| gulpfile.js -- Defines all the gulp tasks that can be run
| package.json -- Defines all the dependencies needed
| │ main.js -- Main JS file
| │ third-party.js -- JS file with all the dependencies ie Angular, jQuery etc
| │
| ├───components -- holds all the route views and their controllers
| │ ├───issue-reader
| │ ├───login
| │ ├───modals
| │ ├───my-favorites
| │ ├───my-series
| │ ├───released-issues
| ├───images -- directory with pre minified images
| ├───styles -- directory with sass files and fonts
| │ ├───base -- base styles imported into main.scss
| │ ├───fonts -- fonts and icons
| │ main.scss -- Main SCSS file
| | index.html -- main HTML page
| ├───components -- holds all the route views and their controllers
| │ ├───issue-reader
| │ ├───login
| │ ├───modals
| │ ├───my-favorites
| │ ├───my-series
| │ ├───released-issues
| |───images -- directory with pre minified images
| |───scripts -- directory with main.js file and third-party.js
| |───styles -- directory with sass files and fonts
| | ├───fonts -- fonts and icons
| | main.css -- Main styles compiled from app/styles/main.scss