While reading this README file you can dive into to the details of the backend side of the project.
In the first installation, the database migrations and also data generator needs to be applied correctly.
Firstly you need to create a database appdb
on SQL Server. The CLI commands below are the answer for how to easily create a database on SQL Server.
$ sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<YOUR PASSWORD>'
1> USE master;
2> GO
2> GO
You need to build the dependencies after initializing a new database,
# cd Backend
$ dotnet build EcommerceApi.csproj
Then do the migration as follows,
$ dotnet ef migrations add initial
$ dotnet ef database update
After migration go to the Data -> DataGenerator.cs file Line 347. Data seeding is applied by commenting out and commenting again for each entity. The reason is when applying them together, it raises a foreign key error which I couldn't fix for saving time.
Finally you can start your backend
$ dotnet run watch
This project is built with the technical stack:
- .NET Core
- C#
- MSSQL (for database)
- Swagger UI
- Entity Framework Core
- Dependency Injection
- Automapper
The database has been designed with Entity Relationship Schema as follows
The entities used in the project are as follows.
- Category
- Client
- OrderDetail
- OrderItem
- PaymentDetail
- Product
- Vendor
The operations for the entities are developed with the RESTful principle which supports CRUD operations:
- C: Create
- R: Read
- U: Update
- D: Delete
Example for configured operations at below,