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169 lines (117 loc) · 6.94 KB

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169 lines (117 loc) · 6.94 KB

Contributors welcome!

Thank you very much for your interest in this project! There are plenty of ways you can support us. :-)

Code of Conduct

We like you to read and follow our code of conduct before contributing. Thank you.

Use it

The best and (probably) easiest way to help is to use this library in your own projects. It would be very nice to share your thoughts with us. We love to hear from you.

If you have questions how to use it properly read the documentation carefully.

Report bugs

If you find something strange please report it to our issue tracker.

Make a wish

Of course, there are some features in the pipeline. However, if you have good ideas how to improve this application please let us know! Write a feature request in our issue tracker.

Setup a development environment

If you like to contribute source code, documentation snippets, self-explaining examples or other useful bits, fork this repository, setup the environment and make a pull request.

git clone

If you have a GitHub account create a fork first and then clone the repository.

After that, change to your cloned repository and setup the environment with Composer:

cd i-doit-cli/
composer install

Now it is the time to do your stuff. Do not forget to commit your changes. When you are done consider to make a pull requests.

Notice, that any of your contributions merged into this repository will be licensed under the AGPLv3.


Developers must meet these requirements:

Run it!

To run idoitcli you do not need to build a binary first. Just run:


Add your own command

Each command has its own PHP class located under src/Command. There is a dummy class you can use as a skeleton. Copy it:

cd src/Command/
cp Dummy.php MyCommand.php

Note, that the file name must be in camel-case and it ends with .php.

Edit this file with your favorite editor. The class name must be the same as the file name (without the file extension). The entry point is the public method execute().

Next step is to register your new command. This is done inside bin/idoitcli.php. Add something like this:

        __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Command\\MyCommand',
        'Dummy command to print "Hello, World!"'

Now you are able to execute your command:

bin/idoitcli my-command

Further steps:

  • Add options to your command with $app->addOption()
  • Overwrite public method showUsage() to print usage with option --help

Release new version

…to the public. You need commit rights for this repository.

  1. Bump version: composer config extra.version <VERSION>
  2. Keep up-to-date
  3. Commit changes: git commit -a -m "Bump version to $(composer config extra.version)"
  4. Perform some tests, for example composer ci
  5. Build binary file: composer build
  6. Create distribution tarball: composer dist
  7. Build PHIVE files: composer phive
  8. Create Git tag: git tag -s -a -m "Release version $(composer config extra.version)" $(composer config extra.version)
  9. Push changes: git push --follow-tags
  10. Create new release on GitHub based on the last tag
  11. Upload these files and add them to the release:
    • Distribution tarball: idoitcli-<VERSION>.tar.gz
    • Binaray file: idoitcli
    • PHIVE files: idoitcli.phar, idoitcli.phar.asc
  12. Cleanup project directory: composer clean

If any step produces an error please think twice before releasing. ;-)

Create OS-related packages

At the moment, only Debian GNU/Linux is supported:

  1. Make sure you have fpm installed
  2. Build binary file: composer build
  3. Create .deb package file: composer deb

This results in a file idoitcli_<VERSION>_all.deb.

Composer scripts

This project comes with some useful composer scripts:

Command Description
composer ci Perform continuous integration tasks
composer clean Cleanup project directory
composer build Create a binary
composer deb Create a Debian GNU/Linux package
composer dist Create a distribution tarball
composer find-forbidden Find forbidden words in source code
composer gitstats Create Git statistics
composer gource Visualize Git history
composer is-built Test whether binary is already built
composer lint Perform all lint checks
composer lint-php Check syntax of PHP files
composer lint-json Check syntax of JSON files
composer lint-xml Check syntax of XML files
composer lint-yaml Check syntax of YAML files
composer phive Build PHIVE files
composer phpcompatibility Run PHP compatibility checks
composer phpcpd Detect copy/paste in source code
composer phpcs Detect violations of defined coding standards
composer phploc Print source code statistics
composer phpmd Detect mess in source code
composer phpmnd Detect magic numbers in source code
composer phpstan Analyze source code
composer security-checker Look for dependencies with known security vulnerabilities
composer system-check Run some system checks
composer test Perform some tests with the built binary

For example, execute composer ci.


Last but not least, if you think this project is useful for your daily work, consider a donation. What about a beer?

Further reading