This is a collection of historic creeds of the Christian faith. This repo focuses on the Reformed church.
This repo as a whole is not licensed for reuse due to the copyright right status of several texts (listed below). To reuse these texts, explicit permission needs to be granted by the copyright holder. These documents aside, the rest of this repo is licensed under the Unlicense.
- Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy <Copyright - Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc>
- Christ Hymn of Colossians <Copyright - Crossway>
- Christ Hymn of Philippians <Copyright - Crossway>
- Christian Shema <Copyright - Crossway>
- Confession of Peter <Copyright - Crossway>
- Helvetic Consensus <Translation Copyright 1990 - Martin Klauber>
- Savoy Declaration of Faith <Copyright - Reformed Standards>
- Shema Yisrael <Copyright - Crossway>
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- 1695 Baptist Catechism (1695)
- Abstract of Principles (1858)
- Apostles' Creed (710)
- Athanasian Creed (800)
- Belgic Confession (1561)
- Canons of Dort (1619)
- Catechism For Young Children (1840)
- Chalcedonian Definition (451)
- Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978)
- Christ Hymn of Colossians (60)
- Christ Hymn of Philippians (60)
- Christian Shema (55)
- Confession of Peter (30)
- Consensus Tigurinus (1549)
- Council of Orange (529)
- First Confession of Basel (1534)
- First Helvetic Confession (1536)
- French Confession of Faith (1559)
- Gregory's Declaration of Faith (265)
- Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
- Helvetic Consensus (1675)
- Ignatius' Creed (110)
- Irenaeus' Rule of Faith (180)
- Keach's Catechism (1794)
- 1689 London Baptist Confession (1677)
- Matthew Henry's Scripture Catechism (1703)
- Nicene Creed (381)
- Puritan Catechism (1855)
- Savoy Declaration of Faith (1658)
- Scots Confession (1560)
- Second Helvetic Confession (1562)
- Shema Yisrael (-1500)
- Ten Theses of Berne (1528)
- Tertullian's Rule of Faith (c. 200)
- Tetrapolitan Confession (1530)
- Waldensian Confession (1120)
- Westminster Confession of Faith (1647)
- Westminster Larger Catechism (1647)
- Westminster Shorter Catechism (1647)
- Zwingli's 67 Articles (1523)
- Zwingli's Fidei Ratio (1530)
- Creeds » Read, search, copy classic creeds
- Creeds and Confessions » Creeds and Confessions Mobile App
- Creeds of Christendom (Vol 1-3) by Philip Schaff (1876) » Through Creeds of Christendom, Schaff aims to bring understanding to those who adhere to different creeds. He wisely reminds us that despite varying Christian denominations, Christ always remains at the center of the creeds.
- Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries (Vol 1-4) by James T. Dennison Jr (2008) » This four volume set compiles numerous Reformed confessions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries translated into English. For many of these texts, this is their debut in the Anglo-Saxon vernacular.
- Creeds.json » You're looking at it!
- Standards Bot » A reddit bot that is triggered by reddit comments made in /r/Reformed that references various christian confessions and catechisms.
- Reformed Standards » The compendium is a collection of reformed documents, such as confessions and catechisms.
- Catechesis » An open-source app designed to help you catechize yourself, your family, and your church - by engaging with catechisms that have stood the test of time throughout the church age.
- Creeds » Read, search, copy classic creeds
- Reformed Standards » All the reformed documents in one tidy package
- Creeds and Confessions »
- Westminster Assembly Project » The Westminster Assembly Project exists to make the writings of the Westminster Assembly and its members available to scholars and to the general public.
- Relight » Relight dreams of one day becoming a fully-featured app for studying the Bible and theology from a reformed perspective.
- Christian Creeds & Confessions » This application provides a searchable library of the most universally used Christian creeds, confessions and catechisms of the Continental Reformed and English Presbyterian churches.