To translate a page:
- Check that no one else has claimed your page in the checklist and comments below.
- Comment below with the name of the page you would like to translate. Please take only one page at a time.
- Clone this repo, translate your page, and submit a pull request!
Before contributing, read the glossary and style guide (once they exist) to understand how to translate various technical and Blitz-specific terms.
Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit anymore, let the maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.
When someone volunteers, edit this issue with the username of the volunteer, and with the PR. Ex:
- Home Page (@blitzjs-bot) #1
When PRs are merged, make sure to mark that page as completed!
To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.
- Home Page
- Get Started
- Tutorial
- Languages
- Showcase
- All other texts (footer, navbar, search popup, etc.)
- Learning Path
- What is Next.js?
- Why Blitz instead of Next.js?
- Tradeoffs
- Free Stickers
- File Structure
- Font Optimization
- Static Files
- Environment Variables
- Error Handling
- Testing
- Utilities
- Pages
- Error Pages
- Preview Mode
- Static HTML Export
- Code Splitting
- File-Based Routing
- Conventions
- Internationalized Routing
- URL Params & Query
- Router
- Redirects
- Rewrites
- HTTP Headers
- API Routes
- Shallow Routing
- Route Manifest
These are the next most important translations, ordered by importance:
- Overview
- Run Postgres Locally
- Seeds
- Prisma Utilities
- Fauna
- Query Resolvers
- Use Queries
- Mutation Resolvers
- Use Mutations
- Client Utilities
- Server Utilities
- Overview
- Session Management
- Authorization & Security
- Hooks & Utilities
- Third Party Login w/Passport.js
- How To Impersonate Other Users
- Multitenancy
- Background Processing with Quirrel
- HTTP Middleware
- Custom Server
- Security Headers
- To
- To Vercel
- To Heroku
- To Railway
- How the Community Operates
- Manifesto
- History
- How to Contribute
- Being a Maintainer
- Code of Conduct
- Doc Translations
- Webpack Config
- PostCSS Config
- ESLint Config
- Husky Config
- Prettier Config
- RPC Specification
- Measuring Performance
- Overview
blitz new
blitz dev
blitz start
blitz build
blitz export
blitz db
blitz prisma
blitz generate
blitz codegen
blitz console
blitz install
blitz autocomplete
blitz routes
- Using Recipes
- Writing Recipes
- Blitz Templates