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- Rescue within an event to ensure that the timing is stopped in the event of a failure
- Remove old hooks and add new block management
- Remove and old or unrequired code
- Improved method naming
- Moved history and license into root
- Readme completed with hooks, stopwatches and now functionality
- 100% coverage rspec tests
- Complete commenting of code
- Added Rakefile and Tasks
- Updated Stopwatch
- Updated Stopwatch Specs
- Added before and after hooks
- Created hooks rspec tests
- Had to change allotment into class for hooks
- Split instance methods into seprate file
- Created release notes
- Updated Gemfile
- Updated gemspec
- Added Version
- Added Licence
- results methods now return results as a Hashie::Mash
- Added instance methods so that the module can be included into a class and allotment does not need to be called every time.
- Cleaned up stopwatch so that it had lap and split
- Allotment has the ablility to record blocks and procs, and to record from two separate points within the code.
- Stopwatch has been completed and can start, stop, split, lap and restart.
- There is an extention of Array for an average.
- There is Cucumber support, a cucumber file has been included that will record scenario and test time.