tics | title | stage | category | kind | requires |
7 | Tendermint Client | draft | TIBC/TAO | instantiation | 2 |
This specification document describes a client (verification algorithm) for a blockchain using Tendermint consensus.
State machines of various sorts replicated using the Tendermint consensus algorithm might like to interface with other replicated state machines or solo machines over TIBC
Functions & terms are as defined in TICS 2.
is as defined in TICS 24.
The Tendermint light client uses the generalised Merkle proof format as defined in ICS 23
is a generic collision-resistant hash function, and can easily be configured.
This specification must satisfy the client interface defined in TICS-002
This specification depends on the Tendermint consensus algorithm and light client algorithm.
The Tendermint client state tracks the current revision, current validator set, trusting period, unbonding period, latest height, latest timestamp (block time), and a possible frozen height.
type ClientState struct{
ChainID string
ValidatorSet List<Pair<Address, uint64>>
TrustLevel Rational
TrustingPeriod uint64
UnbondingPeriod uint64
LatestHeight Height
LatestTimestamp uint64
FrozenHeight Height
MaxClockDrift uint64
ProofSpecs: []ProofSpec
The Tendermint client tracks the timestamp (block time), validator set, and commitment root for all previously verified consensus states (these can be pruned after the unbonding period has passed, but should not be pruned beforehand).
type ConsensusState struct{
Timestamp uint64
NextValidatorsHash []byte
Root []byte
The height of a Tendermint client consists of two uint64
s: the revision number, and the height in the revision.
type Height struct{
RevisionNumber uint64
RevisionHeight uint64
Comparison between heights is implemented as follows:
func Compare(a Height, b Height): Ord {
if (a.RevisionNumber < b.RevisionNumber)
return LT
else if (a.RevisionNumber === b.RevisionNumber)
if (a.RevisionHeight < b.RevisionHeight)
return LT
else if (a.RevisionHeight === b.RevisionHeight)
return EQ
return GT
This is designed to allow the height to reset to 0
while the revision number increases by 1
in order to preserve timeouts through zero-height upgrades.
The Tendermint client headers include the height, the timestamp, the commitment root, the complete validator set, and the signatures by the validators who committed the block.
type Header struct{
SignedHeader SignedHeader
ValidatorSet List<Pair<Address, uint64>>
TrustedValidators List<Pair<Address, uint64>>
TrustedHeight Height
client initialisation requires a (subjectively chosen) latest consensus state, including the full validator set. To clean up expired consensus states, the storage path of every ConsensusState
need to be recorded for client cleanup.
func (cs ClientState) Initialize(clientStore sdk.KVStore,consState ConsensusState) {
clientStore.Set("iterateConsensusStates/{cs.LatestHeight}", "consensusStates/{cs.LatestHeight}")
clientStore.Set("consensusStates/{cs.LatestHeight}/processTime", consState.Timestamp)
return nil
func (cs ClientState) Status(clientStore sdk.KVStore) Status {
assert(!cs.FrozenHeight.IsZero()) return Frozen
onsState, err := GetConsensusState(clientStore, cdc, cs.GetLatestHeight())
assert(err == nil) return Unknown
assert(consState.Timestamp+cs.TrustingPeriod > now()) return Expired
Tendermint client validity checking uses the bisection algorithm described in the Tendermint spec.
func (cs ClientState) CheckHeaderAndUpdateState(header Header) {
// assert trusting period has not yet passed
assert(currentTimestamp() - clientState.latestTimestamp < clientState.trustingPeriod)
// assert header timestamp is less than trust period in the future. This should be resolved with an intermediate header.
assert(header.timestamp - clientState.latestTimeStamp < trustingPeriod)
// assert header timestamp is past current timestamp
assert(header.timestamp > clientState.latestTimestamp)
// assert header height is newer than any we know
assert(header.height > clientState.latestHeight)
// call the `verify` function
assert(verify(clientState.validatorSet, clientState.latestHeight, clientState.trustingPeriod, maxClockDrift, header))
// update validator set
clientState.validatorSet = header.validatorSet
// update latest height
clientState.latestHeight = header.height
// update latest timestamp
clientState.latestTimestamp = header.timestamp
// create recorded consensus state, save it
consensusState = ConsensusState{header.timestamp, header.validatorSet, header.commitmentRoot}
return clientState,consensusState
Tendermint client state verification functions check a Merkle proof against a previously validated commitment root.
These functions utilise the proofSpecs
with which the client was initialised.
func (cs ClientState) VerifyPacketCommitment(
height Height,
prefix Prefix,
proof []byte,
sourceChain string,
destChain string,
sequence uint64,
commitmentBytes bytes) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "commitments/{sourceChain}/{destChain}/packets/{sequence}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check delay period has passed
if err := verifyDelayPeriodPassed(height, cs.DelayTime(), cs.DelayBlock()); err != nil {
return err
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{clientState.ChainName()}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the provided commitment has been stored
assert(root.verifyMembership(clientState.proofSpecs, path, hash(commitmentBytes), proof))
func (cs ClientState) VerifyPacketAcknowledgement(
height Height,
prefix Prefix,
proof []byte,
sourceChain string,
destChain string,
sequence uint64,
acknowledgement bytes) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "acks/{sourceChain}/{destChain}/acknowledgements/{sequence}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{clientState.ChainName()}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the provided acknowledgement has been stored
assert(root.verifyMembership(clientState.proofSpecs, path, hash(acknowledgement), proof))
func (cs ClientState) VerifyPacketCleanCommitment(
height Height,
prefix CommitmentPrefix,
proof []byte,
sourceChain string,
destChain string,
sequence uint64) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "cleans/{sourceChain}/clean")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{clientState.ChainName()}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the nextSequenceRecv is as claimed
assert(root.verifyMembership(clientState.proofSpecs, path, sequence, proof))