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Go RabbitMQ Example

A small example of how to use RabbitMQ with GoLang to produce and consume messages with AMQP lib


How to run the example

  • Ensure that you have GoLang properly installed, like described here.

  • Ensure that you have Docker properly installed, like described here.

# clone this repository
git clone

# step into the repository
cd go-rabbitmq-example

# execute the follow command and wait the service start
docker run --rm -p 5672:5672 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=guest -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=guest -v ${PWD}/rabbit.definitions.json:/rabbit.definitions.json:ro --name rabbitmq rabbitmq:3.8.4-management

# in another terminal, execute the follow command to restore the rabbitmq schema used in the example
docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqadmin import /rabbit.definitions.json

# clone the .env.example with default environment variables
cp .env.example .env

# install the golang dependencies
go mod download

# now you have all the base configurations

# in the terminal, execute the follow command to start a consumer in catalogs_que queue
go run consumer/main.go -queue=catalogs_que

# in another terminal, execute the follow command to start a producer in products_ex exchange
go run producer/main.go -exchange=products_ex

# all the sended commands in the producer terminal should be printed in consumer terminal