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Optional Automatic Eye-in-Hand Stereo Calibration Routine for Manipulator (Arm) Payload

Collect Calibration

An optional custom Automatic Eye-in-Hand Stereo Calibration Routine for the arm is available for use in the spot_wrapper submodule, where the output results can be used with ROS 2 for improved Depth to RGB correspondence for the hand cameras. See the readme at /spot_wrapper/spot_wrapper/calibration/ for target setup and relevant information.

First, collect a calibration with spot_wrapper/spot_wrapper/ Make sure to use the default --stereo_pairs configuration, and the default tag configuration (--tag default).

For the robot and target setup described in /spot_wrapper/spot_wrapper/calibration/, the default viewpoint ranges should suffice.

python3 spot_wrapper/spot_wrapper/ --ip <IP> -u user -pw <SECRET> --data_path ~/my_collection/ \
--save_data --result_path ~/my_collection/calibrated.yaml --photo_utilization_ratio 1 --stereo_pairs "[(1,0)]" \
--spot_rgb_photo_width=640 --spot_rgb_photo_height=480 --tag default --legacy_charuco_pattern True

Then, you can run a publisher to transform the depth image into the rgb images frame with the same image dimensions, so that finding the 3D location of a feature found in rgb can be as easy as passing the image feature pixel coordinates to the registered depth image, and extracting the 3D location. For all possible command line arguments, run ros2 run spot_driver -h

Run the Calibrated Re-Publisher

ros2 run spot_driver --tag=default --calibration_path <SAVED_CAL> --robot_name <ROBOT_NAMESPACE> --topic_name /depth_registered/hand_custom_cal/image

You can treat the reregistered topic, (in the above example, <ROBOT_NAME>/depth_registered/hand_custom_cal/image) as a drop in replacement by the registered image published by the default spot driver (<ROBOT_NAME>/depth_registered/hand/image). The registered depth can be easily used in tools like downstream, like Open3d, (see creating RGBD Images and creating color point clouds from RGBD Images), due to matching image dimensions and registration to a shared frame.

Comparing Calibration Results Quick Sanity Check

You can compare the new calibration to the old calibration through comparing visualizing the colored point cloud from a bag in RViz. See RViz setup below the bagging instructions.

First, collect a bag where there is a an object of a clearly different color in the foreground then that of the background.

ros2 bag record --output drop_in_test --topics /tf /tf_static \
/${ROBOT_NAME}/depth/hand/image /${ROBOT_NAME}/camera/hand/camera_info \
/${ROBOT_NAME}/joint_states /${ROBOT_NAME}/camera/hand/image \

To see what the default calibration looks like:

# In seperate terminals

ros2 bag play drop_in_test --loop
ros2 launch spot_driver spot_name:=${ROBOT_NAME} camera:=hand

To see what the new calibration looks like:

# In seperate terminals
ros2 bag play drop_in_test --loop --topics /${ROBOT_NAME}/depth/hand/image \
/${ROBOT_NAME}/camera/hand/camera_info /${ROBOT_NAME}/joint_states \
/${ROBOT_NAME}/camera/hand/image /tf /tf_static

ros2 run spot_driver --robot_name ${ROBOT_NAME} \
--calibration_path ${CALIBRATION_PATH} --topic depth_registered/hand/image

ros2 launch spot_driver spot_name:=${ROBOT_NAME} camera:=hand

RVIZ Setup for Sanity Check:

Set global frame to be /<ROBOT_NAME>/hand

Add (bottom left) -> by topic -> /<ROBOT_NAME>/depth_registered/hand/points -> ok

On the left pane, expand the PointCloud2 message. Expand Topic. Set History Policy to be Keep Last, Reliability Policy to be Best Effort, and Durability policy to be Volatile (select these from the dropdowns).