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1019 lines (880 loc) · 57.1 KB

Spatial frequency preferences

Binder DOI

An fMRI experiment to determine the relationship between spatial frequency and eccentricity in the human early visual cortex.

See the paper for scientific details. If you re-use some component of this project in an academic publication, see the citing section for how to credit us.


Over the summer of 2024, we discovered a bug in our consideration of all polar angle coordinates. This does not affect our results at all, but does mean that e.g., the original local orientation of the stimuli calculation was incorrect. See notes for release v2.0.0 for details.

This repo, as well as the associated datasets on OpenNeuro and OSF, have now been corrected.

Table of Contents


The data and code for this project are shared with the primary goal of enabling reproduction of the results presented in the associated paper. Novel analyses should be possible, but no guarantees.

To that end, we provide several entrypoints into the data for re-running the full or partial analysis, with a script to automate their download and proper arrangement. There are also several ways to reproduce the computational environment of the analysis.

The following steps will walk you through downloading the fully-processed data and recreating the figures, read further on in this README for details:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Open config.json and modify the DATA_DIR path to wherever you wish to download the data (see config.json section for details on what this file is).
  3. Install the python environment:
    • Install miniconda on your system for python 3.7.
    • Install mamba: conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge
    • Navigate to this directory and run mamba env create -f environment.yml to install the environment.
    • Run conda activate sfp to activate the python environment.
  4. Run python fully-processed to download the fully-processed data (this is about 500MB).
  5. Run snakemake -k -j N reports/paper_figures/fig-XX.svg (where N is the number of cores to use in parallel) to recreate a given figure from the paper (note the number must be 0-padded, i.e., fig-01.svg, not fig-1.svg). These will end up in the reports/paper_figures/ directory. Note that they are svgs, a vector file format. If your default image viewer cannot open them, your browser can. They can be converted to pdfs using inkscape or Adobe Illustrator.
    • WARNING: while most figures take only a few minutes to create, one of these, fig-08.svg, takes much longer (up to 8 minutes on the cluster, 21 minutes on my personal laptop).
  6. If you wish to create all the figures from the main body of the text, run snakemake -k -j N main_figure_paper. If one job fails, this will continue to run the others (that's what the -k flag means).

If you wish to create the supplemental figures as well:

  1. Download the additional data required: python supplemental (this is about 5GB). NOTE: this is not required if you have already downloaded the full preprocessed data set from OpenNeuro.
  2. Run snakemake -k -j N reports/paper_figures/fig-SXX.svg (where again the number must be 0-padded) to create a single supplemental figure or snakemake -k -j N supplement_figure_paper to create all of them.

If you have any trouble with the above, check the troubleshooting section to see if there's a solution to your problem.

To understand what the snakemake command is doing, see the What's going on? section.


We also include several jupyter notebooks in the notebooks/ directory:

  • How-to-use-model: examples of how to use the 2d tuning model described in the paper.
  • Stimuli: some exploration of how to create the stimuli and visualize linear approximations thereof.

If you'd like to use them, you can either view it on Binder or install jupyter so you can view it locally (you can also view a static version of the notebooks using nbviewer).

If you would like to install jupyter locally and are unfamiliar with it, there are two main ways of getting it working (after setting up your conda environment):

  1. Install jupyter in this sfp environment:
conda activate sfp
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

This is easy, but if you have multiple conda environments and want to use Jupyter notebooks in each of them, it will take up a lot of space.

  1. Use nb_conda_kernels:
# activate your 'base' environment, the default one created by miniconda
conda activate 
# install jupyter lab and nb_conda_kernels in your base environment
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
conda install nb_conda_kernels
# install ipykernel in the sfp environment
conda install -n sfp ipykernel

This is a bit more complicated, but means you only have one installation of jupyter lab on your machine.

In either case, to open the notebooks, navigate to this directory on your terminal and activate the environment you installed jupyter into (sfp for 1, base for 2), then run jupyter and open up the notebook. If you followed the second method, you should be prompted to select your kernel the first time you open a notebook: select the one named "sfp".

Model parameters

data/tuning_2d_model contains two csv files containing the parameter values presented in the paper:

  • combined_subject_params.csv contains the parameter values from combining across subjects, as presented in the main body of the paper.
  • individual_subject_params.csv contains the parameter values from each subject individually, as shown in Figure 9B and the appendix.

Both csvs have five columns: fit_model_type, model_parameter, subject, bootstrap_num and fit_value:

  • fit_model_type (str): the (long) name of this submodel. Both csvs only contain a single model, which corresponds to model 9 in our paper, the best-fit one.
  • subject (str): the subject whose parameters these are. In combined_subject_params, there's only one subject, 'all'.
  • bootstrap_num (int): the bootstrap number. Each combination of model_parameter and subject has 100 bootstraps. For combined_subject_params, these are the bootstraps used to combine across subjects in a precision-weighted average. For individual_subject_params, these are the bootstraps across fMRI runs. See paper for more details.
  • fit_value (float): the actual value of the parameter.
  • model_parameter (str): the (long) name of the model parameter. The following gives the mapping between the two:
    • 'sigma':
    • 'sf_ecc_slope':
    • 'sf_ecc_intercept':
    • 'abs_mode_cardinals':
    • 'abs_mode_obliques':
    • 'rel_mode_cardinals':
    • 'rel_mode_obliques':
    • 'abs_amplitude_cardinals':
    • 'abs_amplitude_obliques':
    • 'rel_amplitude_cardinals':
    • 'rel_amplitude_obliques':

See the included How-to-use-model notebook for details about how to use these csvs with our model.

Model exploration widget

The model, despite only having 14 parameters, is a little unintuitive: it's not obvious how its predictions change with different parameter values and how they'll interact. In order to help develop your intuition, we've put together a little webapp (github repo here) for exploration, which allows you to adjust the model parameters and see how it's reflected on voxel tuning and the type of preferred period plots found in the paper.


The analyses were all run on Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat, and CentOS, several different releases). The steps required to create the figures have also been tested on Macs, and everything else should work on them as well. For Windows, I would suggest looking into the Windows Subsystem for Linux, as Windows is very different from the others, or using the docker image, which should work on every OS.

Software requirements

If you are starting with the partially- or fully-processed data, as explained below, then you only need the python requirements. If you're re-running the analysis from the beginning, you will also need MATLAB with its associated toolboxes, FSL, and Freesurfer.

In order to use the included download script to download partially-processed, fully-processed, or supplemental, you will also need rsync, which is probably already on your machine.

In order to use to download the preprocessed data from OpenNeuro, you will need to install the OpenNeuro command line interface.


This code works with python 3.6 and 3.7 (it may work with higher versions, but they haven't been tested).

We provide several ways to reproduce the python environment used in this experiment, in order of increasing complexity and future-proof-ness:

  1. Conda
  2. Docker
  3. Singularity

Conda environment

  1. Install miniconda for your system with the appropriate python version.
  2. Install mamba: conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge
  3. In this directory, run mamba env create -f environment.yml.
  4. If everything works, type conda activate sfp to activate this environment and all required packages will be available.

As of fall 2021, few of the required packages have specific version requirements (those that do are marked in the environment.yml file). As this will probably change in the future, we include a pip_freeze.txt file which shows the installed versions of each python package used to run the analysis (note this includes more packages than specified in environment.yml, because it includes all of their dependencies as well).

If you're re-running the pre-processing, you'll need WinawerLab's MRI_tools, commit 8508652bd9e6b5d843d70be0910da413bbee432e. The results shouldn't change substantially if pre-processed using fMRIPrep.

I recommend using mamba instead of conda to install the environment because conda tends to hang while attempting to solve the environment.

Docker image

If you're having trouble setting up the conda environment, are on Windows, or are trying to do this far enough in the future that the required package versions are no longer installable on your machine, you can use the docker image instead. This only contains the python requirements (not matlab, FSL, or Freesurfer, though you can mount you can mount those with the script). Make sure you have docker installed and then follow the instructions in the singularity image section, adding a --software docker flag to the calls (and maybe --sudo as well, if you need sudo to run docker; see here for steps that will allow you to run docker as a non-root user).

Docker hub makes no promises about its images staying around forever (and, in particular, is planning on deleting the images from free Docker accounts after six months of inactivity). So, in case the image has disappeared from Docker hub, you can get it from the NYU Faculty Digital Archive associated with this project, which I will try to update with new versions of the images. Both the singularity and docker versions are there, so you can download the docker version and then can load it into docker with: docker load < sfp_v1.0.0_docker.tar (for example).

Singularity image

If you want to run this on the cluster, you won't be able to use Docker. Fortunately, you can use singularity with docker images. Follow these steps instead:

  1. Navigate somewhere that you can put large files. This is probably not your home directory, on NYU's greene this is /scratch/$USER, which is how we'll refer to it for the rest of these instructions.
  2. Make sure you have singularity available: running which singularity should give you a path. If not, you'll need to load it. If your cluster uses lmod, like NYU's does, this is probably something like module load singularity/3.7.4
  3. Make sure you have python3 available: running which python3 should give you a path. If not, you'll need to load it. If your cluster uses lmod, like NYU's does, this is module load python/intel/3.8.6
  4. Pull the image down and convert it to singularity: singularity pull -F docker://billbrod/sfp. You should end up with a file called sfp_latest.sif in your current directory.
  5. Edit config.json: make sure DATA_DIR is set properly. If you want to run the preprocessing and/or GLMdenoise steps, you should also set the MATLAB_PATH, FREESURFER_HOME, and FSLDIR variables (see config.json section for more details)
  6. Navigate back to this directory and use the included script to run the image (this script makes sure to bind the appropriate volumes and sets up the environment). Use it like so: ./ path/to/sfp_latest.sif 'CMD', where CMD is the same as discussed elsewhere in this README, e.g., snakemake -n main_figure_paper. The single quotes are necessary if your CMD includes any flags (like -n), to prevent from trying to interpret them itself.
    • Assuming you set the corresponding paths in config.json, the container will have matlab, FSL, and Freesurer available, with all the corresponding toolboxes. It also includes the commit from WinawerLab's MRI_tools required to run preprocessing.
    • You can also run ./ path/to/sfp_latest.sif without a CMD to open an interactive session in the container.

See cluster usage section for more details about using this image on the cluster.

Docker hub makes no promises about its images staying around forever (and, in particular, is planning on deleting the images from free Docker accounts after six months of inactivity). So, in case the image has disappeared from Docker hub, you can get it from the NYU Faculty Digital Archive associated with this project, which I will try to update with new versions of the images. Both the singularity and docker versions are there, so you can download the singularity version and then you just need to pass the path to sfp_v1.0.0_singularity.sif (for example) to when you run it (skipping over the singularity pull step).

Experimental environment

We also include a separate environment containing psychopy, if you wish to run the experiment yourself. If you just want to see what the experiment looked like, there is a video of a single run on the OSF Once you have miniconda installed (i.e., once you've completed step 1 of the conda environment section above), then run conda env create -f environment-psychopy.yml to install the environment, and type conda activate psypy to activate it (if conda seems to take a while to install the environment, you can try installing it with mamba instead of conda, as described earlier).

See here for how to run the experiment.




We provide the script, which should work with a plain python install, in order to automate the downloading and proper arrangement of one of the three following subsets of the data. Which one you choose depends on your use-case:

  1. preprocessed (40.54GB): The minimally pre-processed BIDS-compliant data is shared on OpenNeuro. If you want to re-run our analyses from the beginning, this is the one you should use. In addition to the fMRI data gathered in this experiment, it also includes the (defaced) freesurfer data for each subject and the population receptive field solutions. See that dataset's README for more details.
    • Note that if you download this using the script, there will be a lot of text output to the screen after the download is run. That happens because we're running a fake snakemake run to make sure that the timestamps are correct, so it doesn't try to rerun the preprocessing steps.
  2. partially-processed (60GB): Partially-processed data is shared on the NYU Faculty Digital Archive. If you want to re-run our 1d tuning curve analysis and the 2d model fits, this is the one you should use. It is not fully BIDS-compliant, but tries to be BIDS-inspired. It contains the full outputs of GLMdenoise.
    • If you wish to use these outputs for another analysis, you'll probably want to line up the voxels and their population receptive field locations. To do so, run the first_level_analysis step: snakemake DATA_DIR/derivatives/first_level_analysis/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/SUB/ses-04/SUB_ses-04_task-sfprescaled_VAREA_e1-12_DFMODE.csv, where DATA_DIR is your root data directory, SUB is one of the subject codes (e.g., sub-wlsubj121), VAREA is the visual area to grab (currently, v1, v2, and v3 should all work, but only v1 has been extensively tested), and DFMODE is either summary (for the median across GLMdenoise bootstraps) or full (for all bootstraps; note this is much larger and will take much longer).
  3. fully-processed (523MB): Fully-processed data is shared on the OSF. If you just want to re-create our figures, this is what you should use. It is also not fully BIDS-compliant, but BIDS-inspired. This contains:
    • stimuli/: The stimuli arrays, modulation transfer function of the display, and csvs describing them (these are also contained in the preprocessed data)
    • derivatives/first_level_analysis/: The outputs of the "first-level analysis" step, csvs which contains the median amplitude response of each vertex in V1 to our stimuli (as computed by GLMdenoise), and each vertex's population receptive field locations.
    • derivatives/tuning_curves/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/individual_ses-04_v1_e1-12_eccen_bin_tuning_curves_full.csv: A csv summarizing the outputs of our 1d analysis, containing the parameters for each tuning curve fit to the different stimuli classes and eccentricities for each subject, across all bootstraps.
    • derivatives/tuning_curves/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/sub-wlsubj001/ses-04/sub-wlsubj001_ses-04_task-sfprescaled_v1_e1-12_eccen_bin_summary.csv: A csv containing that information for a single subject, fit to their medians across bootstraps.
    • derivatives/tuning_2d_model/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/filter-mean/initial/sub-*/ses-04/sub-* For each subject, the trained model for our best submodel (as determined by crossvalidation), fit to each voxel's median response.
    • derivatives/tuning_2d_model/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/filter-mean/initial/individual_task-sfprescaled_v1_e1-12_summary_b10_r0.001_g0_iso_full_iso_all_models.csv: A csv summarizing those models.
    • derivatives/tuning_2d_model/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/filter-mean/initial_cv/individual_task-sfprescaled_v1_e1-12_summary_b10_r0.001_g0_s0_all_cv_loss.csv: A csv summarizing the cross-validation loss for our model comparison analysis.
    • derivatives/tuning_2d_model/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/filter-mean/bootstrap/individual_task-sfprescaled_v1_e1-12_full_b10_r0.001_g0_full_full_absolute_all_models.csv: A csv summarizing the models fit to each subject, bootstrapping across runs, for the best submodel.
    • derivatives/tuning_2d_model/task-sfprescaled_final_bootstrapped_combined_parameters_s-5.csv: A csv containing the parameters for the best submodel, bootstrapped across subjects.
    • derivatives/tuning_2d_model/stim_class/bayesian_posterior/filter-mean/visual_field_{vertical,horizontal}-meridia/individual_task-sfprescaled_v1_e1-12_summary_b10_r0.001_g0_iso_full_iso_all_models.csv: Two csvs, one for the quarters around the vertical meridia, one for the quarters around the horizontal meridia, summarizing a model 3 (preferred period is an affine function of eccentricity, no dependency on orientation, no modulation of relative gain) fit to a subset of the visual field.
  4. supplemental (5GB): Extra data required to create the figures in the appendix, along with data present in fully-processed. This data is also present in preprocessed and is separate of fully-processed because it's much larger.
    • derivatives/freesurfer/: the freesurfer directories of each subject.
    • derivatives/prf_solutions/: the pRF solutions for each subject, including the Benson 2014 anatomical atlases (Benson et al, 2014) and Bayesian retinotopy solutions (Benson and Winawer, 2018).
    • sub-*/ses-04/func/*events.tsv: the events.tsv files defining scanner events, used to do the behavioral analysis.

Note that in order to run the analysis starting at the partially-processed data, the preprocessed dataset from OpenNeuro is also required. Additionally, the partially-processed and fully-processed data sets do not contain the entire outputs of the analysis at that point, just what is required to complete the following steps.

Also note that the subjects in the paper are just numbered from 1 to 12. In the data and this code, they use their subject codes; the subject codes map to the names in the paper in an increasing way, so that sub-wlsubj001 is sub-01, sub-wlsubj006 is sub-02, etc.

To use, simply call python TARGET_DATASET from the command-line where TARGET_DATASET is one of the four names above.


config.json is a configuration file that contains several paths used in our analysis, only the first of which must be set:

  • DATA_DIR: the root of the BIDS directory. It's recommended you place this in a new directory, such as Desktop/sfp_data. Note that you cannot use ~ in this path (write out the full path to your home directory, e.g., /home/billbrod or /Users/billbrod) and that the name of your directory cannot have capital letters in it (i.e., it should be sfp_data, not SFP_data; this causes an issue on Macs)
  • MRI_TOOLS: path to the Winawer lab MRI tools repo, commit 8508652bd9e6b5d843d70be0910da413bbee432e. this only needs to be set if you're re-running the pre-processing steps and doing so without using the container.
  • WORKING_DIR: working directory for preprocessing, stores some temporary outputs. Needs to be set if you're re-running pre-processing, regardless of whether you're using the container or not.
  • GLMdenoise-related: these two only need to be set if you're re-running the GLMdenoise steps and doing so without using the container.
    • GLMDENOISE_PATH: Path to the GLMdenoise MATLAB toolbox.
    • VISTASOFT_PATH: Path to the Vistasoft MATLAB toolbox.
  • Container-related: these only need to be set if you're using the container and running preprocessing and/or GLMdenoise. Note the current paths should be correct if you're on NYU Greene. They're the paths to the install locations for the additional dependencies required for preprocessing and GLMdenoise. To find their path on the cluster, make sure they're on your path (probably by using module load) and then run e.g., which matlab (or which mri_convert, etc.) to find where they're installed. Note that we want the root directory of the install (not the bin/ folder containing the binary executables so that if which matlab returns /share/apps/matlab/2020b/bin/matlab, we just want /share/apps/matlab/2020b).
    • MATLAB_PATH: directory containing the matlab install.
    • FREESURFER_HOME: freesurfer home directory, should also be an environmental variable of the same name.
    • FSLDIR: FSL directory, should also be an environmental variable of the same name.
  • Don't change: these last several paths were all used in the initial copying of data into the BIDS-compliant format we shared. They'll not be necessary for anyone else's use
    • TESLA_DIR: path to NYU CBI's Tesla server, where data comes off the scanner.
    • EXTRA_FILES_DIR: path to directory containing the extra files necessary to make directory BIDS-compliant (e.g., stimulus files, events files).
    • SUBJECTS_DIR: Winawer lab Freesurfer subjects directory.
    • RETINOTOPY_DIR: Winawer lab retinotopy directory, containing BIDS-like outputs.

What's going on?

The analysis for this project is built around snakemake, a workflow management system for reproducible and scalable data analyses. Snakemake is inspired by Make, an old school software build automation tool. The worfklow is specified in the Snakefile in this repo, which contains rules that define how to create output files from input files. Snakemake is then able to handle the dependencies between rules implicitly, by matching filenames of input files against output files. Thus, when the user wants to create a specific file, snakemake constructs a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) containing all the steps necessary to create the specified file given the availble files. It can run independent steps in parallel (by use of the -j flag included above), continue to run independent steps when one fails (with the -k flag), and even handle the management of job submission systems like SLURM (see Cluster usage section for details, if you're interested).

However, if you're not familiar with snakemake or this style of workflow management system, this can somewhat obfuscate what is actually being done. The following will walk you through a simple example, which you can hopefully generalize to other steps if you'd like to e.g., see what files are necessary to create specific figures or what functions are called to do so.

We will examine the creation of fig-02.svg. For this tutorial, we want a new setup, so follow Usage section through step 4, but don't create any figures (if you've already created some figures, cd to your DATA_DIR, then delete the figures and compose_figures directories: rm -r derivatives/figures derivatives/compose_figures to remove the intermediate steps, then return to this directory and run rm reports/paper_figures/*svg to remove the created figures).

Let's get an overview of what steps are necessary. Run snakemake -n -r reports/paper_figures/fig-02.svg. The -n flag tells snakemake to perform a dry-run, so it will print out the necessary steps but not run anything, and the -r tells snakemake to print out the reason for each step. You should see something like the following:

$ snakemake  -n -rk reports/paper_figures/fig-02.svg
Building DAG of jobs...
Job counts:
        count   jobs
        1       compose_figures
        1       figure_paper
        1       figure_stimulus_schematic
        1       presented_spatial_frequency_plot
        1       stimulus_base_frequency_plot

[Tue Sep 28 12:12:16 2021]
rule figure_stimulus_schematic:
    input: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/stimuli/task-sfprescaled_stimuli.npy, /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/stimuli/task-sfprescaled_stim_description.csv
    output: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg
    log: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/figures/paper/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled_svg-%j.log
    jobid: 3
    benchmark: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/figures/paper/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled_svg_benchmark.txt
    reason: Missing output files: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg
    wildcards: context=paper, task=task-sfprescaled, ext=svg

[Tue Sep 28 12:12:16 2021]
rule presented_spatial_frequency_plot:
    input: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/stimuli/task-sfprescaled_presented_frequencies.csv
    output: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_presented_frequencies.svg
    log: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_presented_frequencies_svg-%j.log
    jobid: 4
    benchmark: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_presented_frequencies_svg_benchmark.txt
    reason: Missing output files: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_presented_frequencies.svg
    wildcards: context=paper, task=task-sfprescaled

[Tue Sep 28 12:12:16 2021]
rule stimulus_base_frequency_plot:
    input: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/stimuli/task-sfprescaled_stim_description.csv
    output: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_base_frequencies.svg
    log: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_base_frequencies_svg-%j.log
    jobid: 2
    benchmark: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_base_frequencies_svg_benchmark.txt
    reason: Missing output files: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_base_frequencies.svg
    wildcards: context=paper, task=task-sfprescaled

[Tue Sep 28 12:12:16 2021]
rule compose_figures:
    input: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_base_frequencies.svg, /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg, /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_presented_frequencies.svg
    output: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/compose_figures/paper/stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg
    log: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/compose_figures/paper/stimulus_task-sfprescaled_svg-%j.log
    jobid: 1
    benchmark: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/code/compose_figures/paper/stimulus_task-sfprescaled_svg_benchmark.txt
    reason: Missing output files: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/compose_figures/paper/stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg; Input files updated by another job: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_base_frequencies.svg, /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/task-sfprescaled_presented_frequencies.svg, /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/figures/paper/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg
    wildcards: context=paper, figure_name=stimulus_task-sfprescaled

[Tue Sep 28 12:12:16 2021]
rule figure_paper:
    input: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/compose_figures/paper/stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg
    output: reports/paper_figures/fig-02.svg
    jobid: 0
    reason: Missing output files: reports/paper_figures/fig-02.svg; Input files updated by another job: /home/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_test/derivatives/compose_figures/paper/stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg
    wildcards: fig_name=fig-02.svg

Job counts:
        count   jobs
        1       compose_figures
        1       figure_paper
        1       figure_stimulus_schematic
        1       presented_spatial_frequency_plot
        1       stimulus_base_frequency_plot
This was a dry-run (flag -n). The order of jobs does not reflect the order of execution.

We can see that there are five steps that need to be taken to create reports/paper_figures/fig-02.svg: figure_stimulus_schematic, presented_spatial_frequency_plot, stimulus_base_frequency_plot, compose_figures, and figure_paper. For each of them, we can see the input, output, jobid, benchmark, log, reason, and wildcards. jobid is used internally by snakemake, so we can ignore it. benchmark and log are text files that will be created by snakemake and contain details on the resources a job required (time and memory) and some of its output to stdout and stderr, respectively.

Let's step through the rest for the figure_stimulus_schematic rule:

  • input: These two files in the stimuli/ directory are required to create the figure.
  • output: an intermediate figure, contained within derivatives/figure/paper. This will be panel B of the final figure-02.
  • reason: why we're running this step. In this case, because the output file is missing.
  • wildcards: in order to use the same rule for similar steps, we can define wildcards. These are substrings that must be present in all output files and, if present in the input, must be identical to the value in the output. They can then be used to modify the steps used to create the output. For example, here, we have three wildcards, context, task, and ext. ext gives the file extension of the output, so we could use the same code to create a pdf or a png, for example, just modifying the extension of the file we save to. Similarly, context sets some matplotlib configuration options, creating an appropriate figure for either a paper or a poster (e.g., increasing text size). task is used to specify the version of the task we used -- during piloting, we used several different versions of the stimuli, and task-sfprescaled corresponds to the final versions we used.

If we then open up Snakefile and search for rule figure_stimulus_schematic, we can find the rule itself. We see the following:

rule figure_stimulus_schematic:
        os.path.join(config['DATA_DIR'], 'stimuli', '{task}_stimuli.npy'),
        os.path.join(config['DATA_DIR'], 'stimuli', '{task}_stim_description.csv'),
        os.path.join(config["DATA_DIR"], 'derivatives', 'figures', '{context}', 'schematic_stimulus_{task}.{ext}')
        os.path.join(config["DATA_DIR"], 'code', 'figures', '{context}', 'schematic_stimulus_{task}_{ext}-%j.log')
        os.path.join(config["DATA_DIR"], 'code', 'figures', '{context}', 'schematic_stimulus_{task}_{ext}_benchmark.txt')
        import sfp
        import numpy as np
        import pandas as pd
        stim = np.load(input[0])
        stim_df = pd.read_csv(input[1])
        fig = sfp.figures.stimulus_schematic(stim, stim_df, wildcards.context)
        fig.savefig(output[0], bbox_inches='tight')

We can see the rule defines input, output, log, benchmark, and run. The first four are as above, defining paths to the relevant files, though you'll notice that some parts of the paths are contained within curly braces, e.g., {task}. These are the wildcards, and so trying to create derivatives/figures/paper/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled.svg will match this rule, and so will derivatives/figures/poster/schematic_stimulus_task-sfprescaled.png (as described above).

The run block is the most important: it defines what to actually do in order to create the output from the input. This is all python code: we can see that we import several libraries, load in the stimulus array and stimulus description csv, then call the function sfp.figures.stimulus_schematic, passing it the two inputs and the context wildcard, and finally save the created figure at the output path. If you wanted to see what exactly that function did, you could then find it in sfp/ You could also call this block of code in a jupyter notebook or a python interpreter to run it yourself (though you'd need to replace input, output, and wildcards.context with appropriate values).

The other rules can be understood in a similar fashion. As a general note, the final step for creating any of the figures will be figure_paper, which just moves and renames the figure so it ends up in reports/paper_figures. The second-to-last step will generally be compose_figures, which combines together multiple figures and labels them to create multi-panel figures.

Hopefully that's enough detail for you to get a sense for what's going on and how you can get more information about the steps of the analysis!

Usage details

Running the experiment

If you just wish to see what the runs of our experiment looked like, a video has been uploaded to the OSF.

If you wish to use the existing stimuli to run the experiment, you can do so for a new subject sub-test by doing the following:

  1. Activate the sfp environment: conda activate sfp.
  2. Generate presentation indices: snakemake data/stimuli/sub-test_ses-04_run00_idx.npy
  3. Activate the psypy environment: conda activate pspy.
  4. Run python sfp/ DATA_DIR/stimuli/task-sfprescaled_stimuli.npy 1 sub-test_ses-04, replacing DATA_DIR with the path to the root of the directory (as given in config.json). If you want to run more than 1 run, change the 1 in that command. Each run will last 4 minutes 24 seconds (48 stimulus classes and 10 blank trials, each for 4 seconds, with 16 seconds of blank screen at the beginning and end of each run).

Note that unless you use one of the subject names used in our project (i.e., sub-wlsubj045), the presentation index will be generated with seed=0 (a warning is raised to this effect when you create them). Therefore, all new subjects will have the same presentation order, which is not what you want for an actual experiment.

Cluster usage

If you're running this analysis locally, nothing else needs to be configured. If you're doing anything beyond just creating the figures, however, you probably will want to use a compute cluster (GLMdenoise takes ~2 hours per subject, each fit of the 2d model takes ~1 hour and we fit ~3000 of them in total). If you do so, it's recommended that you use the included Singularity image to handle the environment.

The following instructions will work on NYU's greene cluster, which is a SLURM cluster. Other SLURM clusters should work more-or-less the same, and other cluster management / job scheduling systems should work similarly, see below for some notes.

First, follow the instructions in singularity section, through step 5.

If you only want to create the figures, you can do this interactively, just as we would locally. Start up an interactive node: srun --time 1:00:00 --mem 30GB --cpus-per-task 8 --pty /bin/bash (this asks for one node with 8 cpus and 30GB of memory for an hour). Now you can simply call as described in the final step of the singularity section, e.g. path/to/sfp_latest.sif 'snakemake -j 8 main_figure_paper' to create all main paper figures.

If you wish to do any other analysis, you should make use of the fact that snakemake can manage job submission to the cluster for us. To do so, add the --profile slurm --cluster-config cluster.json to any snakemake command. To test that this is working, try running ./ path/to/sfp_latest.sif 'snakemake --profile slurm --cluster-config cluster.json test_run test_shell'. If it works, snakemake should report that they ran without a problem, and you should see two log files in your home directory, test_run-##.log and test_shell-##.log, where ## is the SLURM job number (there may also be empty test_run-%j.log and test_shell-%j.log files, which you can ignore and delete). These should contain, among some snakemake boilerplate, success! and the path to the numpy install in the image, which should be something like /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/ .

Once that's all working, you'll probably want to add a couple extra flags, so your CMD to pass to will look something like this:

snakemake --ri -k -j 60 --restart-times 2 --profile slurm --cluster-config cluster.json main_figure_paper

This tells snakemake to use our slurm profile and the included cluster.json configuration file (which tells slurm how much memory and time to request per job), to try to restart jobs 2 times if they fail (sometimes job just fail on submission and then rerun without a problem), to rerun any jobs that look incomplete (--ri), and to keep running any independent jobs if any jobs fail (-k). This should hopefully run to completion (in my experience on greene, it takes about one to two days from the very beginning of the analysis to the end, from preprocessed data to paper figures).

Other clusters

If you're on a non-NYU cluster, there are two things you need to do:

  1. Make sure the image has access to your job submission system. At the top of are several lines that set several different singularity-related environmental variables. These bind extra paths, modify the path within the container, and bind additional libraries, respectively. You should modify these if your slurm is installed in a different location or if you use a different job submission system, and you'll probably need help from your cluster sysadmin. See singularity's docs for more details on these variables.

  2. Tell snakemake how to handle your cluster. If you're on slurm, you can probably use the included profile, but otherwise, you may need to create the snakemake profile and cluster config yourself (the following links to some ones you might be able to use, with a bit of tweaking). See snakemake's docs about how to do this (this bit is also helpful). Then specify the path to the profile with the --profile flag, e.g., --profile ~/.config/snakemake/qsub, and the image will make use of that instead. If you try this and it doesn't work, please open an issue.

    • The profile included in the image is my snakemake-slurm repo, the singularity branch. Particularly important is the file, which is the template shell script that snakemake will submit to the cluster. Several things to note:
      • we need to know where the script is and where the .sif file containing the image is; I do this by setting the SFP_PATH and SINGULARITY_CONTAINER_PATH environmental variables and passing them through to the submitted jobs (which is what the SBATCH --export directive on the second line does)
      • snakemake will replace {exec_job:q} with the job to run, and the :q tells it to escape the quotes so that they parse correctly in the bash script. You probably want to keep that :q.


  • There appears to be an issue installing torch version 1.1 on Macs (it affected about half the tested machines). If you try to create the figures and get an error message that looks like:

    Rule Exception:
    ImportError in line 2592 of /Users/jh7685/Documents/Github/spatial-frequency-preferences/Snakefile:
    dlopen(/Users/jh7685/opt/miniconda/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/, 9): Library not loaded: ...
      Referenced from: /Users/jh7685/opt/miniconda/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/libshhm.dylib
      Reason: image not found
      File "/Users/jh7685/Documents/Github/spatial-frequency-preferences/Snakefile", line 2592, in __rule_figure_feature_df
      File "/Users/jh7685/Documents/Github/spatial-frequency-preferences/sfp/", line 1, in <module>
      File "/Users/jh7685/Documents/Github/spatial-frequency-preferences/sfp/", line 16, in <module>
      File "/Users/jh7685/Documents/Github/spatial-frequency-preferences/sfp/", line 13, in <module>
      File "/Users/jh7685/opt/miniconda/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/", line 79, in <module>
      File "/Users/jh7685/opt/miniconda/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/thread", line 57, in run

    then try uninstalling torch and installing a more recent version:

    pip uninstall torch
    pip install torch

    The results were generated with torch version 1.1, but the code appears to be compliant with version up to at least 1.9.

  • There may be another Mac torch install error. If you get the following when trying to import torch (which happens in a lot of places throughout the code):

    >>> import sfp
    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File “<stdin>“, line 1, in <module>
     File “/Users/jh7685/Documents/GitHub/spatial-frequency-preferences/sfp/”, line 1, in <module>
      from . import plotting
     File “/Users/jh7685/Documents/GitHub/spatial-frequency-preferences/sfp/”, line 16, in <module>
      from . import model as sfp_model
     File “/Users/jh7685/Documents/GitHub/spatial-frequency-preferences/sfp/”, line 13, in <module>
      import torch
     File “/Users/jh7685/opt/miniconda3/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/”, line 79, in <module>
      from torch._C import *
     ImportError: dlopen(/Users/jh7685/opt/miniconda3/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/, 9): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib
     Referenced from: /Users/jh7685/opt/miniconda3/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/libshm.dylib
     Reason: image not found

    then use homebrew to install the missing library: brew install libomp.

  • On a Mac, if the name of your DATA_DIR is uppercase, this can mess things up (on Macs, paths are case-insensitive, but they're case-sensitive on Linux and with many command-line tools). If you try to create the figures and get a scary-looking error message whose traceback goes through snakemake/ and ends with :

       File "/Users/rania/anaconda3/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/", line 756, in _apply_wildcards
         item = self.apply_path_modifier(item, property=property)
       File "/Users/rania/anaconda3/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/", line 453, in _apply_path_modifier
         return {k: apply(v) for k, v in item.items()}
       File "/Users/rania/anaconda3/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/", line 453, in <dictcomp>
         return {k: apply(v) for k, v in item.items()}
       File "/Users/rania/anaconda3/envs/sfp/lib/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/", line 35, in modify
         if modified_path == path:
    ValueError: the truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

    then that's probably what's going on. I recommend deleting this repo and your DATA_DIR from your local machine, and re-downloading everything, this time making sure that your DATA_DIR is lowercase (the whole path doesn't need to be lowercase; /Users/billbrod/Desktop/sfp_data should be fine, but /Users/billbrod/Desktop/SFP_data probably is not).

    • Alternatively, this may actually be a snakemake version issue -- make sure your snakemake version is 5.x (not 6.0 or higher). I think it's related to this issue, which is apparently fixed in this PR, which hasn't been merged as of September 23, 2021.

    • If neither of the above solutions work, try the following solution. I think this problem arises because of some ambiguity in how to generate one of the inputs to some of the figures (and a change in how snakemake resolves that ambiguity between 5.x and 6.x), and so the following removes the ambiguity.

  • If you're trying to create the figures after downloading the fully-processed and/or the supplemental data and snakemake complains about MissingInputException, try adding cat reports/figure_rules.txt | xargs before the snakemake command and --allowed-rules at the end (e.g., cat reports/figure_rules.txt | xargs snakemake reports/paper_figures/fig-01.svg --allowed-rules). What appears to be happening here is that snakemake is getting confused about timestamps or something similar and wants to rerun more of the analysis than necessary (or at least, wants to double-check how it would do that). Since fully-processed only contains the files at the end of analysis (and not the original inputs), snakemake is unable to trace the analysis back to the beginning and so complains. By adding the modifications above, we tell snakemake that it should only consider using the rules that produce figures, and it no longer has this problem.

  • If you are using the docker image and get an error that looks like

    PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/sfp_user/spatial-frequency-preferences/.snakemake/log/2021-09-30T160411.331367.snakemake.log'

    Then run the following: chmod -R 777 .snakemake/log. This means there's a problem with permissions and the volume we're binding to the docker image, where the docker user doesn't have write access to that folder. I've gotten similar errors complaining about being unable to lock or unlock the folder, so I'd recommend just running chmod -R 777 .snakemake.

  • Previously, I found that snakemake>=5.4, as now required, installs its own mpi4py on the NYU's prince cluster. If you attempt to run any python command from the environment that includes this mpi4py on an interactive job (not on a login node), you'll get a very scary-looking error. If this happens, just run unset $SLURM_NODELIST. Since using singularity, as now required on greene, this has not been a problem.

  • the GLMdenoise_png_process rule (which converts the outputs of GLMdenoise into a format we can actually look at) does not run on the cluster; I think this is because there is no display available for those machines (it runs fine on my local machine). If that rule fails for you on the cluster, just run it locally. The error appears to be related to this issue, so you could also make sure to use a different matplotlib backend ('svg' will work without an X server). I have included a matplotlibrc file in this folder, which should make svg the default backend, but this warning is just in case it doesn't.

  • For the experiment: I use pyglet for creating the window and have consistently had issues on Ubuntu (on Lenovo laptops), where the following strange error gets raised: AssertionError: XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp failed. See this issue for solutions, but what's worked for me is adding the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf file, updating drivers if necessary, and restarting the machine. I have not had these issues on Macs. Another potential fix is to switch to winType='glfw' (as also suggested in that issue), but that may break other parts of the experiment code.

Getting help

Reproducing someone else's research code is hard and, in all likelihood, you'll run into some problem. If that happens, double-check that your issue isn't addressed above, then please open an issue on this repo, with as much info about your machine and the steps you've taken as possible, and I'll try to help you fix the problem.

Related repos

If you are only interested in the stimuli, there is a separate Github repo for the creation of the stimuli, including a brief notebook examining their properties and how to use the associated functions (note that it does not currently support the use of an display modulation transfer function to rescale the stimuli's contrast).

If you are only interested in the 2d model, there is a separate Github repo for examining this model in more detail. It also includes a little webapp for visualizing model predictions for different parameter values. It does not contain the code used to the fit the model, though it does contain the loss function we used, weighted_normed_loss.


If you use the data or code (including the stimuli) from this project in an academic publication, please cite the paper. Additionally:

  1. If you use the code in this or any of the linked repos above directly (for example, using it to generate the log-polar stimuli, modifying that code to create a similar set of stimuli, using the model code directly, adapting the code to extend the model, or re-running the analysis on a novel dataset), please cite this Github repo's Zenodo doi.
  2. If you re-analyze the data without using the code here, please cite the dataset's OpenNeuro doi.
  3. If you reproduce our analysis on our data, please cite both the Github repo's Zenodo doi and the dataset's OpenNeuro doi.


  • Benson, N. C., Butt, O. H., Brainard, D. H., & Aguirre, G. K. (2014). Correction of distortion in flattened representations of the cortical surface allows prediction of v1-v3 functional organization from anatomy. PLoS Comput Biol, 10(3), 1–9.
  • Benson, N. C., & Winawer, J. (2018). Bayesian analysis of retinotopic maps. eLife, 7(), 40224.
  • Table of contents generated by gh-md-toc

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience