- One of the following web browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Brave
- Metamask: a browser wallet that you can use to log into Alchemy DAO (and many other dapps!) with one click!
- Some ETH: you'll need it to pay gas fees (i.e. pretty much transaction costs) when you submit and vote for (or against) any proposals on the DAO.
- (Optional but it helps a lot!) An active social media account (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Discord, Telegram are all fantastic options!)
In order to participate and vote for any proposals in a DAO, you need to ask for reputation first. This is done by making your own proposal which requests for reputation.
So in the Contribution Reward section, you want to click on + New proposal.
A proposal form will appear. You should fill it in following the guidelines below:
N.B. These screenshots were pulled from the Genesis Alpha DAO: #KoalaDAO will be using the same interface.
N.B. The exact number you need to enter in Reputation reward is yet to be set. (Asking for 100 is the current convention at the moment in Genesis Alpha).
Click on Submit proposal and congratulations! You have made your first DAO proposal!
Now, waiting for your proposal to be voted on takes some time but to make sure that it passes, follow the Application Guidelines.