To set up integration tests I gratefully borrowed from Andreas von Studnitz article. If the instructions below don't help, check this article.
Create an empty database called "magento_integration_tests".
CREATE DATABASE magento_integration_tests;
Copy the file
and change these to your own settings
- db-host
- db-user
- db-password
- db-name (to 'magento_integration_tests')
Copy the file
Change the 'testsuites' element in phpunit.xml into
<testsuite name="BigBridge">
<directory suffix="Test.php">../../../vendor/bigbridge/product-import/Test/Integration</directory>
Since this extension is not installed in the test installation, you must at least add the index, needed for the speed tests.
alter table catalog_product_entity_varchar add index CATALOG_PRODUCT_ENTITY_VARCHAR_ATTRIBUTE_ID_VALUE (attribute_id, value);
Run the integration tests from command line with this command:
bin/magento dev:tests:run integration
To run tests from PHPStorm tell PHPUnit library to "Use composer autoloader" and
Path to script: /path_to_root/vendor/autoload.php
Default configuration file: /path_to_root/dev/tests/integration/phpunit.xml
If you want to speed up the initialization time, you can set the variable TESTS_CLEANUP inside the phpunit.xml to “disabled” instead of “enabled”.