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File metadata and controls

96 lines (83 loc) · 12.5 KB


YAML Configuration:

Along with the above-mentioned requirements and changes, include a YAML file which contains instructions for the execution of the Usage file.

YAML file contains details regarding input format, output format, and usage file name which included above mentioned main function.

Support input and output options are JSON, text, image, audio & video

Key Required
version Optional Mandatory
meta.description Mandatory
output.type Mandatory
output.file Conditional
input.type Mandatory
input.file Mandatory
requirements Optional
performance Optional
env Mandatory
  • Conditional : Output file depends on input type and problem statement. if the problem requires saving result output then one have to include the output file key value. for example, if the problem is for face detection in the image, save the resulting bounding box image with the specified name in the YAML configuration.

Example :

saved by name: blobcity.yaml

version: 1
 name: Model1
 description: Model Description
 type: image
 file: input.png
 type: image
 file: output.png
requirements: requirements.txt
main: usage.ipynb
 accuracy: 0.5
 f1score: 0.5 
 MODEL_PATH: ./model.h5

One can have n numbers of environment variables utilized in the Main function but should have a matching environment variable mentioned in the YAML file and Main function. The variable mentioned in the env section must be all Capitalized letters without any whitespace.The key file must be predefined by the creator/author of the model in the YAML configuration. If your model takes text input and returns text output (NLP models), enter the file value as null/None for input and output. While for the Image or Video Generative AI model, set the Input file value as None/null, while for the output file key, specify the file name with an extension. For example. output.png or output.mp4 to save the file.

Reporting model performance

Include any of the following fields within the performance section of the YAML. It is not compulsory to include the performance section, but it is recommended that you include. Mention as many parameters as possible. These parameters help other users evaluate your model and compare it with other models

metrics description
accuracy Accuracy Percentage Indicates the prediction accuracy of the manner, from a range of 0 - 1.0, where 0 means 0% accuracy, and a value of 1.0 means a 100% accuracy.
r2 R squared Proportion of the variance in the independent variable that is predictable from independent variables.
mse Mean square error Average of the square data between the original and predicted values of data`
mae Mean absolute error Average of the absolute value of the difference between the true values and predicted values
rmse Root mean square error Square root of the second sample moment of the differences between predicted values and observed values of the quadratic mean of the differences
f1score F1-Score Weighted average of both precision and recall
tpr True Positive Rate (TPR) Ratio between the number of true positives to the total number of true positives and false negatives
fpr False Positive Rate(FPR) Ratio between the number of false positives to the total number of false positives and true negatives
logloss **Logarithmic Loss (LogLoss)**Negative average of summation of the product of the observation's actual value to the log of the prediction probability subtracted by (1-yi)ln(1-pi), logloss = [yilnpi + (1-yi)ln(1-pi)]
precision Precision Ratio between the number of true positives to the total number of predicted positives
recall Recall Ratio between the number of true positives to the total number of true positives and false negatives
rmsle **Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error (RMSLE)**Measure of the ratio between predicted and actual values as a function of the log
ari **Adjusted Rand index (ARI)**Computes a similarity measure between two clustering by considering all pairs of samples and counting pairs that are assigned in the same or different clusters in the predicted or true clusterings
fowlkes **Fowlkes Mallows Score (FMI)**Geometric mean between the precision and recall
silhouette Silhouette Score Calculated using the mean intra-cluster distance and mean near-cluster distance for each sample
calinski **Calinski Harabaz Index (CHI)**Variance ratio criterion defined as the ratio between the within-cluster dispersion and the between-cluster dispersion
cvscore **Cross-Validation Score (cv score)**Also known as Monte Carlo cross-validation, creates multiple random splits of the dataset into training and validation data. For each such split, the model is fit to the training data, and predictive accuracy is assessed using the validation data. The results are then averaged over the splits.
fid Fréchet Inception Distance Lower the fid, the better the quality. In other words the similarity between real and generated images is close.fid compares the statistics of generated samples to real samples, instead of evaluating generated samples in a vacuum.
is Inception Score The Inception Score (IS) is an algorithm used to assess the quality of images created by a generative image model such as a generative adversarial network (GAN).The score is calculated based on the output of a separate, pretrained Inceptionv3 image classification model applied to a sample of (typically around 30,000) images generated by the generative model.
ndb Number of Statistically-Different Bins Given two sets of samples from the same distribution, the number of samples that fall into a given bin should be the same up to sampling noise.
jsd Jensen-Shannon Divergence The Jensen-Shannon divergence is a principled divergence measure which is always finite for finite random variables. It quantifies how "distinguishable" two or more distributions are from each other.
lpips Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity The Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) is used to judge the perceptual similarity between two images. LPIPS essentially computes the similarity between the activations of two image patches for some pre-defined network. This measure has been shown to match human perseption well. A low LPIPS score means that image patches are perceptual similar.
mmd Maximum mean discrepancy Maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) is a kernel based statistical test used to determine whether given two distribution are the same which is proposed in [1]. MMD can be used as a loss/cost function in various machine learning algorithms such as density estimation, generative models, and also in invertible neural networks utilized in inverse problems. As opposed to generative adversarial networks (GANs) which require a solution to a complex min-max optimization problem, MMD criteria can be used as simpler discriminator.
c2st Classifier Two-Sample Tests This test estimates if a target is predictable from features by comparing the loss of a classifier learning the true target with the distribution of losses of classifiers learning a random target with the same average.The null hypothesis is that the target is independent of the features - therefore the loss a classifier learning to predict the target should not be different from the one of a classifier learning independent, random noise.
iou Intersection over Union IoU metric in object detection evaluates the degree of overlap between the ground(gt) truth and prediction(pd). IoU is defined as follows area of intersection divided by area of union between ground-truth and predicted box.
bleu Bilingual evaluation understudy Bilingual evaluation understudy is an algorithm for evaluating the quality of text which has been machine-translated from one natural language to another. Quality is considered to be the correspondence between a machine's output and that of a human: "the closer a machine translation is to a professional human translation
wer Word error rate Word error rate (WER) is a common metric of the performance of speech recognition or machine translation system.The general difficulty of measuring performance lies in the fact that the recognized word sequence can have a different length from the reference word sequence (supposedly the correct one).
meteor Meteor Meteor evaluates a translation by computing a score based on explicit word-to-word matches between the translation and a given reference translation. If more than one reference translation is available, the translation is scored against each reference independently, and the best scoring pair is used
rouge Rouge ROUGE, or Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation, is a set of metrics and a software package used for evaluating automatic summarization and machine translation software in natural language processing. The metrics compare an automatically produced summary or translation against a reference or a set of references (human-produced) summary or translation.
kappa Kappa The kappa statistic compares the observed accuracy to an expected accuracy or the accuracy expected from random chance. One of the flaws of pure accuracy is that if a class is imbalanced then making predictions at random could give a high accuracy score. Kappa accounts for this by comparing the model accuracy to the expected accuracy based on the number of instances in each class.
mcc Matthews Correlation Coefficient The MCC is essentially a correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted classifications. As with any correlation coefficient, its value will lie between -1.0 and +1.0. A value of +1 would indicate a perfect model.
ap Average Precision Average precision is the area under the PR curve. AP summarizes the PR Curve to one scalar value. Average precision is high when both precision and recall are high, and low when either of them is low across a range of confidence threshold values. The range for AP is between 0 to 1.
map Mean Average Precision The mean Average Precision or mAP score is calculated by taking the mean AP over all classes and/or overall IoU thresholds, depending on different detection challenges that exist
cer Character Error Rate CER calculation is based on the concept of Levenshtein distance, where we count the minimum number of character-level operations required to transform the ground truth text (aka reference text) into the OCR output.
ar Average Recall Average Recall is the recall averaged over all IoU ∈ [0.5,1.0] and can be computed as two times the area under the recall-IoU curve
mrr Mean Reciprocal Rank Evaluate the responses retrieved given their probability of being correct. Used heavily in all information-retrieval tasks, including article search and e-commerce search.
mape Mean Absolute Percentage Error MAPE is a measure of prediction accuracy of a forecasting method in statistics. It usually expresses the accuracy as a ratio.
perplexity Perplexity is a measurement of how well a probability distribution or probability modelpredicts a sample. It may be used to compare probability models. A low perplexity indicates the probability distribution is good at predicting the sample.

Also include the requirement.txt file in the submission with the required version of the library mentioned in it.