Releases: bcgov/name-examination
Releases · bcgov/name-examination
Bug fix release 2019.02.22
Fixed bug with bad display of stem highlighting, when single letter in conflict search.
Release 2019.02.21
- Handle 500 error when put ' +' or ' ++++' at the end of the name (#1227)
- Removed manual search tips (outdated) from landing page.
- Fixed bug with incorrect loading of name conflict data from api. Causing bug when NR is reset - losing conflictX_num field from name record.
UI focus - 2019.02.04
- Changed RESET and RE-OPEN workflow based on role. (#1223)
- fixed stack synonym highlighting issue (#1222)
- Merge pull request #1221 from katiemcgoff/115-change-spinner-behaviour
- Hide Examine Names link for editors (#1220)
- Removed main page-blocking spinner from recipe steps, and replaced with call-specific spinner in various sections of recipe/exam page.
- 69/74 - fixed issues with synonym bucket highlighting (#1219)
- Hide Examine button from editor users (#1217)
- 69 74 show synonyms and stems (#1218)