The GeoPoint field is used for Geolocation coordinates. It works by adding coordinates or by pasting a Google Maps URL.
Here's an example of how to integrate the GeoPoint field into your templates. In this case the GeoPoint field has the API ID of location
php (sdk v4 or later):
$latitude = $document->data->location->latitude; $longitude =
$document->data->location->longitude; ?>
<?= $latitude . ', ' . $longitude ?>
// Outputs: Location: 48.880401900547, 2.3423677682877
php (sdk v3 or earlier):
$latitude = $document->getGeoPoint('store.location')->getLatitude(); $longitude
= $document->getGeoPoint('store.location')->getLongitude(); ?>
<?= $latitude . ', ' . $longitude ?>
// Outputs: Location: 48.880401900547, 2.3423677682877