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Custom Classes

Kader Bouyakoub edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 4 revisions

Custom Classes

Several classes were added to ensure the application stays on the flow.


At the very top of this file, we have included some of our collected custom helpers to suit our needs. So from line #44 up to line #48 you will find the following:


In the class constructor, we have added our custom path constant KBPATH to configurations path. So config files can be in your application folder or in the custom one. See below:

public function __construct()
    // Our our custom config path.
    $this->_config_paths[] = KBPATH;

    // Now we call parent's constructor.

The set_item is overridden on line #89. We are simply adding an index when setting a config item.

public function set_item($item, $value = null, $index = '')
    if ($index == '')
        $this->config[$item] = $value;
        $this->config[$index][$item] = $value;

A new method has been added, lang that without arguments will return the currently used language. If you pass arguments to it, it will returns the language details you want. At line #109:

public function lang()
    return call_user_func_array(
        array(get_instance()->lang, 'lang'),

Here is how you can use it:

echo $this->config->lang(); // Outputs: "english"
print_r($this->config->lang('name', 'code', 'foler');
// Outputs: Array ( [name] => English [code] => en )
// OR as an array:
print_r($this->config->lang(array('name', 'code', 'foler')));

// And to get all language details:
// Outputs:
// Array ( [name] => English [name_en] => English [folder] => english [locale] => en-US [direction] => ltr [code] => en [flag] => us )

Note: A method with the same name can be found in KB_Lang.php file. In fact, the one in KB_Config.php uses it.


If you want to fully use the skeleton, your controllers must extend this class. It contains several useful methods:

prep_form: This method is a shortcut to use CodeIgniter Form validation. Here is an example of how to use it in your controller:

    // Field:
        'field' => 'username',
        'label' => 'Username',
        'rules' => 'required|min_length5]',
// As you can see, we are passing validation rules as argument.

There are also too useful methods: create_csrfand check_csrf. The first one creates the CSRF token and the second one checks it. Here is an example of how to use them:

// Create the hidden input before passing to view:
$data['hidden'] = $this->create_csrf();

// Then in your view file:
echo form_open($url, $attributes, $hidden);

// After the form is submitted, you may check the CSRf like so:
if ( ! $this->check_csrf())
    // Your action.

NOTE: Because the CSRF token is store as a flash session, it is possible to see the check_csrf returning FALSE in case you one multiple browser tabs.

If your controllers contain methods that required AJAX requests, you only need to add them to the $ajax_methods property.

class Yours extends KB_Controller
    protected $ajax_methods = array('the_method');

// Or on your constructor.
class Yours extends KB_Controller
    public function __construct()
        $this->ajax_methods[] = 'the_method';

    // Your method should only set header and message
    // and returns nothing.
    public function the_method()
        // After your actions.
        $this->response->header = 200;
        $this->response->message = 'Your message here';

... the rest will be added soon.


This class is used so hooks from Skeleton folder can be used as well.


Four (4) methods have been added to this class.

1. request

This method fetches an item from the $_REQUEST array.

echo $this->input->request('action'); // Example only.


  • index (string): Index for item to be fetched from $_REQUEST.
  • xss_clean (boolean): Whether to apply XSS filtering.

2. protocol

This method returns the protocol that the request was made with.

3. referrer

Returns the protocol that the request was made with. Arguments:

  • default (string): What to return if no referrer is found.
  • xss_clean (boolean): Whether to apply XSS filtering.

4. query_string

Returns the query string. that's all. Arguments:

  • default (string): What to return if nothing found.
  • xss_clean (boolean): Whether to apply XSS filtering.

5. Request Checkers

You probably know CodeIgniter method is_ajax_request used to make sure the request sent is an AJAX one. We added 4 extra methods that you can use to check more requests types:

  • is_post_request: to make sure the request is a POST request.
  • is_get_request: to make sure the request is a GET request.
  • is_head_request: to make sure the request is a HEAD request.
  • is_put_request: to make sure the request is a PUT request.


The default behavior of Lang class has been changed a bit as well. When loading a language file, the fallback language is loaded first (Default: english), then the requested file is loaded ad keys are changed. This way even if a line is not translated into the language you want to use, it will still be available in the fallback language (english).

IMPORTANT: Make sure to have your language files in the fallback language first, otherwise this will trigger the error of the not found file.

The line method has been overridden as well. It accepts a second argument which is the index. This is useful if your language lines are in a multidimensional array. Also used when translating themes. Example:

// In a language file:
$lang['button'] = array(
    'login'  => 'Sign In',
    'logout' => 'Sign out',

// This will trigger the array to string conversion error:
echo $this->lang->line('button');
// This will not even find the line:
echo $this->lang->line('login'); // Outputs: FIXME('login').

// The correct way:
echo $this->lang->line('login', 'button');

If the language line is not found, you will see FIXME('line') . This can be changed and use inflector if you want. From line #268 to #270:

// (function_exists('humanize')) OR get_instance()->load->helper('inflector'); // <- UNCOMMENT THIS
// $value = humanize($line); // <- UNCOMMENT THIS
$value = "FIXME('{$line}')"; // <- COMMENT THIS

// Default not-found line:
echo $this->lang->line('hello_world');
// Outpus: "FIXME('hello_world)".
// If changed it outputs: "Hello World".

Another method was added lang. What it does is explained above (KB_Config.php file).

At the bottom of the file, the lang function was taken from the language helper and put there so it can be available even if the helper is not loaded.

Three additional functions were added:

  • line: that uses the class method with line and index as arguments.
  • __: this is an alias, you can use it or not.
  • _e: This function will echo the line instead of returning it. This is useful in views. See the example below:
echo lang('login');             // Outputs: "FIXME('login')".
echo line('login', 'button');   // Outputs: "Sign In".
echo __('login', 'button'); // Outputs: "Sign In".

// In your views:
_e('login', 'button');


This class overrides some of default Loader class behavior in order to use HVMC structure. In was inspired from Jens Segers extension, take a look at the repository to know more. You may find out that some of original methods were removed because they were kind of unnecessary and because we made deeper checks by editing _ci_load and _ci_load_stock_library methods.


Because, again, we believe is simplicity, we are using an modified version of Jamie Rumbelow's Base Model. Few methods have been added to it but we will leave this for Models sections.


Because we are using HMVC structure, we had to do some changes on default Router class behavior. This was as said above, inspired from Jens Segers extension but with some modifications. The new thing about this is that you can have routes folder in your application, or skeleton folder (APPPATH/routes/) in which you can put separate routing files that will be included before routes are set.

At the very top of the this file, will you see that we are including a Route.php file. This allow us define routes statically. This was inspired from Bonfire's. Make sure to ALWAYS keep the following line at the end of your main routes file (APPPATH/config/routes.php):

$route = Route::map($route);

Example of using static routing:

Route::any('test', 'test/index');               // Any request.
Route::get('view/(:num)', 'whatever/view/$1');  // GET requests.
// ... etc

Other methods are available too. For example:

// To retrieve the full path to module's directory:

// To retrieve locations where modules are:

Modules may have a manifest.json file that holds informations about the module. And to get those details, you can use the other added method:

$details = $this->router->module_details('menus');
// We will talk more about this in "modules" section.


Controllers extending this class require a logged in users.


This controller is used for the administration area of the site. All controllers extending it require a logged in user of administrator rank.

To add an admin area for your modules, simply create an Admin.php controller to your modules and make sure they extends Admin_Controller class. That's all as a first step. The next step would be to display theirs links on the dashboard, this can be done on your modules manifest.json files. See the example below:

    "name": "Users Module",
    "description": "Allows users to exist on the website",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "author": "Kader Bouyakoub",
    "author_uri": "",
    "author_email": "",
    "admin_menu": "lang:users",
    "admin_order": 0

The most important things are the admin_menu and the admin_order.. The first one is the anchor title that can be translated using lang:you_string; the second one is where you would like the module admin section link to be displayed.


As you can understand from its name, controllers extending this class accept AJAX requests only. All you have to do is to create an Ajax.php controller inside your module's controllers directory, and make sure it extends the AJAX_Controller class. That's all.

There are 3 properties that you should use in your controllers constructor:

  • $safe_methods (array): to make sure users performing the action are logged-in and uses a safe URL check.
  • $admin_methods (array): users performing these methods must be administrators.
  • $safe_admin_methods (array): users performing these methods must be administrators with an extra safe URL check.

The 4th property is reserved for your controllers methods:

  • $response (object): This one will hold your status header code, message and content type.

If you put the same method in both $safe_methods and $admin_methods arrays, it will be automatically added to the $safe_admin_methods array.

Here is an example on how to use it in your controllers constructor:

// ../applications/modules/MODULE/controllers/Ajax.php
class Ajax extends AJAX_Controller
     * Class constructor.
    public function __construct()

        // Public methods with safe URL check.
        array_push($this->safe_methods, 'method_1', 'method_2');

        // Admin methods without safe URL check.
        array_push($this->admin_methods, 'admin_method_1', 'admin_method_2');

        // Admin method with safe URL check.
        array_push($this->safe_admin_methods, 'safe_admin_method_1', 'safe_admin_method_2');

This controller always returns its response() method, so in your AJAX methods, simply add things to the $response property. Here is an example:

class Ajax extends AJAX_Controller
    // The constructor is like the one above.

    // Dummy method.
    public function method_1()
        // Error performing action?
        if ( ! $this->anything->method_returns_false())
            $this->response->header = 404; // Any code you want.
            $this->response->message = 'Your Message Here';
            return; // Stop script

        // Successfully performed?
        if ($this->anything->methods_returns_true())
            $this->response->header = 200; // Important.
            $this->response->message = 'Your Message Here';
            return; // Stop script

        // Do the rest here.

When creating your JS files, make sure (not required) to follow our coding style. Here is an example of a dummy JS file:

$(document).on("click", ".your-button", function (e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // To stop anchor.

    // Collect data.
    var that = $(this), href = that.attr("href");

    if (!href.length) { return; }

    // Proceed (here we are using bootbox to display confirmation).
        message: 'Your message here',
        callback: function (result) {
            if (result !== true) { return; }
            $.get(href, function (response) {
                toastr.success(response); // we use toastr for notifications.
            }).done(function () {
                // What to do upon a successful AJAX response.
            }).fail(function (response) {

NOTE: To stop the script after a failed action, you don't have to return response method, just return void because the method is automatically returned.


This is a regular controller but that accepts only get requests. It was separated from the rest of the application controllers simply to separate things. To explain better, think of the example of users registrations that require an email activation, or users changing their email addresses but new ones need to be verified first. Instead of putting the process method in the same module controller, simply create the Process.php controller and put your method inside. Simply make sure it extends the Process_Controller class. Example:

class Process extends Process_Controller
    // Dummy method.
    public function verify($code = null)
        $status = $this->whatever->method($code);

        redirect(($status ? 'success-page' : 'fail-page'), 'refresh');
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