A Python script for monitoring a local wallbox charging station and sending notifications via Discord.
Currently supported wallboxes:
- NewMotion / Shell Recharge [tested with Business Pro 2.1]
- Reads charging rate and consumed energy from a web-based wallbox interface.
- Uses Selenium to extract data dynamically.
- Supported notification channels: Discord, ntfy, Pushover
- Sends notifications when charging starts, stops, and after 5 minutes: charging rate.
- Sends a notification after charging stopped or interrupted, summarizing consumed energy and time.
- If a fixed price per kWh is configured, the energy consumed between cable connected/disconnected will be summarized in Euro.
- Sends a notification when the cable was connected or disconnected. Also handles short-time unavailabilities of the status page to avoid false-positives.
- Typically, wallboxes sometimes consume energy as long as a cable is connected. Prevents false positives by only detecting charging rates above 1.0 kW.
On a Raspberry Pi, run:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y chromium-browser chromium-chromedriver
sudo apt install -y python3-requests python3-selenium python3-bs4 python3-urllib3
git clone https://github.com/bjoerrrn/wallbox-monitoring.git
cd wallbox-monitoring/
Open wallbox_monitor.credo and set:
- Wallbox URL: Change
WALLBOX_URL = http://<your-local-wallbox-ip>:12800/user/user.html
- Discord Webhook: Replace
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL = <your-discord-webhook-url>
- and/or ntfy:
NTFY_TOPIC = <your_ntfy_topic>
- and/or Pushover:
PUSHOVER_USER_KEY = <your_pushover_user_key>
PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN = <your_pushover_api_token>
Manual Execution
python3 wallbox_monitor.py
Run Every Minute with Crontab
crontab -e
Add the following line at the bottom:
* * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/wallbox-monitor/wallbox_monitor.py
Save and exit.
📢 Notifications
🔌 02.02.25, 09:50: Cable connected.
⚡ 02.02.25, 22:20: charging started.
⏳ charging power: 3.55 kW
🔋 02.02.25, 23:30: charging stopped.
🔍 consumed: 3.75 kWh of 15.92 kWh in 01:10 h
🔌 02.02.25, 23:50: Cable disconnected.
💶 total: 15.92 kWh = 5.57 €
Check logs in:
cat /home/pi/wallbox-monitor/wallbox_monitor.log
If you want to show additional debug output in wallbox_monitor.log, add this in crontab:
.. or in your shell to debug manually:
export DEBUG_MODE=True
Try reinstalling chromedriver:
sudo apt install --reinstall chromium-chromedriver
Run debug script:
python3 test_consumed_debug.py
Feel free to open issues or pull requests to improve the script! 🚀
if you want to contact me directly, feel free to do so via discord: https://discordapp.com/users/371404709262786561
This project is open-source under the GPL-3.0 License.