom API
- Added Federal rebate pending option to vehicle fields and API output. Modified the Vue interface to show alternative rebate pending option and combined rebate calculation.
- Fixed the "Show External Link Icons" setting inside BCGov Block Theme settings not working with previous plugin update. Updated front end scripts to utilise unique arrow function naming and window.requestAnimationFrame execution – removing previous setTimeout 0 – to modify the DOM and align with the browser's rendering cycle. (CLEANBC-154)
- Includes a new addSafeEventListener utility function update and related tests used to fix external links icon issues and fixes outstanding body and navigation padding issues.
- Added coding standards to the plugin including npm scripts for linting and better build management. Includes fix for Vue initialisation and event listener not a function issue. Uses domain reference for previous fetching of filterable cards. (DESCW-1862)
- Initialises category icons for cards on Drivers pages utilising Query Loops. Adds cached fetch to generate ability to match display of filterable action cards. (CLEANBC-144)
- Add external link icons back to action cards (CLEANBC-128)
- Bug fix: category icon referencing in actions filter. Was incorrectly pulling by inferred association. (CLEANBC-129)
- Minor edits and alterations to card visuals. Added scroll to filter buttons when clearing the filter. (CLEANBC-112)
- BC Government Actions filtering for CleanBC. Added new icons and layout based on designs, and uses icons instead of tags in cards. Auto fills the number of actions that fall under each action filter. Allow for ability to select filters with a radio select. Enables hash in URL to enable filtered category at page load. (CLEANBC-112)
- General styles and improved vehicle price range filtering. (DESCW-1479)
- Mobile and other various style updates (DESCW-1479)
- Custom pattern style updates for Go Electric. (DESCW-1479)
- General style updates for Go Electric theming. Bootstrap 4 display properties moved to theme scope. (DESCW-1479)
- Refactoring to incorporate the Go Electric styles and Vehicle filtering app. Adjusts the header display in conjunction with FSE updates. Various WordPress hooks to drive custom API and plugin specific blocks. (DESCW-1477)
- Modified filtering price range. Fixed Vue 3 handling of no results display. (DESCW-1477)
- Added 'cleanbc' custom body class to sites using plugin. Fixed scope issue in search toggle. (DESCW-1477)
- Fixed secondary navigation offscreen offset. (DESCW-1477)
- Modification of search results to omit custom post types (actions) and tags the search result with the post type (DESCW-1391)
- added style support for notification banners and search bar interactions (DESCW-1391)
- added search toggle icon and search field logic to expose the WordPress search capability (DESCW-1391)
- Accessibility update to manage focus state of search field visibility (DESCW-1391)
- fixed the highlighting state of menu items using :has() – fallback for unsupported browsers provided
- fixed the svg clip path injection to work with refactored output
- sweeping changes to header and menu system (DESCW-1390)
- refactored plugin to OOP with PHP class loader
- modified the Vue component to check for the site domain exposed by the Block Theme as part of data fetch
- separated Vue and general scripts/styles into their own hook class files
- minor logging and styles cleanup
- Large update for "CleanBC Post Filter" block (added to Theme category in block inserter) includes:
- funcitonal post, page or custom post type filtering
- allows editorial selection of display parameters such as number of columns, post type, heading size in results set, enabling a heading link back to content, choosing whether the content is pulled from the rendered content or excerpt.
- block insertion in editor uses a placeholder that updates to show critical information without the need to focus and inspect
- tightly styled filter button and card results
- filters allow multi-select on available categories using AND logic
- works around WordPress v2 hard limits for 100 results by calling fetch recursively with an offset
- and more...
– Added CleanBC theme.json – Initial Plugin Structure