Pantheon attributes:
pantheonproduct: {pantheonproduct}
pantheonversion: {pantheonversion}
pantheonupdateddate: {pantheonupdateddate}
pantheonpublisheddate: {pantheonpublisheddate}
Bracket ID style: Go to SUPER COOL TESLA STUFF for cool stuff!
Bracket title style: Go to SUPER COOL TESLA STUFF for the same cool stuff!
Inline macro style: Learn how to be awesome with Tesla!
Relative xref style - let’s see if it needs to point at a file that exists: This link goes nowhere!!! And neither does this one!!! This link tries to go up a level!!!
This link has some params, do they persist? params test So does this one: test 2
What if we use links for an adoc file? Let’s see… Some thing but relative: hot chocolate
This xref has way,too,many,commas
Can we put asciidoc markup into link text?
How far does [#customId1] [.customRole] [role="explicitRole"] the rabbit hole go? How far does [#customId1] [.customRole] [role="explicitRole"] the rabbit hole go? What about [.fancyRole]this syntax? Maybe this works?
Can we name attributes in xrefs What about lfdkhsaj.adoc?
Here are some real attributes: test,role="randtron",window="whateverzz" Same thing for a link: Da Googz
This should actually work???? (That is now a lie, that is a random UUID that goes nowhere.)
This is code that is written with *'s ONLY! *** 4 ** gj****
This is a test of an inline xref.