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Example Solution for Shelley Stakepool Exercise Sheet 6

Stake Pool Parameters and Protocol Parameters


  1. Complete Exercise Sheet 5.

  2. Read the Cardano Tutorial Documentation and General Documentation on Stake Pool Parameters, Pool De-Registration and Protocol Parameters.

  3. Checkout and build the sources which have been tagged with 1.13.0.

    cabal update
    cd cardano-node
    git fetch --all --tags -f
    git checkout tags/1.13.0
    cabal install cardano-node cardano-cli
    cd ..

    Remark: cabal install will symlink the binaries to ~/.cabal/bin, so make sure that folder is in your PATH and takes precedence over other locations where old binaries might be lying around.

  4. Start a relay node and the node running your stake pool from Exercise Sheet 5.

    Let us assume that we have configuration files

    • ff-config.json
    • ff-genesis.json
    • ff-topology.json

    We can download the latest versions of these files at, but we might want to tweak the config-file and the topology (to add more peers).

    We will eventually run three nodes (one relay, two stake pools), and we will run them on the same computer in this example, although we would in reality run them on different machines.

    We can (and should) use the same genesis configuration for all three nodes, but we need separate versions of the other two types of files.

    Let us assume that we are aiming for the following configuration:

    Node Relay Pool 1 Pool 2
    port 3000 3001 3002
    topology file relay-topology.json node1-topology.json node2-topology.json
    config file relay-config.json node1-config.json node2-config.json
    database folder relay-db node1-db node2-db
    logging file logs/relay.log logs/node1.log logs/node2.log
    cold key verification file node1.vkey node2.vkey
    cold key signing file node1.skey node2.skey
    KES key verification file kes1-001.vkey kes2-001.vkey
    KES key signing file kes1-001.skey kes2-001.skey
    VRF key verification file vrf1.vkey vrf2.vkey
    VRF key signing file vrf1.skey vrf2.skey
    stake key verification file stake1.vkey stake2.vkey
    stake key signing file stake1.skey stake2.skey
    payment key verification file pay.vkey
    payment key signing file pay.skey
    stake address stake1 stake2
    payment address pay1 pay2
    issue counter node1.counter node2.counter
    operational certificate node1-001.cert node2-001.cert
    stake certificate stake1.cert stake2.cert
    delegation certificate stake1.deleg stake2.deleg
    pool certificate pool1.cert pool2.cert

    Note: In this example solution, we use only one payment key pair pay.vkey/pay.skey, but it is of course possible to use several different ones.

    We assume that we have already renamed the relevant files from previous exercises and therefore already have: node1.vkey, node1.skey, kes1-001.vkey, kes1-001.skey, vrf1.vkey, vrf1.skey, stake1.vkey, stake1.skey, pay.vkey, pay.skey, stake1, pay1, node1.counter, node1-001.cert, stake1.deleg, pool1.cert.

    We can start by creating the three config-files by making three copies of our template and configuring logging correctly in each of the copies by editing the part

    "setupScribes": [
          "scFormat": "ScText",
          "scKind": "StdoutSK",
          "scName": "stdout",
          "scRotation": null
          "scFormat": "ScText",
          "scKind": "FileSK",
          "scName": "logs/mainnet.log"

    and replacing logs/mainnet.log by the correct log-file name.

    Next we create the three topology files. We aim for the following topology: Topology

    This is achieved as follows:

    • relay-topology.json:

            "Producers": [
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 3001,
                    "valency": 1
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 3002,
                    "valency": 1
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 3001,
                    "valency": 2
    • node1-topology.json and node2-topology.json:

            "Producers": [
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 3000,
                    "valency": 1

    Now we can start the relay...

    cardano-node run \
        --topology relay-topology.json \
        --database-path relay-db \
        --socket-path relay-db/node-socket \
        --port 3000 \
        --config relay-config.json

    ...and the first pool

    cardano-node run \
        --topology node1-topology.json \
        --database-path node1-db \
        --socket-path node1-db/node-socket \
        --port 3001 \
        --config node1-config.json \
        --shelley-kes-key kes1-001.skey \
        --shelley-vrf-key vrf1.skey \
        --shelley-operational-certificate node1-001.cert


In the sixth exercise, we will make sure that you can:

  1. Run multiple stake pools;
  2. Vary the stake pool parameters;
  3. Retire Stake Pools.

As before, if you have any questions or encounter any problems, please feel free to use the dedicated Telegram channel.

IOHK staff will be monitoring the channel, and other Pioneers may also be able to help you.

Please report any bugs or improvements through the cardano-node and cardano-tutorials GitHub repositories.


  1. Create a new set of hot keys for your stake pool and restart it with those keys.

    We start by creating the KES key pair:

    cardano-cli shelley node key-gen-KES \
        --verification-key-file kes1-002.vkey \
        --signing-key-file kes1-002.skey

    Before we can create a new operational certificate, we need to figure out start of the KES validity period. We need to know how long a period is from the genesis file:

    cat ff-genesis.json | grep KESPeriod
    > "slotsPerKESPeriod": 3600,

    So one period lasts 3600 slots. What slot are we currently in?

    export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=node1-db/node-socket
    cardano-cli shelley query tip --testnet-magic 42
    > Tip (SlotNo {unSlotNo = 432571}) ...

    So we get for the current period:

    expr 432571 / 3600
    > 120

    With this we are able to generate a new operational certificate for our first pool:

    cardano-cli shelley node issue-op-cert \
        --hot-kes-verification-key-file kes1-002.vkey \
        --cold-signing-key-file node1.skey \
        --operational-certificate-issue-counter node1.counter \
        --kes-period 120 \
        --out-file node1-002.cert

    And we can stop our node, then restart it with the new certificate:

    cardano-node run \
        --topology node1-topology.json \
        --database-path node1-db \
        --socket-path node1-db/node-socket \
        --port 3001 \
        --config node1-config.json \
        --shelley-kes-key kes1-002.skey \
        --shelley-vrf-key vrf1.skey \
        --shelley-operational-certificate node1-002.cert
  2. Register and start a second stake pool, as you did in Exercise 5.

    Let's start by creating the cold keys and VRF keys for our second pool:

    cardano-cli shelley node key-gen \
        --cold-verification-key-file node2.vkey \
        --cold-signing-key-file node2.skey \
        --operational-certificate-issue-counter-file node2.counter
    cardano-cli shelley node key-gen-VRF \
        --verification-key-file vrf2.vkey \
        --signing-key-file vrf2.skey

    Generating hot keys, an operational certificate and starting the node works exactly as above, where we did this for our first pool:

    cardano-cli shelley node key-gen-KES \
        --verification-key-file kes2-001.vkey \
        --signing-key-file kes2-001.skey
    cardano-cli shelley node issue-op-cert \
        --hot-kes-verification-key-file kes2-001.vkey \
        --cold-signing-key-file node2.skey \
        --operational-certificate-issue-counter node2.counter \
        --kes-period 120 \
        --out-file node2-001.cert
    cardano-node run \
        --topology node2-topology.json \
        --database-path node2-db \
        --socket-path node2-db/node-socket \
        --port 3002 \
        --config node2-config.json \
        --shelley-kes-key kes2-001.skey \
        --shelley-vrf-key vrf2.skey \
        --shelley-operational-certificate node2-001.cert

    Next we create stake keys, the corresponding stake address and a payment address for the new pool:

    cardano-cli shelley stake-address key-gen \
        --verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --signing-key-file stake2.skey
    cardano-cli shelley stake-address build \
        --stake-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --out-file stake2
    cardano-cli shelley address build \
        --payment-verification-key-file pay.vkey \
        --stake-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --out-file pay2

    Now we can create the three certificates we need, the registration certificate for the new pool, the registration certificate for the new stake address and the delegation certificate from the new stake address to the new pool:

    cardano-cli shelley stake-pool registration-certificate \
        --cold-verification-key-file node2.vkey \
        --vrf-verification-key-file vrf2.vkey \
        --pool-pledge 50000000000 \
        --pool-cost 100000000 \
        --pool-margin 0.03 \
        --pool-reward-account-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --pool-owner-stake-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --out-file pool2.cert
    cardano-cli shelley stake-address registration-certificate \
        --stake-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --out-file stake2.cert
    cardano-cli shelley stake-address delegation-certificate \
        --stake-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --cold-verification-key-file node2.vkey \
        --out-file stake2.deleg

    In this example we have set the pledge to 50,000 ada, the cost to 100 ada and the margin to 3%.

    We are left with publishing those three certificates on the blockchain by attaching them to one or more transactions - we will do it in a single transaction here. Additionally, we must make sure that our pledge is met by sending at least 50,000 ada to pay2. We can interact which each of our three nodes to do this, but we choose the relay node for this example.

    We start by checking funds available in UTxO's belonging to pay1:

    export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=relay-db/node-socket
    cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
        --address $(cat pay1) \
        --testnet-magic 42
                TxHash                  TxIx        Lovelace
    20cb52...                              0      999499413951

    We need the protocol parameters:

    cardano-cli shelley query protocol-parameters \
        --testnet-magic 42 \
        --out-file params.json

    Now we can calculate transaction fees:

    cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
        --tx-in-count 1 \
        --tx-out-count 2 \
        --ttl 460000 \
        --testnet-magic 42 \
        --signing-key-file pay.skey \
        --signing-key-file node2.skey \
        --signing-key-file stake2.skey \
        --certificate pool2.cert \
        --certificate stake2.cert \
        --certificate stake2.deleg \
        --protocol-params-file params.json
    > runTxCalculateMinFee: 188909

    We look up deposits for pool- and key-registration:

    cat ff-genesis.json | grep Deposit
        "poolDeposit": 500000000,
        "keyDeposit": 400000,

    And calculate our change (assuming we only want to transfer 50,000 ada from pay1 to pay2):

    expr 999499413951 - 188909 - 50000000000 - 500000000 - 400000
    > 948998825042

    We build the raw transaction, sign it and submit it:

    cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
        --tx-in 20cb52...#0 \
        --tx-out $(cat pay2)+50000000000 \
        --tx-out $(cat pay1)+948998825042 \
        --ttl 460000 \
        --fee 188909 \
        --out-file tx.raw \
        --certificate-file stake2.cert \
        --certificate-file pool2.cert \
        --certificate-file stake2.deleg
    cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
        --tx-body-file tx.raw \
        --signing-key-file pay.skey \
        --signing-key-file node2.skey \
        --signing-key-file stake2.skey \
        --testnet-magic 42 \
        --out-file tx.signed
    cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
        --tx-file tx.signed \
        --testnet-magic 42
  3. Record your “pool id” in the Shelley Testnet spreadsheet, to advertise that it is running, and advertise the new pool cost and margin settings in the spreadsheet, as well as those for your original pool.

    Note: At the time of writing, proper pool id's have not been implemented yet. Please use the CBOR-hex from the cold key verification file instead.

    We look up our "pool id":

    cat node2.vkey
    > type: Node operator verification key
    > title: Stake pool operator key
    > cbor-hex:
    >  582033...

    So we can enter 582033..., 100 ada and 3% into the spreadsheet.

  4. Change the parameters for your original pool. Increase the cost by 10,000 ada and set the margin to 20%. Choose a suitable pledge value. Advertise these new settings in the spreadsheet.

    If we want to change our original pool and set cost to 15,000 ada, margin to 20% and pledge to 900,000 ada, we create a new pool registration certificate accordingly:

    cardano-cli shelley stake-pool registration-certificate \
        --cold-verification-key-file node1.vkey \
        --vrf-verification-key-file vrf1.vkey \
        --pool-pledge 900000000000 \
        --pool-cost 15000000000 \
        --pool-margin 0.20 \
        --pool-reward-account-verification-key-file stake2.vkey \
        --pool-owner-stake-verification-key-file stake1.vkey \
        --out-file pool1.cert

    Here we have additionally (although this was not required) changed the reward account to stake2.vkey, so the rewards from both our pools will go to the same stake key stake2.vkey from now on.

    We have to submit the new certificate to the blockchain:

    cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
        --address $(cat pay1) \
        --testnet-magic 42
                TxHash                  TxIx        Lovelace
    0fe697...                              1      948998825042
    cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
        --tx-in-count 1 \
        --tx-out-count 1 \
        --ttl 460000 \
        --testnet-magic 42 \
        --signing-key-file pay.skey \
        --signing-key-file node1.skey \
        --signing-key-file stake1.skey \
        --certificate pool1.cert \
        --protocol-params-file params.json
    > 181385
    expr 948998825042 - 181385
    > 948998643657
    cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
        --tx-in 0fe697...#1 \
        --tx-out $(cat pay1)+948998643657 \
        --ttl 460000 \
        --fee 181385 \
        --out-file tx.raw \
        --certificate-file pool1.cert
    cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
        --tx-body-file tx.raw \
        --signing-key-file pay.skey \
        --signing-key-file node1.skey \
        --signing-key-file stake1.skey \
        --testnet-magic 42 \
        --out-file tx.signed
    cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
        --tx-file tx.signed \
        --testnet-magic 42