BioLinkApi - JavaScript client for bio_link_api API integration layer for linked biological objects. Source: This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 0.1
- Package version: 0.1
- Build date: 2017-02-07T16:19:27.567-08:00
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install bio_link_api --save
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');
var api = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi()
var id = "id_example"; // {String}
var opts = {
'evidence': "evidence_example", // {String} Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.
'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // {String} Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
'_object': "_object_example", // {String} OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default
'graphize': true, // {Boolean} If set, includes graph object in response
'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // {String} SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
'page': 1, // {Integer} Page number
'subject': "subject_example", // {String} SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default
'flExcludesEvidence': true, // {Boolean} If set, excludes evidence objects in response
'rows': 10 // {Integer} number of rows
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getAssociationObject(id, opts, callback);
All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationObject | GET /association/{id} | Returns the association with a given identifier |
BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationSearch | GET /association/find/ | Returns list of matching associations |
BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationSearch_0 | GET /association/find/{subject_category}/ | Returns list of matching associations |
BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationSearch_1 | GET /association/find/{subject_category}/{object_category}/ | Returns list of matching associations |
BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationsFrom | GET /association/between/{subject}/{object} | Returns associations connecting two entities |
BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationsFrom_0 | GET /association/from/{subject} | Returns list of matching associations |
BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationsTo | GET /association/to/{object} | Returns list of matching associations |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAlleleObject | GET /bioentity/allele/{id} | TODO Returns allele object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAnatomyGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/anatomy/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns associations between anatomical entity and genes |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAnatomyObject | GET /bioentity/anatomy/{id} | TODO Returns anatomical entity |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAnatomyPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/anatomy/{id}/phenotypes/ | TODO Returns associations between anatomical entity and phenotypes |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseAnatomyAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/anatomy/ | TODO Returns anatomical locations associated with a disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseFunctionAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/function/ | TODO Returns biological functions associated with a disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/genes/ | Returns genes associated with a disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseModelAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/models/ | Returns associations to models of the disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseModelTaxonAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/models/{taxon} | Same as `/disease/<id>/models` but constrain models by taxon |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseObject | GET /bioentity/disease/{id} | TODO Returns disease object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseasePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseSubstanceAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/substance/ | Returns substances associated with a disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseSubstanceAssociations_0 | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/treats/ | Returns substances associated with a disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getEnvironmentObject | GET /bioentity/environment/{id} | TODO Returns environment entity |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getEnvironmentPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/environment/{id}/phenotypes/ | TODO Returns list of associations |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneExpressionAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/expressed/ | TODO Returns expression events for a gene |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneFunctionAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/function/ | Returns function associations for a gene |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneHomologAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/homologs/ | Returns homologs for a gene |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneInteractions | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/interactions/ | Returns interactions for a gene |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneObject | GET /bioentity/gene/{id} | Returns gene object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with gene |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenePublicationList | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/pubs/ | TODO Returns expression events for a gene |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneproductObject | GET /bioentity/geneproduct/{id} | TODO Returns gene product object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenericAssociations | GET /bioentity/{id}/associations/ | Returns associations for an entity regardless of the type |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenericObject | GET /bioentity/{id} | TODO Returns object of any type |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeDiseaseAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/diseases/ | Returns diseases associated with a genotype |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/genes/ | Returns genes associated with a genotype |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeGenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/genotypes/ | Returns genotypes-genotype associations |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeObject | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id} | Returns genotype object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with a genotype |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGotermGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/goterm/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGotermObject | GET /bioentity/goterm/{id} | TODO Returns GO class object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGotermPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/goterm/{id}/phenotype/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getLiteratureDiseaseAssociations | GET /bioentity/literature/{id}/diseases/ | Returns associations between a lit entity and a disease |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getLiteratureGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/literature/{id}/genes/ | Returns associations between a lit entity and a gene |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getLiteratureGenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/literature/{id}/genotypes/ | Returns associations between a lit entity and a genotype |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getParentObject | GET /bioentity/individual/{id} | TODO Returns individual |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getParentObject_0 | GET /bioentity/investigation/{id} | TODO Returns investigation object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPathwayGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/pathway/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns list of genes associated with a pathway |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPathwayObject | GET /bioentity/pathway/{id} | TODO Returns pathway object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPathwayParticipantAssociations | GET /bioentity/pathway/{id}/participants/ | TODO Returns associations to participants (molecules, etc) for a pathway |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeAnatomyAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/anatomy/ | Returns anatomical entities associated with a phenotype |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeFunctionAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/function/ | TODO Returns biological functions associated with a Phenotype |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/gene/{taxid}/ids | Returns gene ids for all genes for a particular phenotype in a taxon |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeGeneAssociations_0 | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeObject | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id} | TODO Returns phenotype class object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/phenotype/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPubObject | GET /bioentity/literature/{id} | TODO Returns publication object |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSequenceFeatureObject | GET /bioentity/sequence_feature/{id} | TODO Returns seqfeature |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceExposures | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/exposures/ | TODO Returns associations between a substance and related exposures |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceInteractions | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/interactions/ | TODO Returns associations between given drug and interactions |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceObject | GET /bioentity/substance/{id} | TODO Returns substance entity |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceParticipantInAssociations | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/participant_in/ | Returns associations between an activity and process and the specified substance |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceRelationships | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/substances/ | TODO Returns associations between a substance and other substances |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceRoleAssociations | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/roles/ | Returns associations between given drug and roles |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceTargetAssociations | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/targets/ | TODO Returns associations between given drug and targets |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/variant/{id}/genes/ | Returns genes associated with a variant |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantGenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/variant/{id}/genotypes/ | Returns genotypes associated with a variant |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantObject | GET /bioentity/variant/{id} | TODO Returns sequence variant entity |
BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/variant/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with a variant |
BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetAssociations | GET /bioentityset/associations/ | Returns compact associations for a given input set |
BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetGraphResource | GET /bioentityset/graph/ | TODO Graph object spanning all entities |
BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetHomologsDeprecated | GET /bioentityset/DEPRECATEDhomologs/ | Returns homology associations for a given input set of genes |
BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetOverRepresentationAnalysis | GET /bioentityset/ora/ | TODO Over-representation analysis |
BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetOverRepresentationAnalysis_0 | GET /bioentityset/ora/{object_category}/ | TODO Over-representation analysis |
BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetSummary | GET /bioentityset/descriptor/counts/ | Summary statistics for objects associated |
BioLinkApi.BioentitysethomologsApi | getEntitySetHomologs | GET /bioentityset/homologs/homologs/ | Returns homology associations for a given input set of genes |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getActivityCollection | GET /cam/activity/ | Returns list of models |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getInstance | GET /cam/instance/{id} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModel | GET /cam/model/{id} | Returns a complete model |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection | GET /cam/model/ | Returns list of ALL models |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection_0 | GET /cam/model/properties/ | Returns list of all properties used across all models |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection_1 | GET /cam/model/property_values/ | Returns list property-values for all models |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection_2 | GET /cam/model/query/ | Returns list of models matching query |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelContibutors | GET /cam/instances/ | Returns list of all instances |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelContibutors_0 | GET /cam/model/contributors/ | Returns list of all contributors across all models |
BioLinkApi.CamApi | getPhysicalInteraction | GET /cam/physical_interaction/ | Returns list of models |
BioLinkApi.EvidencegraphApi | getAssociationObject | GET /evidence/graph/{id} | Returns evidence graph object for a given association |
BioLinkApi.EvidencegraphApi | getAssociationObject_0 | GET /evidence/graph/{id}/image | Returns evidence graph as a png |
BioLinkApi.GenomefeaturesApi | getFeaturesWithinResource | GET /genome/features/within/{build}/{reference}/{begin}/{end} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.GraphApi | getEdgeResource | GET /graph/edges/from/{id} | Returns edges emanating from a node |
BioLinkApi.GraphApi | getNodeResource | GET /graph/node/{id} | Returns a graph node |
BioLinkApi.IdentifiermapperApi | getPrefixCollection | GET /identifier/mapper/{source}/{target}/ | TODO maps a list of identifiers from a source to a target |
BioLinkApi.IdentifierprefixesApi | getPrefixCollection | GET /identifier/prefixes/ | Returns list of prefixes |
BioLinkApi.IdentifierprefixesApi | getPrefixCollection_0 | GET /identifier/prefixes/contract/{uri} | Returns contracted URI |
BioLinkApi.IdentifierprefixesApi | getPrefixCollection_1 | GET /identifier/prefixes/expand/{id} | Returns expanded URI |
BioLinkApi.IndividualApi | getIndividual | GET /individual/{id} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.IndividualApi | getPedigree | GET /individual/pedigree/{id} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.NlpannotateApi | getAnnotate | GET /nlp/annotate/{text} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.OntolApi | getInformationContentResource | GET /ontol/information_content/{subject_category}/{object_category}/{subject_taxon} | Calculates information content |
BioLinkApi.OntolslimmerApi | getFoo | GET /ontol/slimmer/{subset} | Maps to slim |
BioLinkApi.OwlontologyApi | getDlQuery | GET /owl/ontology/dlquery/{query} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.OwlontologyApi | getDlQuery_0 | GET /owl/ontology/sparql/{query} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.PairsimApi | getPairSimJaccardResource | GET /pair/sim/jaccard/{id1}/{id2}/ | Get pairwise similarity |
BioLinkApi.PubpubsApi | getFoo | GET /pub/pubs/{term} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsageBetweenResource | GET /relation/usage/between/{subject_category}/{object_category} | All relations used plus count of associations |
BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsagePivotLabelResource | GET /relation/usage/pivot/label | Relation usage count for all subj x obj category combinations, showing label |
BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsagePivotResource | GET /relation/usage/pivot/ | Relation usage count for all subj x obj category combinations |
BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsageResource | GET /relation/usage/ | All relations used plus count of associations |
BioLinkApi.SearchentityApi | getAuthocomplete | GET /search/entity/autocomplete/{term} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.SearchentityApi | getAuthocomplete_0 | GET /search/entity/query/ | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.SearchentityApi | getSearchEntities | GET /search/entity/{term} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | deleteVariantSetItem | DELETE /variation/set/{id} | Deletes variant set |
BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getAnalyze | GET /variation/set/analyze/{id} | Returns list of matches |
BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getVariantSetItem | GET /variation/set/{id} | Returns a variant set |
BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getVariantSetsArchiveCollection | GET /variation/set/archive/{year}/{month}/{day}/ | Returns list of variant sets from a specified time period |
BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getVariantSetsCollection | GET /variation/set/ | Returns list of variant sets |
BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | postVariantSetsCollection | POST /variation/set/ | Creates a new variant set |
BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | putVariantSetItem | PUT /variation/set/{id} | Updates a variant set |
- BioLinkApi.APageOfResults
- BioLinkApi.AbstractPropertyValue
- BioLinkApi.Allele
- BioLinkApi.AnnotationExtension
- BioLinkApi.Association
- BioLinkApi.AssociationPropertyValue
- BioLinkApi.AssociationResults
- BioLinkApi.BioObject
- BioLinkApi.Chromosome
- BioLinkApi.CompactAssociationSet
- BioLinkApi.Edge
- BioLinkApi.Exon
- BioLinkApi.Gene
- BioLinkApi.Genotype
- BioLinkApi.Graph
- BioLinkApi.NamedObject
- BioLinkApi.Node
- BioLinkApi.PageOfVariantSets
- BioLinkApi.Publication
- BioLinkApi.Relation
- BioLinkApi.SearchResult
- BioLinkApi.Seq
- BioLinkApi.SequenceFeature
- BioLinkApi.SequenceLocation
- BioLinkApi.SequencePosition
- BioLinkApi.Substance
- BioLinkApi.SummaryPropertyValue
- BioLinkApi.Taxon
- BioLinkApi.Transcript
- BioLinkApi.VariantSet
All endpoints do not require authorization.