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Attempting to use chart templates located on github pages #11

Attempting to use chart templates located on github pages

Attempting to use chart templates located on github pages #11

Workflow file for this run

# name: PR Closed
# on:
# pull_request:
# types: [closed]
# concurrency:
# # PR open and close use the same group, allowing only one at a time
# group: pr-${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number }}
# cancel-in-progress: true
# jobs:
# # Clean up OpenShift when PR closed, no conditions
# cleanup-openshift:
# name: Cleanup OpenShift
# env:
# release: ${{ }}-${{ github.event.number }}
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# timeout-minutes: 10
# steps:
# - name: Remove OpenShift artifacts
# run: |
# oc login --token=${{ secrets.OC_TOKEN }} --server=${{ vars.OC_SERVER }}
# oc project ${{ vars.OC_NAMESPACE }} # Safeguard!
# # If found, then remove
# helm status ${{ env.release }} && helm uninstall --no-hooks ${{ env.release }} || \
# echo "Not found: ${{ env.release }}"
# # Remove Bitnami Crunchy PVCs
# oc delete pvc data-${{ env.release }}-bitnami-pg-0 || \
# echo "Not found: pvc data-${{ env.release }}-bitnami-pg-0"
# # Add tags to PR image
# retags:
# name: Promote Images
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# permissions:
# packages: write
# strategy:
# matrix:
# package: [migrations, backend, frontend]
# timeout-minutes: 1
# steps:
# - uses: shrink/actions-docker-registry-tag@v3
# with:
# registry:
# repository: ${{ github.repository }}/${{ matrix.package }}
# target: ${{ github.event.number }}
# tags: latest