Please choose any difficulty except full grounded and any permadeath setting. For grounded difficulty, choose custom and set all but one to grounded. This is needed since full grounded or permadeath will disable the ability to enable cheats. I recommend dropping "Resources" to Moderate so that you can craft mollies/smoke bombs to have some modifiers make sense.
It is also recommended to play a New Game + for chaos though it is not necessary.
The Chaos Engine can be paused with any press of the Options Button. The only way to resume the Chaos Engine is to press the Share Button. The Share Button is disabled from invoking the Playstation share features.
During a Chaos pause, all controller inputs (except for the Share button) are sent like normal, granting you full control of your Playstation as normal. Generally when you need to do things like navigate your PS main menu, you will want Chaos to be paused.
Chaos is intended to be run only when you have control of your character. If you do not have control of a character, then simply pause Chaos. This happens in some cases automatically like when you skip a cutscene. Performing a skip cutscene should occur like normal, and you can continue to skip other cutscenes if needed. Only resume Chaos when you have regained control of your character.
During tough battles with ridiculous control schemes, you will die very frequently. Do your best to pause Chaos immediately when you see the death cutscene. Like before, only resume when you have regained character control.
Be sure to have unlocked all Gameplay Modifiers and Render Modes in the Extras menu. Each option must be unlocked individually. This will require a full playthrough of the game to unlock.
The menu must be set up in a particular way to that Chaos can navigate and enable/disable options. The last hovered-over settings will persist, so you will need to make sure to back out of the menu in a proper way to that the persisted options are the ones that Chaos expects.
The simple rule for chaos is that the top-most option must be hovered over in every menu screen before backing out to a prior menu.
Before each run of chaos you will need to enter the game menu manually and ensure that most options are set to default. The only exceptions to these are options invovling things like your aim settings and audio settings.
Here is an example of setting the Gameplay Modifiers and Render Modes to defaults:
Press the Options button
- Navigate to "Extras"
- Select "Gameplay Modifiers"
- Press Triangle to reset all options (make sure that all cheats are purchased)
- hover over the top selection "Mirror World"
- Press Circle to back out
- Select "Render Modes"
- Press Triangle to reset all options (make sure that all modes are purchased)
- Hover over "None"
- Press Circle to back out
- Make sure to hover over "Render Modes"
- Press Circle to back out
- Either press Options or Circle to exit the pause menu.
When you have control of the character, press the Share button to resume Chaos.
This similar process must also be performed in all of the submenus within "Options" in the main pause menu.
You can certainly play Chaos however you like, though I think it is fun to try your best to get through encounters even though the control scheme feels nearly impossible. Now is a great time to improvise and try out new strats! If some sections were simple run-through sections, now treat them as a kill-all to really see how you handle crazy scenarios.
If you know that you are about to enter a new area where you lose control of your character or if you want to craft something, take a look over at the StreamerInterface window to see how much time you have until the next mod kicks in. If you only have a few seconds, wait until the new mod comes in. This will let modifiers like Desk Pop, Throw Molly, etc. actually work.
1: 1960 -- Render Mode
2: 30 fps -- Converting a PS5 to play like PS4
3: 4-Bit Audio -- Audio mode. Incompatible with 8-bit
4: 8-Bit -- Render Mode
5: 8-Bit Audio -- Audio mode. Incompatible with 4-bit
6: Afterlife -- Render Mode
7: Aim Delay -- Introduces a 1 second delay to L2 presses
8: Aimbot -- Aimbot... but like a detuned aimbot. Turns on Lock On Aim
9: Anthony Caliber -- Flashlight flickering
10: Bad Stamina -- Running gets disabled after 2 seconds and takes 4 seconds to recharge
11: Beasts -- Render Mode
12: Blacklight -- Render Mode
13: Blood -- Render Mode
14: Blorange -- Render Mode
15: Bullet Speed -- Slow motion when aiming
16: CTG Strat -- Self immolation resulting in death, at least 7/11 times
17: Camera Assist -- Automatically reorients the camera in the direction of movement.
18: Chaos -- Applies 5 random modifiers
19: Chuck Smoke Bomb -- It was taking up space anyway
20: Combat Audio Cues -- Add some music to combat prompts
21: Controller Flip -- Double joystick inverted, L1 swapped with L2, Triangle swapped with X, etc.
22: Controller Mirror -- Left Joystick swapped with Right Joystick, R2 is now L2. Circle is D-Pad Left, etc.
23: Cool -- Render Mode
24: D-pad Rotate -- Rotates the D-pad inputs clockwise
25: Demons -- Render Mode
26: Desert Fog -- Render Mode
27: Desk Pop -- We honor the flag, and you crap on it when you don't shoot your gun
28: Disable D-pad -- Inventory selection is disabled
29: Disable Right Joystick -- Good luck with aiming and looking around!
30: Dodge Delay -- Introduces a 0.5 second delay to L1 presses
31: Double Tap -- It's Rule #2. Everytime a shot is fired, another occurs in quick succession. For Rule #1, see Leeroy Jenkins
32: Dpad Delay -- Introduces a 5 second delay to the D-pad
33: Drug Zone -- Render Mode
34: Drunk -- Random joystick motion. Also don't push things too far, you may stumble (go prone)
35: Dungeon -- Render Mode
36: Enemies Do Not Flank -- Very effective on infected Kappa
37: Enhanced Dodge -- I wish I knew what this does (built-in)
38: Enhanced Listen Mode -- Press some buttons while in listen mode to find loot
39: Factions Pro -- Keeping things toxic with teabagging
40: Fire -- Render Mode
41: Force Aiming -- L2 is held
42: Force Running -- L1 is held down (mostly)
43: Graphic -- Render Mode
44: Gridlocked -- Render Mode
45: Headache -- Render Mode
46: Helium Audio -- Audio mode. Incompatible with Xenon
47: High Contrast Display -- Render mode, but overrides any other render mode
48: Inferno -- Render Mode
49: Infinite Ammo -- The strimmer responds with <3
50: Infinite Breath -- Yup, very useful and is the most OP perk...
51: Infinite Crafting -- Molotovs for everyone!
52: Infinite Hugging -- Hugging enemies from behind forever <3 Enables option Hostages Do Not Escape
53: Infinite Listen Range -- There used to be a limit?
54: Infinite Melee Durability -- Finally realistic durability
55: Input Delay -- Introduces a 0.2 second delay to the controller
56: Inverted -- Inverts the Y-axis on the right joystick (aim inversion)
57: Invisible While Prone -- Proning is now even more OP
58: Joystick Delay -- Introduces a 0.2 second delay to joysticks
59: Jump Delay -- Introduces a 2.0 second delay to X presses
60: Keep Dodging -- Repeated presses of Circle
61: Keep Jumping -- Repeated presses of X
62: Keep Proning -- Proning at inconvenient times
63: Kleptomania -- Picking up items at inconvenient times. Turns on Auto Pick-Up
64: Large HUD -- HUD like in a game from the 1990s
65: Large Subtitles -- The ability to read subtitles even at 160p
66: Leeroy Jenkins -- Alright let's do this! LEEEEROOOOOY NNNJEEEENNKIINNS!!! (Holds forward and sprint)
67: Max Sensitivity -- Goodbye precision aiming. Joystick postions multiplied by 5
68: Mega Scope Sway -- Good luck landing shots
69: Melee Delay -- Introduces a 0.5 second delay to square presses
70: Melee Only -- No shooting and no throwables
71: Min Sensitivity -- It is like slomo, but not for the enemies. Joystick positions divided by 2.5
72: Mirror On Death -- Mirror World on Death. Can result in permanent Mirror World.
73: Mirror World -- Wait, where do we go?
74: Mono Audio -- No more stereo. Where did that gunshot come from?
75: Moonlight -- Render Mode
76: Moonwalk -- Be like Michael Jackson! Trying to walk forward will actually make you go backward
77: Moose -- The moose is dead. The moose does not move. (Disables Left Joystick)
78: Motion Control Aiming -- No more right joystick, tilt the controller to aim/look instead
79: Motion Control Movement -- No more left joystick, tilt the controller to move instead
80: Mute Dialogue -- Sorry Shannon :(
81: Mute Music -- The music is too intense, let's turn it off!
82: Mute Sound Effects -- Gunshots hurt our ears :(
83: Mystery -- Applies any random modifier
84: Nascar -- There is no going right in Nascar. Right movement/camera disabled
85: Navigation Assistance -- Keeps pointing camera in direction of story progression
86: No Aiming -- At least reloading is still possible, along with throwables and melee
87: No Arc Throw Paths -- The trajectory of your throwable will now be based on feel
88: No Awareness Indicators -- Stealth strats have no visual feedback
89: No Backward Movement -- Moving backwards is not allowed
90: No Climbing/Jumping -- No X presses
91: No Crouch/Prone -- Circle is disabled
92: No Damage Indicators -- Locating the source of damage will be harder
93: No Forward Movement -- Moving forward is not allowed
94: No Gun Selection -- D-Pad Left/Right Disabled
95: No Health HUD -- The health and weapon HUD int he lower right is disabled
96: No Hit Markers -- No feedback on connected shots
97: No Horizontal Aim -- The right joystick right/left is disabled
98: No Inventory HUD -- Blind weapon and throwable selection
99: No Long Guns -- D-Pad Left Disabled
100: No Melee -- Square presses are feeble
101: No Plus Signs -- Speedrunners need this. Allies do not get grabbed.
102: No Reloading -- If guns were last selected, R2 is disabled without L2
103: No Reticle -- Headshots just got trickier
104: No Run/Dodge -- L1 is disabled
105: No Scoping -- No scopes! Aiming is still allowed
106: No Short Guns -- D-Pad Right Disabled
107: No Shoulder Swap -- While aiming, Square is disabled
108: No Strafing -- Y-axis on the left joystick is disabled. Only left/right motion is allowed.
109: No Throwables -- D-Pad Up/Down Disabled
110: No Triangle -- No looting, stealth grabbing, opening doors. Say goodbye to the everything button
111: Noir -- Render Mode
112: One Shot -- Golden guns activated
113: Only Aim Movement -- Left joystick is disabled if not aiming
114: Only Prone Diving -- RIP elbows and knees. Any movement results in a prone dive
115: Only Strafe Movement -- X-axis on the left joystick is disabled. Only forward/back motion is allowed.
116: Pacifist% -- No shooting, throwing, nor melee. Good luck NPC friends!
117: Pdub It -- RIP bricks and bottles
118: Periodic Listen Mode -- Repeated holds of R1
119: Pop Poster -- Stream Destroyer. This kills the bitrate
120: Pusher -- Render Mode
121: Rachy Flail -- The only way to melee is to follow the master techniques of RachyMonster
122: Random Remap -- Randomly remaps buttons (square, circle, triangle, X, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3)
123: Reduced Enemy Accuracy -- Does not work on melee
124: Reduced Enemy Perception -- Finally clickers are truly blind
125: Restart Checkpoint -- Best served prior to the end of a long encounter
126: Rubbernecking -- Woah! What's behind you? Invokes periodic 180 quick turn
127: Sepia -- Render Mode
128: Shape Shuffle -- Randomly remaps the shape buttons (square, circle, triangle, X)
129: Shooting Delay -- Introduces a 0.5 second delay to R2 presses
130: Show Pickups -- Enables the HUD that shows notifications on ammo, crafting, and other pickups
131: Sideways Moonwalk -- Go left to go right and go right to go left
132: Slow Motion -- The speed run killer
133: Swap D-Pad/Left Joystick -- Retro style motion, and an odd analog inventory selector
134: Swap Joysticks -- You may want to cross your thumbs to work with your muscle memory
135: Swap Shapes/Right Joystick -- Analog actions, and digital camera movement
136: TLOU1 Run Glitch -- Is this an Any% speedrun of TLOU1? Rapid D-pad circular presses
137: Terminated -- Render Mode
138: Toss A Molly/Bomb -- Time to riot, chucks a molly (bomb if Abby)
139: Touch Of Death -- Golden fists activated. One hit enemy deaths
140: Touchpad Aiming -- No more right joystick, finally making use of the touchpad
141: Traversal Assistance -- Climb when you really do not want to
142: Traversal Audio Cues -- Add some music to climbable objects
143: Trigger Remap -- Randomly remaps trigger/bumper buttons (L1, R1, L2, R2)
144: Trinity -- Render Mode
145: Use Items -- Shoots or throws 6 of whatever item is currently equipped (will not work on medkits)
146: Vibrant -- Render Mode
147: Vintage -- Render Mode
148: Void -- Render Mode
149: Warm -- Render Mode
150: Water Color -- Render Mode
151: Xenon Audio -- Audio mode. Incompatible with Helium
152: Zoolander -- We are not an ambiturner, but at least we can look right. Left movement/camera disabled.