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Showing 29 changed files with 415 additions and 363 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion lazpaint.logic
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ package lazpaintembeddedpack.lpk
const lazpainttype.pas LazPaintVersion
text release/windows/lazpaint.iss "#define MyAppVersion ""$(Version)"""
text release/debian/debian/control "Version: $(Version)"
echo "DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE release/debian/changelog"
text release/macOS/ "appversion=$(Version)"
bundle release/macOS/
copy ../resources/icon/lazpaint.icns release/macOS/
if exists ../../
text ../../ " var version = '$(Version)'"
echo ">> DON'T FORGET TO ADD VERSION IN release/debian/changelog <<"
170 changes: 76 additions & 94 deletions lazpaint/dialog/ubrowseimages.lfm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
Left = 376
Height = 375
Height = 300
Top = 101
Width = 855
Width = 684
Caption = 'Browse images'
ClientHeight = 375
ClientWidth = 855
DesignTimePPI = 120
ClientHeight = 300
ClientWidth = 684
KeyPreview = True
OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
OnCreate = FormCreate
Expand All @@ -18,119 +17,118 @@ object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
OnUTF8KeyPress = FormUTF8KeyPress
Position = poScreenCenter
ShowInTaskBar = stAlways
LCLVersion = ''
LCLVersion = ''
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 580
Height = 375
Left = 464
Height = 300
Top = 0
Width = 275
Width = 220
Align = alClient
ClientHeight = 375
ClientWidth = 275
ClientHeight = 300
ClientWidth = 220
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 0
TabOrder = 1
object Label_Status: TLabel
Left = 4
Height = 22
Top = 6
Width = 4
Left = 3
Height = 15
Top = 5
Width = 3
Caption = '.'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object vsPreview: TBGRAVirtualScreen
Left = 4
Height = 338
Top = 32
Width = 267
Left = 3
Height = 270
Top = 26
Width = 214
Alignment = taLeftJustify
Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
Color = clGray
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 0
TabOrder = 2
object ListBox_RecentDirs: TListBox
Left = 4
Height = 337
Top = 32
Width = 265
Left = 3
Height = 269
Top = 26
Width = 212
Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
ItemHeight = 0
OnClick = ListBox_RecentDirsClick
ParentFont = False
ScrollWidth = 263
TabOrder = 1
TopIndex = -1
object CheckBox_UseDirectoryOnStartup: TCheckBox
Left = 70
Height = 26
Top = 4
Width = 222
Left = 56
Height = 19
Top = 3
Width = 168
Caption = 'Use this directory on startup'
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 2
TabOrder = 0
Visible = False
object Splitter1: TSplitter
Left = 572
Height = 375
Left = 458
Height = 300
Top = 0
Width = 8
Width = 6
MinSize = 64
object Panel2: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 375
Height = 300
Top = 0
Width = 572
Width = 458
Align = alLeft
ClientHeight = 375
ClientWidth = 572
ClientHeight = 300
ClientWidth = 458
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 2
object Panel3: TPanel
Left = 1
Height = 91
Height = 73
Top = 1
Width = 570
Width = 456
Align = alTop
ClientHeight = 91
ClientWidth = 570
ClientHeight = 73
ClientWidth = 456
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 0
object ToolBar1: TToolBar
Left = 1
Height = 41
Height = 33
Top = 2
Width = 281
Width = 198
Align = alNone
ButtonHeight = 40
ButtonWidth = 40
ButtonHeight = 32
ButtonWidth = 32
EdgeBorders = []
Images = ImageListToolbar
ParentFont = False
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 0
TabOrder = 3
object ToolButton_GoUp: TToolButton
Left = 161
Left = 145
Hint = 'Go one directory up'
Top = 0
ImageIndex = 0
OnClick = ToolButton_GoUpClick
object ToolButton_ViewBigIcon: TToolButton
Left = 81
Left = 73
Hint = 'Show big icons'
Top = 0
ImageIndex = 2
OnClick = ToolButton_ViewBigIconClick
object ToolButton_ViewDetails: TToolButton
Left = 41
Left = 37
Hint = 'Show details and preview'
Top = 0
ImageIndex = 3
Expand All @@ -145,66 +143,61 @@ object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
OnClick = ToolButton_OpenSelectedFilesClick
object Tool_SelectDrive: TToolButton
Left = 121
Left = 109
Hint = 'Select drive'
Top = 0
ImageIndex = 6
OnClick = Tool_SelectDriveClick
Visible = False
object ToolButton_CreateFolderOrContainer: TToolButton
Left = 201
Left = 1
Hint = 'Create folder or container'
Top = 0
Top = 32
ImageIndex = 8
OnClick = ToolButton_CreateFolderOrContainerClick
object Edit_Filename: TEdit
Left = 280
Height = 34
Top = 50
Width = 280
Left = 224
Height = 23
Top = 40
Width = 224
Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
OnChange = Edit_FilenameChange
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
TabOrder = 2
object DirectoryEdit1: TEdit
Left = 280
Height = 34
Top = 6
Width = 280
Left = 200
Height = 23
Top = 5
Width = 248
Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
OnChange = DirectoryEdit1Change
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 2
TabOrder = 0
object ComboBox_FileExtension: TBCComboBox
Left = 8
Height = 34
Top = 50
Width = 262
Left = 6
Height = 27
Top = 40
Width = 210
ItemIndex = -1
ArrowSize = 8
ArrowWidth = 16
FocusBorderOpacity = 0
GlobalOpacity = 255
MemoryUsage = bmuHigh
Rounding.RoundX = 3
Rounding.RoundY = 3
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.StartColor = clBtnShadow
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.EndColor = clBtnFace
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.GradientType = gtLinear
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point1XPercent = 0
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point1YPercent = 0
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point2XPercent = 0
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point2YPercent = 250
StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.StartColor = clBtnShadow
StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.EndColor = clBtnText
StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.GradientType = gtLinear
StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point1XPercent = 0
StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point1YPercent = 0
StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point2XPercent = 0
StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point2YPercent = 100
StateClicked.Background.Gradient1EndPercent = 70
StateClicked.Background.Style = bbsGradient
Expand All @@ -224,16 +217,10 @@ object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
StateHover.Background.Gradient1.StartColor = clBtnFace
StateHover.Background.Gradient1.EndColor = clBtnHighlight
StateHover.Background.Gradient1.GradientType = gtLinear
StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point1XPercent = 0
StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point1YPercent = 0
StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point2XPercent = 0
StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point2YPercent = 150
StateHover.Background.Gradient2.StartColor = clBtnFace
StateHover.Background.Gradient2.EndColor = clBtnShadow
StateHover.Background.Gradient2.GradientType = gtLinear
StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point1XPercent = 0
StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point1YPercent = 0
StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point2XPercent = 0
StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point2YPercent = 100
StateHover.Background.Gradient1EndPercent = 85
StateHover.Background.Style = bbsGradient
Expand All @@ -253,16 +240,10 @@ object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.StartColor = clBtnFace
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.EndColor = clBtnHighlight
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.GradientType = gtLinear
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point1XPercent = 0
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point1YPercent = 0
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point2XPercent = 0
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point2YPercent = 150
StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.StartColor = clBtnFace
StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.EndColor = clBtnShadow
StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.GradientType = gtLinear
StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point1XPercent = 0
StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point1YPercent = 0
StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point2XPercent = 0
StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point2YPercent = 100
StateNormal.Background.Gradient1EndPercent = 70
StateNormal.Background.Style = bbsGradient
Expand All @@ -281,13 +262,14 @@ object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
StateNormal.FontEx.PaddingLeft = 3
StaticButton = False
OnChange = ComboBox_FileExtensionChange
TabOrder = 1
object vsList: TBGRAVirtualScreen
Left = 1
Height = 282
Top = 92
Width = 570
Height = 225
Top = 74
Width = 456
Align = alClient
Alignment = taLeftJustify
Color = clWindow
Expand All @@ -300,8 +282,8 @@ object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
object ImageList128: TImageList
Height = 128
Width = 128
left = 50
top = 220
Left = 40
Top = 176
Bitmap = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -16694,14 +16676,14 @@ object FBrowseImages: TFBrowseImages
Enabled = False
Interval = 30
OnTimer = Timer1Timer
left = 320
top = 220
Left = 256
Top = 176
object ImageListToolbar: TImageList
Height = 32
Width = 32
left = 234
top = 221
Left = 187
Top = 177
Bitmap = {
Expand Down

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