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File metadata and controls

287 lines (179 loc) · 8.09 KB

< class Helpers >

This is not actually a class at all, but a module collection of Wrapper's helpful utilities.

This module is imported with the core API and is accessible using 'self.api.helpers'

# can be accessed directly:
self.api.helpers.getargs(args, 2)

# or a local reference to the module in your plugin:
<yourobject> = self.api.helpers
<yourobject>.getargs(args, 2)
  • chattocolorcodes(jsondata)

Convert a chat dictionary to a string with '§_' codes

jsondata:Dictionary of minecraft chat
returns:a string formatted with '§_' codes
  • config_to_dict_read(filename, filepath)

    reads a disk file with '=' lines (like and returns a keyed dictionary.

  • config_write_from_dict(filename, filepath, dictionary)

    Use a keyed dictionary and write a disk file with '=' lines (like

  • epoch_to_timestr(epoch_time)

    takes a time represented as integer/string which you supply and converts it to a formatted string.

    arg epoch_time:string or integer (in seconds) of epoch time
    returns:the string version like "2016-04-14 22:05:13 -0400", suitable in ban files.
  • format_bytes(number_raw_bytes)

    Internal wrapper function that takes number of bytes and converts to KiB, MiB, GiB, etc... using 4 most significant digits.

    returns:tuple - (string repr of 4 digits, string units)
  • get_int(s)

    returns an integer representations of a string, no matter what the input value.

    arg s:Any string value.
    returns:Applicable value (or 0 for values it can't convert). Booleans or other types return their truth value as 1 (true) or 0 (false)
  • getargs(arginput, i)

    returns a certain index of argument (without producing an error if out of range, etc).

    arginput:A list of arguments.
    i:index of a desired argument.

    return the 'i'th argument. If item does not exist, returns ""

  • getargsafter(arginput, i)

    returns all arguments starting at position. (positions start at '0', of course.)

    arginput:A list of arguments.
    i:Starting index of argument list.

    sub list of arguments

  • getfileaslines(filename, directory=".")

    Reads a file with lines and turns it into a list containing those lines.

    filename:Complete filename
    directory:by default, wrapper script directory.
    if successful:a list of lines in the file.
    if unsuccessful:None/no data
    File/directory not found:False

    (Pycharm return definition) :rtype: list

  • getjsonfile(filename, directory=".", encodedas="UTF-8")

    Read a json file and return its contents as a dictionary.

    filename:filename without extension.
    directory:by default, wrapper script directory.
    encodedas:the encoding
    if successful:a dictionary
    if unsuccessful:None/{}
    File not found:False (any requested directory would be created)
  • isipv4address(addr)

    Returns a Boolean indicating if the address is a valid IPv4 address.

    arg addr:Address to validate.
    returns:True or False
  • mkdir_p(path)

    A simple way to recursively make a directory under any Python.

    arg path:The desired path to create.
    returns:Nothing - Raises Exception if it fails
  • pickle_load(path, filename)

    Load data from a Pickle file (*.pkl). Normally the returned data would

    be a dictionary or other python object. Used to retrieve data that was previously `pickle_save`d.

    path:path to file (no trailing slash)
    filename:filename including extension

    saved data. Failure will yield empty dictionary

  • pickle_save(path, filename, data, encoding="machine")

    Save data to Pickle file (*.pkl). Allows saving dictionary or other data in a way that json cannot always be saved due to json formatting rules.

    path:path to file (no trailing slash)
    filename:filename including *.pkl extension
    data:Data to be pickled.
    encoding:'Machine' or 'Human' - determines whether file contents can be viewed in a text editor.

    Nothing. Assumes success; errors will raise exception.

  • processcolorcodes(messagestring)

    Mostly used internally to process old-style color-codes with the & symbol, and returns a JSON chat object. message received should be string.

    upgraded to allow inserting URLS by

    arg messagestring:String argument with "&" codings.
    returns:Dictionary chat
  • processoldcolorcodes(message)

    Just replaces text containing the (&) ampersand with section signs instead (§).

  • putjsonfile(data, filename, directory=".", indent_spaces=2, sort=True)

    Writes entire data dictionary to a json file.

    data:Dictionary to write as Json file.
    filename:filename without extension.
    directory:by default, current directory.
    indent_spaces:indentation level. Pass None for no indents. 2 is the default.
    sort:whether or not to sort the records for readability.

    There is no encodedas argument: This was removed for Python3 compatibility. Python 3 has no encoding argument for json.dumps.

    True:Successful write
    False:File/directory not found / not accessible:
  • read_timestr(mc_time_string)

    The Minecraft server (or wrapper, using epoch_to_timestr) creates a string like this:

    "2016-04-15 16:52:15 -0400"

    This method reads out the date and returns the epoch time (well, really the server local time, I suppose)

    arg mc_time_string:

    minecraft time string.

    regular seconds from epoch:Integer
    9999999999 symbolizing forever:For invalid data (like "forever").
  • readout(commandtext, description, separator=" - ", pad=15, command_text_fg="magenta", command_text_opts=("bold",), description_text_fg="yellow", usereadline=True, player=None)

    (wraps _readout) display console text only with no logging - useful for displaying pretty console-only messages.

    commandtext:The first text field (magenta)
    description:third text field (green)
    separator:second (middle) field (white text)
    pad:minimum number of characters the command text is padded to
    command_text_fg:Foreground color, magenta by default
    command_text_opts:Tuple of ptions, '(bold,)' by default)
    description_text_fg:description area foreground color
    usereadline:Use default readline (or 'False', use readchar/readkey (with anti- scroll off capabilities))
    player:if the console, it goes via standard readout. otherwise, for other players, it passes to a player.message().

    Nothing. Just prints to stdout/console for console operator readout:

  • scrub_item_value(item)

    Takes a text item value and determines if it should be a boolean, integer, or text.. and returns it as the type.

  • set_item(item, string_val, filename, path='.')

    Reads a file with "item=" lines and looks for 'item'. If found, it replaces the existing value with 'item=string_val'. Otherwise, it adds the entry, creating the file if need be.

    item:the config item in the file. Will search the file for occurences of 'item='.
    string_val:must have a valid __str__ representation (if not an actual string).
    filename:full filename, including extension.
    path:defaults to wrappers path.

    Nothing. Writes the file with single entry if the file is not found. Adds the entry to end of file if it is missing.