Adapter uses keystore (PKCS #12 for holding certificates and keys which are used for signing http messages (QSEAL) and client tls authentication (QWAC).
By default, a keystore is expected to have two bags named "default_qwac" and "default_qseal" with an empty password. A keystore file may be created using openssl and keytool command line tools.
First create a p12 file for each certificate/key pair with a specific alias.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out <p12_file> -in <cert_file> -inkey <key_file> -name <alias>
And then combine all p12 files into one.
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <src_p12> -destkeystore <dest_p12> -srcstorepass '' -deststorepass ''
You can specify the path to your keystore with a java vm option pkcs12.keyStore. E.g.
java -Dpkcs12.keyStore=</path/to/your/keystore.p12> ...
If your keystore has a password it should be passed to the adapter as a java vm option too pkcs12.keyStorePassword. E.g.
java -Dpkcs12.keyStorePassword=<keyStorePassword> ...