Contributions are most welcome.
Before forking the repository to make changes, please create an issue about the features you are planning to add. If you're taking up an existing issue, leave a comment on the issue and ask the maintainers to assign it to you.
Wait for the maintainers to assign it to you, before creating PR.
- Do not directly change the JavaScript files. Change only the TypeScript files and compile them before each commit.
- Test your changes locally before committing, avoid spoiling the commit history with bugs.
- Keep the code clean as much as possible. Add comments wherever needed.
- Do not push the test files.
- Use ESNext style code wherever possible.
- Use only meaningful variable names.
- Do not change tsconfig.
Before creating a pull request, make sure you have documented the changes and updated, addressing the issue to which it is related.
Thank you for showing interest in contributing to this Open Source project 🤗.
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