This file contains all the errors by code that can be thrown by the API. Each module gets a total of 1,000 error codes that can be divided among sub modules.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 1:
Unable to sort list of primitive values as they can only be string | number and must not be mixed. Received: ${typeof a}, ${typeof b}
- 2:
Unable to sort list of record values as they can only be string | number and must not be mixed. Received: ${typeof a[key]}, ${typeof b[key]}
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 1000:
The API Errors cannot be listed with an invalid startAtID. Received: ${startAtID}.
- 1001:
The maximum number of API Errors that can be retrieved at a time is ${__QUERY_LIMIT}. Received: ${limit}
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 2000:
The provided altcha payload '${payload}' has an invalid format. Please try again.
- 2001:
The solution to the Altcha challenge is invalid or it has expired. Please try again.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 3000:
The OTP Token '${token}' for uid '${uid}' is invalid.
- 3001:
The uid '${uid}' was not found in the users object.
- 3002:
The user '${uid}' is not authorized to perform the action. Has ${__users[uid].authority} and needs ${requiredAuthority}
- 3003:
The user '${uid}' could not be found in the local users' object.
- 3004:
The password doesn't match the one stored in the database. Please double check it and try again.
- 3005:
The provided credentials are invalid. Please double-check them and try again. If your account is new, you must set a password via the "Password Update" section before signing in.
- 3250:
The otp_secret retrieved for uid '${uid}' doesn't exist or is invalid. Received: ${rows.length ? rows[0].otp_secret : 'undefined'}
- 3251:
The password_hash retrieved for user '${nickname}' doesn't exist or is invalid. Please go through the "Update Password" process before trying sign in again.
- 3252:
The user record retrieved for nickname '${nickname}' doesn't exist.
- 3253:
The sign in data could not be retrieved for '${nickname}' because it doesn't exist.
- 3500:
The nickname '${nickname}' is invalid.
- 3501:
The nickname '${nickname}' is already being used by another user.
- 3502:
The root's authority must be 5. Received: ${authority}
- 3503:
The root account cannot be created with an invalid|weak password.
- 3504:
A password cannot be provided when creating a nonroot user.
- 3505:
The nonroot user's authority must range 1 - 4. Received: ${authority}
- 3506:
The uid '${uid}' is invalid.
- 3507:
The record for uid '${uid}' could not be found in the database.
- 3508:
The record for uid '${uid}' belongs to the root account and is not allowed for the requested action.
- 3509:
The password for uid '${uid}' is invalid or too weak. Make sure the password meets the requirements and try again.
- 3510:
The OTP Token '${token}' is invalid.
- 3511:
If the startAtEventTime arg is provided, it must be a valid timestamp. Received: ${startAtEventTime}
- 3512:
The maximum number of password update records that can be retrieved at a time is ${__PASSWORD_UPDATE_QUERY_LIMIT}. Received: ${limit}
- In the vast majority of cases, if the error
is raised, it means the JWT has expired - ...
- ...
- 4000:
The provided Refresh JWT has not been assigned to uid '${decodedUID}'.
- 4250:
Failed to sign the JWT. Error: ${extractMessage(err)}
- 4251:
The signed JWT '${token}' has an invalid format.
- 4252:
Failed to verify the JWT. Error: ${extractMessage(err)}
- 4253:
The data decoded from the JWT is not a valid object or contains an invalid UUID.
- 4500:
The uid '${uid}' is invalid.
- 4501:
The refresh JWT '${refreshJWT}' is invalid.
- 4502: ``
- 4750:
The uid '${uid}' has no registered Refresh JWTs in the database.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 5000:
The ip '${ip}' is blacklisted and should not be served.
- 5250:
The IP Address '${ip}' is invalid.
- 5251:
The IP Address Blacklisting notes are invalid. Received '${notes}'
- 5252:
The identifier '${id}' for the IP Blacklist Record is invalid.
- 5253:
The IP Address '${ip}' has already been blacklisted by another record.
- 5254:
The registration '${id}' cannot be unregistered because it doesn't exist.
- 5255:
The IP Blacklist records cannot be listed with an invalid startAtID. Received: ${startAtID}.
- 5256:
The maximum number of IP Blacklist records that can be retrieved at a time is ${__BLACKLIST_QUERY_LIMIT}. Received: ${limit}
- If the error
is thrown, retry the request after ~1-2 minutes - ...
- ...
- 6000:
The API cannot accept requests when TEST_MODE is enabled.
- 6001:
The API cannot accept requests when RESTORE_MODE is enabled.
- 6002:
The API cannot accept requests because it has not yet been initialized. Please try again in a few minutes.
- 6250:
The request's IP Address '${ip}' is invalid and therefore cannot be served.
- 6251:
The request cannot be served because the required arguments were not sent.
- 6252:
The arg '${argKey}' is required but it was not sent in the request.
- 6253:
The Authorization Header is invalid. Please review the docs and try again.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 7000:
The package.json file retrieved from ${url} does not contain a valid version.
- 7001:
The list of commits retrieved from ${url} are invalid.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 8000: ``
- 8250:
The alarms configuration is not a valid object.
- 8251:
The maxFileSystemUsage must be a number ranging 30-99. Received: ${config.maxFileSystemUsage}
- 8252:
The maxMemoryUsage must be a number ranging 30-99. Received: ${config.maxMemoryUsage}
- 8253:
The maxCPULoad must be a number ranging 30-99. Received: ${config.maxMemoryUsage}
- 8254: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 9000:
The event ${name} could not be emitted.
- 9250:
The socket's handshake doesn't contain cookies. Received: ${cookie}
- 9251:
The Refresh JWT could not be extracted from the signed cookie. Received: ${jwt}
- 9252: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 10000: ``
- 10250: ``
- 10500:
The maximum number of API Errors that can be retrieved at a time is ${__QUERY_LIMIT}. Received: ${limit}
- 10501:
The API Errors cannot be listed with an invalid startAtID. Received: ${startAtID}.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 11000:
The event history ID '${id}' is invalid.
- 11001:
The event history ID '${id}' was not found in the database.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 12000: ``
- 12250: ``
- 12500:
The exchange returned an invalid HTTP response code '${res.code}'. ${extractErrorPayload(}
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 13000: ``
- 13250: ``
- 13500:
Binance returned an invalid list of candlesticks.
- 13501:
Binance returned an invalid list of tickers.
- 13502:
Binance returned an invalid order book object.
- 13503:
Binance returned an invalid account information object.
- 13504:
Binance returned an invalid list of balances.
- 13505:
Binance returned an invalid list of trades.
- 13506:
Binance returned an invalid order execution payload.
- 13507: ``
- 13750:
The balance for the base asset (${ENVIRONMENT.EXCHANGE_CONFIGURATION.baseAsset}) could not be extracted from Binance's response.
- 13751:
The balance for the quote asset (${ENVIRONMENT.EXCHANGE_CONFIGURATION.quoteAsset}) could not be extracted from Binance's response.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 14000: ``
- 14250: ``
- 14500:
Bitfinex returned an invalid list of candlesticks.
- 14501:
Bitfinex returned an invalid list of tickers.
- 14502:
Bitfinex returned an invalid order book snapshot.
- 14503: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 15000: ``
- 15250: ``
- 15500:
The Kraken API returned an invalid response object.
- 15501:
The Kraken API returned the following errors: ${res.error.join(' | ')}.
- 15502:
The Kraken API returned a response object with an invalid \'result\' property.
- 15503:
Kraken returned an invalid list of candlesticks.
- 15504:
Kraken returned an invalid list of tickers.
- 15505:
Kraken returned an invalid order book object.
- 15506: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 20000: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 21000: ``
- 21001: ``
- 21250: ``
- 21500:
The provided window configuration is not a valid object.
- 21501:
The refetchFrequency '${newConfig.refetchFrequency}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 2.5 and 60.
- 21502:
The requirement '${newConfig.requirement}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 100.
- 21503:
The strongRequirement '${newConfig.strongRequirement}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 100.
- 21504:
The requirement '${newConfig.requirement}' must be less than the strong requirement '${newConfig.strongRequirement}'.
- 21505:
The size '${newConfig.size}' is invalid as it must be a valid integer ranging 128 and 512.
- 21506:
The candlestick interval '${newConfig.interval}' is invalid. Supported values include: ${JSON.stringify(ExchangeService.CANDLESTICK_INTERVALS)}.
- 21507:
The number of candlesticks retrieved from the exchange '${}' doesn't match the window size set in the configuration '${config.size}'
- 21508: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 22000: ``
- 22250: ``
- 22500:
The provided liquidity configuration is not a valid object.
- 22501:
The maxDistanceFromPrice '${newConfig.maxDistanceFromPrice}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 0.01 and 100.
- 22502:
The intensity weights property is not a valid object.
- 22503:
The weight for intensity n '${newConfig.intensityWeights[n]}' is invalid as it must be a valid integer ranging 1 and 100.
- 22504: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 23000: ``
- 23250: ``
- 23500:
The provided coins configuration is not a valid object.
- 23501:
The size '${newConfig.size}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 128 and 512.
- 23502:
The interval '${newConfig.interval}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 5 and 3600 seconds.
- 23503:
The requirement '${newConfig.requirement}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 100.
- 23504:
The strongRequirement '${newConfig.strongRequirement}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 100.
- 23505:
The whitelistedSymbols property is not a valid array.
- 23506:
The whitelisted symbol '${symbol}' is invalid as it must only contain uppercased letters and/or numbers.
- 23507:
The limit '${newConfig.limit}' is invalid as it must be a valid integer ranging 1 and 24.
- 23508:
The state asset '${asset}' is not supported.
- 23509:
The symbols whitelist does not include the base asset '${ENVIRONMENT.EXCHANGE_CONFIGURATION.baseAsset}'.
- 23510:
The symbol '${asset}' is not listed in the ${asset}'s symbols.
- 23511:
The requirement '${newConfig.requirement}' must be less than the strong requirement '${newConfig.strongRequirement}'.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 24000:
The record for ID '${id}' was not found in the database.
- 24250: ``
- 24500:
The provided reversal configuration is not a valid object.
- 24501:
The crashDuration '${newConfig.crashDuration}' is invalid as it must be a valid integer ranging 5 and 10080.
- 24502: ``
- 24503:
The pointsRequirement '${newConfig.pointsRequirement}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 50 and 100.
- 24504:
The weights property is not a valid object.
- 24505:
The weight for liquidity '${newConfig.weights.liquidity}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 100.
- 24506:
The weight for coins quote '${newConfig.weights.coinsQuote}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 100.
- 24507:
The weight for coins base '${newConfig.weights.coinsBase}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 100.
- 24508:
The sum of the weights must total 100. Received ${total}
- 24509:
The record for ID '${id}' cannot be retrieved because it isn't a valid UUID v4.
- 24510:
The maximum number of Price Crash State Records that can be retrieved at a time is ${__QUERY_LIMIT}. Received: ${limit}
- 24511:
The Price Crash State Records cannot be listed with an invalid startAtEventTime. Received: ${startAtEventTime}.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 30000:
The position '${id}' was not found in the database.
- 30001: ``
- 30002: ``
- 30003: ``
- 30250: ``
- 30500:
The position record cannot be retrieved for an invalid ID '${id}'.
- 30501:
The maximum number of compact position records that can be retrieved at a time is ${__QUERY_LIMIT}. Received: ${limit}
- 30502:
If the startAtOpenTime arg is provided, it must be a valid timestamp. Received: ${startAtOpenTime}
- 30503:
The startAt '${startAt}' is not a valid timestamp.
- 30504:
If the endAt arg is provided, it must be a valid timestamp. Received: ${endAt}
- 30505:
If startAt '${startAt}' must be less than the endAt '${endAt}'.
- 30506:
The difference between the startAt and the endAt cannot be larger than 5 years.
- 30507:
A decrease action can only be performed if there is an active position.
- 30508:
The decrease percentage must be a valid number ranging 1 - 100. Received: ${percentage}
- 30509:
The position '${id}' cannot be archived because it doesn't exist.
- 30510:
The position '${id}' cannot be archived because it has already been.
- 30511:
The position '${id}' cannot be unarchived because it is not archived.
- 30512:
The position '${id}' cannot be archived because it is active.
- 30513:
There must be an active position to be able to interact with trades.
- 30514:
The trades\' state cannot be commited because there are no position trades.
- 30515:
The trades' state cannot be committed because the amount of the position must be a positive number. The provided state resulted in: ${amount.toString()}
- 30516:
The trades' state cannot be committed because the entry price of the position must be greater than 0. The provided state resulted in: ${entryPrice}
- 30517:
The time of the trade must be set after the position was opened.
- 30518:
The trade '${id}' was not found in the database.
- 30519:
The first trade from the list cannot be a SELL execution.
- 30520: ``
- 30521: ``
- 30522: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 31000: ``
- 31250: ``
- 31500:
The provided strategy is not a valid object.
- 31501:
The canIncrease '${newConfig.canIncrease}' must be a boolean.
- 31502:
The canDecrease '${newConfig.canIncrease}' must be a boolean value.
- 31503:
The increaseAmountQuote '${newConfig.increaseAmountQuote}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}.
- 31504: ``
- 31505:
The increaseIdleDuration '${newConfig.increaseIdleDuration}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 1 and 1440.
- 31506:
The increaseGainRequirement '${newConfig.increaseGainRequirement}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging -99 and 0.
- 31507:
The decreaseLevels property doesn\'t contain a valid tuple with 5 items.
- 31508:
The gainRequirement for level ${i} '${newConfig.increaseGainRequirement}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 0.1 and 1000000.
- 31509:
The percentage for level ${i} '${level.percentage}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging ${minPercentage} and 100.
- 31510:
The frequency for level ${i} '${level.frequency}' is invalid as it must be a valid integer ranging 3 and ${maxFrequency}.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 32000:
The transaction '${id}' was not found in the database.
- 32001: ``
- 32250: ``
- 32251: ``
- 32500:
The transaction cannot be retrieved for an invalid id. Received: ${id}
- 32501:
The maximum number of transactions that can be retrieved at a time is ${__QUERY_LIMIT}. Received: ${limit}
- 32502:
The transactions cannot be listed with an invalid startAtID. Received: ${startAtID}.
- 32503: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 33000: ``
- 33250: ``
- 33500:
The trade record is not a valid object.
- 33501:
The event_time '${record.event_time}' is invalid as it must be a timestamp earlier than the current time.
- 33502:
The event_time '${record.event_time}' is invalid as it cannot be set ahead of time.
- 33503:
The side '${record.side}' is invalid. Only 'BUY' and 'SELL' are accepted.
- 33504:
The notes must be a valid string ranging 1 and 49,999 characters in length.
- 33505:
The price '${record.price}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 0.01 - ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}.
- 33506:
The amount '${record.amount}' is invalid as it must be a valid number ranging 0.00000001 - ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}.
- 33507:
The identifier '${id}' is not a valid trade ID.
- 33508: ``
- ...
- ...
- ...
- 34000:
The integrity of the encrypted data could not be validated.