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SX1262 - nRF52 Low Power Example


In battery LPWAN applications reducing the power consumption has a high priority. Reduction of power consumption is done by keeping the MCU and where possible, as well the peripherals in sleep mode. They should ony wakeup on an external event or after a specified time to transmit data.

The Arduino sketch is in the folder DeepSleep-nRF52. The PlatformIO project is in the folder DeepSleep-nRF52Pio.

When using the Arduino framework for the nRF52 modules it is not obvious how to send the MCU into deep-sleep. But there are methods made available from the underlaying FreeRTOS OS that can be used to send a task into sleep mode. And when all tasks are in sleep mode, the MCU is going into low power sleep mode. It is not as perfect implemented as for example on the ESP32 MCU's where specific sleep functions can be called. But there are several methods, and here we will have a look into two of them. One is using the delay function, the other one is to use semaphores in your application.


This command will send the task into sleep for x milliseconds. This sounds easy to use, however, is not very practical. Because while in the delay() function, the task cannot receive any information about external events, like an interrupt from a sensor or from a 9DOF sensor. So for most scenarios the delay is not a good solution.

xSemaphoreTakeBinary(semphoreHandle, portMAX_DELAY)

FreeRTOS provides semaphores to control task switches and let tasks "sleep" while waiting for an event. Looking into the FreeRTOS documentation, you can see there are several types of semaphores, named binary, counting, mutex and recursive mutex. To keep things simple here, I will use the binary semaphore in this example.

How do semaphores work?

I am here citing the FreeRTOS documentation:

Think of a binary semaphore as a queue that can only hold one item. The queue can therefore only be empty or full (hence binary). Tasks and interrupts using the queue don’t care what the queue holds – they only want to know if the queue is empty or full. This mechanism can be exploited to synchronise (for example) a task with an interrupt.

Consider the case where a task is used to service a peripheral. Polling the peripheral would be wasteful of CPU resources, and prevent other tasks from executing. It is therefore preferable that the task spends most of its time in the Blocked state (allowing other tasks to execute) and only execute itself when there is actually something for it to do. This is achieved using a binary semaphore by having the task Block while attempting to ‘take’ the semaphore. An interrupt routine is then written for the peripheral that just ‘gives’ the semaphore when the peripheral requires servicing. The task always ‘takes’ the semaphore (reads from the queue to make the queue empty), but never ‘gives’ it. The interrupt always ‘gives’ the semaphore (writes to the queue to make it full) but never takes it.

How do we use semaphores in this low power example?

This example will use separate tasks. One is the Arduino loop() function (referred to in the following parts as loopTask), which is actually a task on FreeRTOS. A second task is created by the SX126x-Arduino library and handles all LoRa events. As this is done automatically by the library, we do not need to care about it. Same as shown below for the loopTask the LoRa handler task is controlled by a semaphore and is sleeping until the SX1262 LoRa transceiver triggers an event.

For the loopTask, we create a semaphore called taskEvent, that is given by two different events:

  • a timer event, which wakes up the loopTask every 2 minutes to send a status message to the LoRaWan server
  • a LoRaWAN downlink event, that is triggered if a downlink package from the LoRaWAN server has arrived

In the example code the taskEvent semaphore is taken by the setup functions before the loopTask is started. Once the task is started, it will call xSemaphoreTake(semaphore, portMAX_DELAY). The first parameter is the semaphore the task wants to take, the second parameter is the time the task will wait for the semaphore to be available. portMAX_DELAY means that the function will not return until the semaphore is given ==> the task goes to sleep!

Code explanation

Important to know

If you look into the source code, you can see that all "Serial.xxxx" calls are surrounded by

#ifndef MAX_SAVE
	<some code here>

As we want to achieve maximum power savings, the Serial port MUST NOT be initialized. Because not only does the hardware of the Serial port consume energy, FreeRTOS is as well starting a task running in the background (and never sleeps), that prevents the MCU from sleeping.

However, while testing this application, you might want to get some debug output. To enable the debug output, comment out the line

#define MAX_SAVE

in the file main.h.

The Arduino setup() function

The first thing in setup() is to create the taskEvent semaphore that will later hold the loopTask in sleep mode.

	// Create the LoRaWan event semaphore
	taskEvent = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
	// Initialize semaphore

Then after some GPIO setup, we call the function that initializes the SX1262 transceiver. More about that in the next paragraph. At the end of the setup() function you can find the code lines, that take the taskEvent semaphore and therefor blocks the main loop from executing

	// Take the semaphore so the loop will go to sleep until an event happens
	xSemaphoreTake(taskEvent, 10);

The LoRaWan setup function initLoRaWan()

In the initLoRaWan() function the usual setup calls to initiate the LoRaWan library are done. Details about this can be found in the other examples.
Then we can start the LoRaWAN join process.

	// Start Join procedure
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
	Serial.println("Start network join request");

Handling the LoRa events is done in the functions lorawan_has_joined_handler(), lorawan_rx_handler(), lorawan_confirm_class_handler(), ... that are similar to the same functions in the "normal" LoRaWAN example.
There are only a few differences:
After successfully joining the LoRaWAN network, we start the timer that will wake up the loopTask every 2 minutes to send a status messages.

	// Now we are connected, start the timer that will wakeup the loop frequently
	taskWakeupTimer.begin(SLEEP_TIME, periodicWakeup);

If we received a downlink package from the LoRaWAN server, we wake up the taskLoop that will handle the data package.

		eventType = 0;
		// Notify task about the event
		if (taskEvent != NULL)
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
			Serial.println("Waking up loop task");

Beside of giving the taskEvent semaphore, we set as well the flag eventType = 0; which tells the taskLoop that it woke up because a data package has arrived.

The function that wakes up the loopTask frequently

As already mentioned, the loopTask sleeps until either a downlink package is received, or wakes up every 2 minutes to send a status package.
After the node has joined the LoRaWAN network, a timer is initialized (see above), that calls every 2 minutes the function periodicWakeup(). In this function, the taskEvent semaphore is given, which will wake up the loopTask.

void periodicWakeup(TimerHandle_t unused)
	// Switch on blue LED to show we are awake
	digitalWrite(LED_CONN, HIGH);
	eventType = 1;
	// Give the semaphore, so the loop task will wake up
	xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(taskEvent, pdFALSE);

Here in addition to give the semaphore, we set in addition a flag eventType = 1; to inform the taskLoop that it was woken up because of the periodic alarm.

The loopTask (or Arduino loop() function)

The loop task is quite simple. First we switch of the indicator LED to show that the nRF52 is going to sleep

void loop(void)
	// Switch off blue LED to show we go to sleep
	digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

Next we call xSemaphoreTake() with portMAX_DELAY which puts the task into sleep until the semaphore is available

	// Sleep until we are woken up by an event
	if (xSemaphoreTake(taskEvent, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)

If the semaphore is given either by the periodic alarm or the SX1262 has received a data package from the LoRaWAN server, the indicator LED is switched on

		// Switch on blue LED to show we are awake
		digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
		delay(500); // Only so we can see the blue LED

Then the eventType is checked to take actions according to the event. In case a downlink package was received, the package should be handled. For simplicity I skipped that part in this example.

		// Check the wake up reason
		switch (eventType)
		case 0: // Wakeup reason is package downlink arrived
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
			Serial.println("Received package over LoRaWan");
			if (rcvdLoRaData[0] > 0x1F)
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
				Serial.printf("%s\n", (char *)rcvdLoRaData);
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
				for (int idx = 0; idx < rcvdDataLen; idx++)
					Serial.printf("%X ", rcvdLoRaData[idx]);


If the wake event was triggered by the periodic timer, a LoRaWan package is sent to the LoRaWAN server

		case 1: // Wakeup reason is timer
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
			Serial.println("Timer wakeup");
			/// \todo read sensor or whatever you need to do frequently

			// Send the data package
			if (sendLoRaFrame())
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
				Serial.println("LoRaWan package sent successfully");
#ifndef MAX_SAVE
				Serial.println("LoRaWan package send failed");
				/// \todo maybe you need to retry here?


After the event is handled, the taskLoop goes back to sleep.

		// Go back to sleep
		xSemaphoreTake(taskEvent, 10);


This code is written as an example and is not perfect in all parts. The goal was to show how to minimize the power consumption of a system that is based on a nRF52 and a SX1262.

LowPower applications with WisBlock API

If you own a WisBlock Core RAK4631 you can as well look into the WisBlock API which implements above functions in a library.