a script to fetch new posts items from an rss feed every 15 minutes and post the new items to bluesky
cp .env-example .env
prepare the .env file with your
- hosts, username
- app password
- RSS feed
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 rss-to-bluesky.py
{'error': 'InvalidRequest', 'message': 'Invalid app.bsky.feed.post record: Record/text must not be longer than 300 graphemes'}
Error fetching the website (when embed is enabled) {'error': 'InvalidRequest', 'message': 'Invalid app.bsky.feed.post record: Record/embed/external must be an object'}
5 minutes might be too short for most RSS feeds, if/when no new posts the code output the last item, it should not! known items should not be posted twice.