A tool for taking in an SVG and making it more interesting to plot or cut with the magic of voronois and delaunay triangulation.
Takes the longest path found in an SVG and fills it with parametric joy.
I guess somewhat inspried by trammel's lace maker
And very inspired by Julien Leonard's paper cut butterflies
Interactive Web Version (https://blackmad.github.io/plottrbottr/)
Requires a pretty recent version of node, I use
nvm use v12.7.0
Command line options mostly make sense
[blackmad@wnyc plottrbottr (master)]$ node lace-maker2.js --help
usage: lace-maker2.js [-h] [--debug] [--inchInPoints INCHINPOINTS] [--addHole]
[--butt] [--holeSize HOLESIZE] [--maxWidth MAXWIDTH]
[--maxHeight MAXHEIGHT] [--voronoi] [--subtract]
[--numPoints NUMPOINTS]
[--numExtraPoints NUMEXTRAPOINTS] [--open]
[--outputTemplate OUTPUTTEMPLATE]
[--subtractBuffer SUBTRACTBUFFER]
[--outlineSize OUTLINESIZE] [--safeBorder SAFEBORDER]
inputFile [inputFile ...]
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--debug output debugging in console and svg output
an inch in points, some people say 96, illustrator
says 72
--addHole add a hole to the output for putting a cord or
jumpring through
--butt if shape is wider than it is long, puts hole at long
end rather than middle of width, only meaningful with
--holeSize HOLESIZE --addHole size in inches
--maxWidth MAXWIDTH maximum width (in inches) to resize width of input
svg to
--maxHeight MAXHEIGHT
maximum height (in inches) to resize height of input
svg to
--voronoi if false, fills with delaunay triangles, if true,
with voronoi diagram
--subtract subtracts a shrunk copy of the outline from the inner
--numPoints NUMPOINTS
number of points to sample along outline for
number of extra random interior points to add to
--open open resulting svg in google chrome
--outputTemplate OUTPUTTEMPLATE
template for outputting final svg. {{basePath}} is
the only interpolated variable - original filename
without extension
--subtractBuffer SUBTRACTBUFFER
(in inches) how much to shrink outline by to create
inner shape
--outlineSize OUTLINESIZE
(in inches) half of border width between inner cutouts
--safeBorder SAFEBORDER
(in inches) width of border around the inner design
--rounded rounds corners of triangles/voronois